Trump Lawyer UNLOADS on CBS Anchor on Doctored Evidence After Democrats Lose Again

News & Politics

Trump defense lawyer Michael van der Veen appeared on CBSN after the impeachment trial ended on Saturday, and launched into anchor Lana Zak over her implication that his charges of House Democrats doctoring evidence were trivial. It belongs on an all-time list of media smackdowns. 

Zak started the interview with a typical CBS approach, drawing the lawyer’s attention to Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell’s dressing down of the former president as being responsible for the “insurrection.” Then Zak tried to claim that he had denied there was an “insurrection,” and then admitted there was. 

VAN DER VEEN: What happened at the Capitol on January 6th is absolutely horrific, but what happened at the Capitol during this trial was not too far away from that. The prosecutors in this case doctored evidence. They did not investigate this case, and when they had to come to the court, or the Senate, to put their case on, because they hadn’t done any investigation, they doctored evidence. It was absolutely shocking….

Zak then attempted to summarize, but made it sound like it was tiny faking around the edges: 

ZAK: To be clear for our viewers, what you’re talking about now is a checkmark that’s a verification on Twitter that did not exist on that particular tweet, a 2020 that should have actually read 2021, and the selective editing, you say, of the tapes. Is that how — is that the doctored evidence of what you’re speaking?

At that point, van der Veen lost his patience: “Wait, wait, wait, wait…that’s not enough for you? That’s not enough for you?” Zak claimed she was just dealing in facts: “I’m not a juror in this trial. I wanted to be clear for the viewers.”

VAN DER VEEN: It’s not okay to doctor a little bit of evidence. The media has to start telling the right story in this country. The media is trying to divide this country. You are bloodthirsty for ratings, and as such, you’re asking questions now that are already set up with a fact pattern. I can’t believe you would ask me a question indicating that it’s alright just to doctor a little bit of evidence. There’s more stuff we uncovered that they doctored, to be frank with you, and maybe that will come out someday.

Van der Veen said the media should try sticking to facts: 

The media should be looking at that in a square, straight way. When I watch one news, I watch one station and it’s raining. I watch another station at the same time and it’s sunny. Your coverage is so slanted. It’s gotta stop! You guys have to stop and start reporting more like PBS does, rather than a TV news show that doesn’t have any journalistic integrity at all. What I’m telling you is that they doctored evidence, and I believe your question says that it’s only a Twitter check here and changing a date there….

The media shouldn’t be letting them get away with it, either. I’m tired of the biased media on both sides, left and right. 

Before taking off his mic and concluding the interview, van der Veen said that “the media has to start living by the truth, and not try to create a narrative.”

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  1. They – the lame stream media – can’t handle the truth – or likely even recognize it even when it smacks them upside the head. They certainly won’t report it since it doesn’t fit their agenda.

    1. Way before the election I posted that the only way the Dem/Libs can beat President Trump is if they lie and cheat with the help of the biased media machine. And here we are and they the Left along with their biased media are still lying and cheating. The bad thing is that there doesn’t seem to be any accountability for these people who lie, cheat and doctor evidence. I’d like to see these people suffer for their criminal actions and attempts to undermine and hurt Donald Trump. I feel as an American citizen, a veteran and a patriot that I, my family and my friends have been cheated out of a secure and prosperous future by the unethical and illegal actions of the democratic and liberal parties.

      1. Eddy – most of us knew after the cheating (vote harvesting at the very least) last go round that they would pull out all of the stops this time. And they did. With the failure of multiple judges and various courts to even LOOK at the pile of evidence there was no legitimate way that you or I as plain old ordinary people stood a chance of OUR votes being legitimately counted. IOW the cheating got ‘validated’ by that lack of consideration. What recourse do we have when the highest court does not do its sworn duty? I guess that we will have to see how far the illegal ‘government’ is willing to push us.

  2. There is nothing so disturbing to a opinion as a fact!!!!!!!!!! For the most part some media put their on spin on a report which is their opinion. It is almost impossible to great the straight facts today. If the media wants to “win” report the facts or nothing. If they can’t get the facts then don’t report. Report it as it is and leave out the opinions.

