John Kerry May As Well Have Told Laid Off Keystone XL Pipeline Workers to Learn Chinese

News & Politics

The United States invented solar panel technology and dominated its manufacture for decades. But we don’t anymore. China surpassed the United States several years ago and now manufactures somewhere between 50 to 73% of all the world’s solar panels. The actual percentage fluctuates and can be difficult to pin down. For the sake of argument, let’s go with the 60% cited by this Al Jazeera piece.

Yet seven of the world’s top 11 solar panel manufacturers are now in mainland China. Canadian Solar, one of the remaining four, is named for where it’s headquartered but does most of its manufacturing in China. Chinese companies account for around 60 percent of total annual solar cell manufacturing capacity globally.

There’s also the energy consumed manufacturing solar panels, and the petroleum-based products that must exist — plastics for multiple uses — for solar panels to be able to be made. And the energy used to mine the minerals and move the parts and assembled panels from manufacturer to market.

Then there’s this.

[S]ince 2008, photovoltaics manufacturing has moved from Europe, Japan, and the United States to China, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Taiwan; today nearly half the world’s photovoltaics are manufactured in China. As a result, although the overall track record for the industry is good, the countries that produce the most photovoltaics today typically do the worst job of protecting the environment and their workers.

Calling solar power “green” doesn’t necessarily make it so.

The United States does have a lot of oil and we do have proven methods for extracting it and refining it cheaply, reliably, and more cleanly than anyone else on the planet. Fossil fuels provide good jobs and fund education and other government priorities in many states. But in the name of so-called “green energy,” green czar John Kerry pretty much told displaced U.S. oil pipeline workers last week to pound sand (as long as there’s no oil in it), get retrained, or learn to speak Chinese.

“Make better choices,” he said dismissively of people who have spent years if not decades in one skill only to be told that the stroke of a pen by men who’ve never held real jobs has put them out of work.

“[T]hey can be the people to go to work to make the solar panels,” he said, without the first clue regarding the fact that the skills necessary to build pipelines are not analogous to the skills necessary to build solar panels. They’re entirely different trades. They require different training and certifications.

They also don’t pay the same amount at this point. Solar panel assembly and installation pays less on average than pipeline construction. Those pipeline workers will be starting over from zero, too, losing all the seniority they’ve built up.

So, sure, go make solar panels, plebes, and you’ll earn less and get to toss out your career success and start from scratch.

And most of the jobs in your new field are actually in China, because that’s where most of the world’s solar panels are made.

Brush up on your Mandarin, folks.

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  1. What a complete idiot. Mr. Kerry can go work at McDonalds
    or some other fast food as he has not experience in the
    real world of having a job.

  2. John Kerry is simply an un American ass wipe for the dictator of the United States. Our forefathers put in place the means to prevent this but it looks like it’s failing.

    Remember authority is only powerful if it is accepted. It is your choice – stand up for personal freedom and resist tyranny.

  3. I’ve never listened to anyone as stupid as Kerry. Fast boat Kerry is still lying because he’s just plain damn stupid. Take a pipe-line worker and put him/her into solar power technician? In your F’ing dreams you moron! And the worst part, not one of those media fools called him on his lies!

    1. Right on, I cant believe anybody voted for him! Now they say some have voter remorse!! Too late for that all you Bonehead Biden lovers!!

  4. Excuse me but isn’t that peckerhead in a federal building and didn’t this peckerhead president say that a mask must be worn in a federal building I want him terminated immediately

  5. I was in the Navy at the same time Kerry was in the military. Something he did back then left a bad impression to anyone who was in the military back then. He is an asshole is all I remember.

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