Feinstein Blasts Tara Reade: ‘Where Has She Been All These Years?’

Sen. Dianne Feinstein speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., October 4, 2018. (Yuri Gripas/Reuters)

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D., Calif.) on Thursday attacked former Joe Biden staffer Tara Reade, who alleges she was sexually assaulted by Biden in the spring of 1993.

Feinstein said the allegations were “totally different” than those against Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh.

“Kavanaugh was under the harshest inspection that we give people over a substantial period of time,” Feinstein told CNN on Thursday. “And I don’t know this person at all [Reade] who has made the allegations [against Biden]. She came out of nowhere. Where has she been all these years? He was vice president.”

Christine Blasey Ford, Kavanaugh’s accuser, claimed that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in 1982, an allegation that was known by Feinstein’s office before it was publicly reported in September 2018. Feinstein later denied that she or anyone in her office had withheld Ford’s allegation for political purposes or had leaked the allegation to the press.

Reade, meanwhile, called on Biden to drop out of the presidential race in an interview with Megyn Kelly released Thursday.

“I want to say: You were there, Joe Biden. Please, step forward and be held accountable. You should not be running on character for the president of the United States,” Reade said.

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Zachary Evans is a news writer for National Review Online. He is a veteran of the Israeli Defense Forces and a trained violist.

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1 Comment

  1. I just wanna say Feinstein oh boy oh boy, that’s rich coming out of her mouth considering she was by definition the orchestrator of the attempted take down of Kavanaugh. She solicited Blasey/Fords info & sat on it til the right moment then leaked it to the press. The difference between her & Reade is that Reade actually followed protocol for such an incident after it happened by telling family, friends & workmate that can vouch for her. Then also it can’t be denied her Momz called that news station pleading for help bc obviously Reade was afraid of reprisal even then. Blasey Ford didn’t have any of the above. Came out of the woodwork with what all involved including her family, friends & coworkers called total bxllshxt & her supposed testimony witnesses said they’ve no idea what she was even talking about. Also free he was confirmed you seen Feinstein’s eyes all watery? That’s bc she just got the ass chewing of her life over it. Bc guess what? He’s now on the Supreme Court & could in effect effect future votes as a direct result of her stupidity. I think the Dems knew it was all bs but was too late to back out of supporting the issue bc they’d already leaked it to the press & it spread like wildfire!

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