Portland Rioters Smash Into Mayor’s Condo Building, Try To Set It Ablaze


As calls for vichy Portland “mayor” Ted Wheeler to resign increase, the rioters have once again taken to causing a scene out front of his condo in the ritzy Pearl District. This time they smashed out the windows and tried to set the place on fire. Evidently this was the mayor’s birthday, and this was the party antifa threw for him.

Turns out the fire was set in doctor’s office on the first floor of the building, which happens to be minority owned.

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The terrorists eventually settled on lighting another picnic table on fire in the street. Because lighting enough picnic tables on fire will somehow put an end to police brutality.

Portland Protest

Protesters have gathered outside Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler’s home in Northwest Portland tonight to “celebrate” his birthday. bit.ly/2EAezc5

Posted by KATU News on Monday, August 31, 2020

Since it’s at the mayor’s house, *SOMEONE* ordered the police to rush in and put an end to the party. One riot cop comes storming in, tackles a non gender specified particular individual to the ground, and starts wailing away after the rioter flips the cop’s helmet off his head.

This was the 95 consecutive night of “protests” in Portland.

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  1. To the Officers in Blue ~ Great job , but more right hooks are badly needed~ Pound em senseless, it may pound some sense in their tiny brain~ Thank You and God Bless our Men and Women in Blue~

  2. Personally, I think incendiaries should be used to light up quite a few of these commies. We could save on the street light bills. God (libs hate that) bless our President, Military, and American hero Police.

  3. Well those “peaceful Protesters” all did it because of Trump supporters like me. We were behind them, just like George Soros, and paid them a lot of money to come from all over the United States, to go and attempt to burn down the buildings, to rape, kill, destroy, arson, and create mayhem. And we all did it so that Trump would lose the election in 2020. We strongly support Trump by trying to get Biden elected!

    Farging leftist morons! Those are the lies you tell yourself because of political expedience. You are all insane lemmings dancing like puppets on a string to Nancy Peelosi, Maxine Waters, George Soros, BLM, and every other organization that wishes to destroy America. Do it so poor Nancy PEElosi can stay as Speaker of the House. Keep these moronic OLD people in power. They are fully aware Biden is senile and they could care less. Just get him elected so they can hang on to their jobs by their fingernails. Without you they are out of a job. And you are far too dumb to realize that is what this is all about. Keeping old geriatric, democrat crud in office. It never entered your mind? That should show you just how much of a lemming you are!

  4. Is there ANY WAY to “Jam” or otherwise interrupt cell phone cameras? I have often wondered just how “Brave” these idiots would be if their friends cold not film, and thus intimidate, otherwise innocent or uninvolved people who just happen to get caught up in the unlawful acts of these savage animals…

  5. I don’t get it. The cops say they’re pissed off because the mayors and governors aren’t supporting them, but then they rush to the defense of the mayor who’s siding with the protesters when the mayor calls on them to protect him from…. the protesters! Can anybody make this stuff up? If you or I called the cops to protect US – and we pay their salaries – they’d stand aside, or make a half-hearted effort then whine about being ‘overwhelmed’ while waiting for the opportune moment to jump in and bust us for defending ourselves. As far as I’m concerned, the police are pretty much using the unrest as an excuse to protect the thugs while turning the thugs into cover for the cops’ own desire to beat down weaker, normal citizens who stand up to actual wrongdoers. I don’t trust the police any more, and they’re looking worse to me every day. Maybe we do need to replace them. They pick on honest white people WAY more than they pick on blacks and white rioters who use them as an excuse to spread mayhem. So I think the heck with the cops. If it comes down to an ugly choice, I’m going to side with the rioters. The police will be much more likely to leave me alone and go looking for easier prey, like jaywalking white kids, to arrest and prosecute. In the meantime, maybe I’ll be able to score some free bling from looting, which is better than scoring jail time from a bully in blue who’s displeased that I’m not allowing my home and family to be burned to death by some “peaceful protesters”.

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