US surgeon general declares new BOGUS public health crisis

News & Politics

The left loves to slap the term “public health crisis” on things like climate change because it paves the way for government overreach and the erosion of our freedoms.

Yesterday, U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy formally declared gun violence as a public health crisis and called for a ban on assault weapons and civilian use of large capacity magazines.

EVERYTHING Is A Public Health Crisis Now! This Time It’s Guns!

Murthy also attests that “gun violence is the leading cause of death for children and adolescents ages one to nineteen,” which is simply “not true,” says Sara Gonzales.

“That in itself should disqualify anything that he’s going to say on the subject because that is a lie,” adds Rippaverse Comics’ Eric July. “The fact that people keep pedaling that stuff and it goes unchecked blows my freaking mind.”

According to July, this gun violence public health crisis nonsense means one thing: “What they’re gonna do is punish free people … people who have used no aggression on anybody and have not committed any actual crimes.”

Sara agrees and makes a fantastic point: “If they were actually serious about gun violence, they would do something to clean up the streets of Chicago,” “they wouldn’t be releasing violent criminals into the streets,” and they “would probably do something about the cartels coming in and out of our country.”

But the point, of course, isn’t protecting Americans from gun violence. The point is control.

Jaco Booyens points to New York City as a prime example — Currently in NYC, if someone commits a “sexual offense … to a disabled person,” they will “walk the same day.”

“Don’t come to me with your want to fight violence,” Booyens says. “This is about taking power away from good American citizens to silence them into submission so Big Daddy Government can rule and rob your life from you.”

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