REPORT: So Many People Are Fleeing California They May Lose A House Seat And Electoral College Vote


The exodus out of California is real. People are fleeing the state in droves for greener pastures in Arizona, Texas and other low tax states.

For years, many people were willing to put up with the high taxes in California but the COVID lockdowns, combined with Governor Gavin Newsom’s policies, are driving people away.

For the first time, the population is shrinking so much that they may lose some representation.

The Washington Examiner reports:

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Californians flee state in numbers so great it is projected to lose House seat and electoral vote for first time

An exodus sparked by high taxes, coronavirus lockdowns, and regulations has driven California’s population growth rate to a record low, which is projected to cost the state a seat in Congress and an electoral vote.

“This is a real sea change in California, which used to be this state of pretty robust population growth,” said Hans Johnson, a demographer at the Public Policy Institute of California, regarding the net migration loss, which has now occurred three years in a row. “It hasn’t been for some time now. But it’s now gotten to the point where the state is essentially not growing population-wise at all.”

According to a population estimate this week, 135,600 more people fled the Golden State than moved there, which marks only the 12th time since 1900 that the state saw a net migration loss. It is the third-largest drop recorded.

Johnson added that the population decrease could cause the state to lose a seat in Congress as well as an Electoral College vote for the first time. The state did not gain any seats following the 2010 census, which was also a first.

Gavin Newsom has been a terrible governor. This is proof.

Is there any wonder why Gavin Newsom is facing a recall effort?

Cross posted from American Lookout.

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  1. I sure hope those that are leaving remember why they left and don’t vote like they did in Calif. and screw up the state they are in now. Some people just forget how that state got screwed up, they elected these people for years. All dem run cities and states have the same problems.

    1. Don’t bet the farm on that. The transplants to Oregon, Washington, Colorado, and Nevada have already ruined those states. If this keeps up Arizona and Texas will follow.

      1. AZ has already felt the effect of the mass exodus from CA! I came here to get away from it, but it followed me. All the bad politics, rude drivers etc. And it happened in less than 5 years. Where to next? Idaho? Probably too late there too.

    2. And that is just it. They are leaving California because they are upset for whatever reasons and move to another state. And it is not to long before they turn that state into the mirror image of the state they just left.

    3. Mike
      Your comment is dead on, but look no further than Colorado to see what California transplants did there . I mean Magpul – Magpul had to leave the state because of what the outsiders did to the politics. Good luck to you all in Texas

    4. Seriously! New arrivals should be told in the harshest terms that Texas and Arizona reject those disastrous demands for social welfare programs.

    5. I will never forget back in 1978 when I was taking care of a patient who had moved to Dallas from up north. Asked him why they moved down to TX and it was no jobs up there. He then proceeded to tell me how they did things better up where he came from. I asked “you mean that place you left because they ran off all the business?”
      He quit talking at that point after I said we like it here they way it is and that is why things are working so well.
      Move that up to today, and think half those transplants are intentionally moving here just to change us. Look at the 12 new gun control bills pre-submitted for the January session.
      Only gun control bill needed is for training on how to aim and hit what your aiming at and controlling weapon effectively to maintain reloads and lead on target.

    1. They already have proposed it. If someone who makes I believe over $400k per year leaves California, then they will be on the hook for California state taxes for 10 years after they leave.

  2. These people just do not learn. In the early 2000s it was Grey Davis and his energy policies – and a recall. Now it’s Newsom – and a recall. Perhaps if the voters there once, just once, hired someone with brains this would not be an issue.

    1. Why did you skip over Brown, another idiot? Though he was never recalled, he was a disaster. CA deserves whatever they get because they have courted Liberal desires since the 1950’s. I was born there 70 years ago, and am so glad I got out in 1978.

  3. California has always had Rotten Democratic Governors.
    They don’t know how to govern a State. Their motto is Federal Welfare Programs. Higher taxes, more Regulation. Newsome, Jerry Brown and his-
    Dad The Late Former Governor Brown. We’re rotten Governor’s. The Best-
    Governor was The Late Former Governor Ronald Reagan. Who became our-
    40th United States President. He was Re Elected Governor Twice. Of –
    California. Re Elected President of The United States twice. Republicans know how to Govern a State. Less Government Spending, Lower Taxes, Less

  4. Isn’t that what ILLEGALS are for! You have to love the concept, they are taking back their land, without going to war. We should give COMMIFORNIA back to Mexico, that would solve A LOT of problems.

  5. If they don’t count all of the illegals there – which they certainly should not, they might lose 2 or even 3 of the seats they have. Call me a ‘racist’ if ya want to but there are illegals here that are not any shade of ‘brown’ – if they are here illegally they are criminals. Do we count people in prison as ‘residents? Asking for a friend.

  6. Montana has started to die with the heavy amount of incoming californians screwing things up. My town is limiting the size of your house lot. A normal size lot in california here has to have 4 dwellings on it. An 800 square foot house takes up 2/3’s of the lot.

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