Trump Called Mom of Girl Brutally Killed by Illegals Minutes Before Debate

The mother of a young girl horrifically tortured and murdered by illegal aliens was stunned to receive a phone call of condolence from Donald Trump just before he walked out onto the presidential debate stage Thursday.


While Joe Biden and his administration continue to encourage a border crisis that brings ever more violent criminals and potential terrorists into the country, Trump has emphasized his record of border security. But Trump is also much more likely than Biden to go out of his way to empathize with victims of tragedy, and that was clear when he called Jocelyn Nungaray’s mother Alexis about 10 minutes before a major presidential debate, according to the New York Post.

Victoria Galvan, Alexis Nungaray’s best friend and witness to the call, told the Post what happened. “He was like, ‘I’m actually about to come on for a debate’ … He gave his condolences, and he said that he would be reaching back out to her,” Galvan explained. She added that Trump “wanted to … say that he was praying for Alexis and that he’s been thinking about her and he wanted to reach out. He said that he was going to reach out in a couple days to her … I mean, she was really … we were all shocked.” When the phone call was over, Victoria and Alexis talked about how young Jocelyn would have been so astonished at President Trump’s empathetic interest in her tragic story.


Jocelyn’s killers were released by the Biden administration’s federal authorities this year after crossing the border illegally. Thanks to Biden, the two illegal aliens from Venezuela were able to torture Jocelyn for two hours before killing her and dumping her half-naked body in a bayou.

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Trump mentioned his conversation with Jocelyn’s mother, though without stating a name, during the CNN presidential debate. “I just spoke to the mother and they just had the funeral for this girl, 12-years-old, this is horrible what’s taken place,” Trump said.

Biden, meanwhile, falsely asserted during the debate that no U.S. soldiers died under his administration, completely ignoring the U.S. military victims of terrorism in Kabul during his disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal. He would also no doubt like everyone to forget that Jocelyn’s killers were released into the country by federal authorities. In fact, Biden lied during the debate about being endorsed by the Border Patrol (he wasn’t)! The Democrats in charge of the country now couldn’t care less how many Americans suffer from their policies as long as they continue to be rich and powerful.


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With the enormous flood of millions of illegal aliens pouring into the country and many hundreds of thousands more being flown into the U.S. directly by the Biden administration, effective vetting is essentially impossible. That is a choice the Biden administration has made, and it has blood on its hands for the innocent Americans like Jocelyn Nungaray who died excruciating deaths so that Democrats could bring in more voters for their catastrophic policies.

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