    1. That’s how it used to be!!! Not even a smirk on the anchor or reporter to indicate a biased opinion. That was not too long ago!!!….Sad how America is being shut down….🤨

  3. I agree all this news shit that is false and only to raise their ratings is BS . There has never been a President in this country ever treated as this one has been !! Now look what you have done with cheating and getting Biden in , Jobs are being taken away and the unemployment rate is flying sky high. people having to go to food banks , others loosing their places to live can’t pay rent. Hope all you idiots who voted in Biden and this mess are happy , Gas is up 18% too. Impeach these democrats all the way down from president to Pelose.

    1. True! From before the election the Dems did not want Pres. Trump. Dems refused him as their Pres. Caused terrible things for Pres. Trump AND his family!!! It’s ALL HATE…..

      1. And I believe that the Dems invented the virus as that was the only way they had any chance of defeating Trump they could care less if millions of people died from the virus as I learned long ago in grade school that in communism the end always justifies the means

  4. The truth does not sell advertisement space required to make money, pay salaries, keep their business up and running. It is not a news information service for the people, it is a business like any other that will promote and sell any product that makes money. Facts and the truth do not matter, money does.

  5. What was really stunning to me was to hear the full extent of Trumps Charlottesville speech in Trumps lawyers deposition. What a difference an unedited video shows. He clearly does call out White Supremacists right from the start whatever the media says. I would still like to hear an account of what took place between President Trump’s first hearing about the riot and his first tweet. What action did he take and when? We all need to know so that the record is put straight. The lawyers skirted round this question.

  6. FAKE news should be fined for blatantly LYING and manipulating the public.

    It’s like talking to a 6 year old that thinks they are smarter than everyone else and can actually get away with lying – no one OR very few people are falling for this BS. It’s absolutely ridiculous.

    What is REALLY going on?!?!?!?!?!

    I hate being lied to and these lies are destroying any chance for me and many others to EVER trust the media OR our government.

  7. Big tech and most networks are criminals they are bais and are not accrate news in fact when it comes to politics they are totaly unrelieable.

  8. arms it’s not “former” president. when deciding what the leader of America would be called it was decided “President ” while in office and after leaving office it’s “President”. not former, not used to be, always simply “President”.

  9. Fake news at it’s utmost hypocrisy! Lana Zax is the epidemy of fake news! How these idiot so called journalist keep their jobs. They all need to be fired!

  10. If an impeachment trial cannot be conducted to the same standards as common criminal trials we have the worst of the swamp in the legislature and the media, scum and alligator pee. Some of us were accused of drinking the “kool-aid” but many more are hungover on swamp water. It has to be quadrupled distilled to make it palatable.

  11. I believe President Trump (and he has earned the right to be addressed as President for life just as all the rest of the past President’s) has lost so many private lawyers because of the Democrats threaten the attorney’s lives, property and families. I think the Dems take this stance because they knew if a private attorney was privy to the way they do business in this type of setting their secretive illegal ways would become public! I don’t know what or how to get “We the People” activated but we need to get organized and take back OUR UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

    1. I agree 100%!!! Tell it exactly as it is !!! America belongs to the people !! It seems almost all these politicians have forgotten that they work for US, WE THE PEOPLE !!! They took the oath to uphold the Constitution. If they don’t, they are traitors to this country !!!

    2. the states need to hold a constitutional convention. with a majority the states cann take back almost allthe power that congress took from us we the people. but noone wants to gather the states toogether. the dnc and soros has lawyrs going to all the states assemblies telling themits unconstitutional to hold a convention and they are either believing that bs or they want the power arrangement to stay the wauy it is. but we could underthe convention with a majority stop these lifer politicians, stop the sending billions to overseas countries that hate us, stop these lifers from skirting the laws and becoming filthy rich off of taxpayersmoney. we can stop the assaults on 1st and 2nd amendments.we can dictate to washington exactly what the rules they can goovern by instead iof them dictating to us what rules we ae to live by. you wouldbe surprised at the powerwe the people would have in the constitutional convention.

  12. Firstly we have very few journalistic news reporters today. We have 99% of MSM who favor their personal opinions over facts. Not sure who said it but there is a quote “never let facts get in the way of a good story”. It was a story in a New York newspaper written to increase circulation that started the Spanish American War fought in Cuba. Look it up, the facts are there don’t take my word.
    It’s all about the ratings and circulation.
    Secondly, they use canned pieces sent out from single sources spread across the network. You can tell as they read darn near identical stories down to using same words and tag lines. These stations don’t have reporters or even news writers creating the story just for their station to print or air any longer.
    Thirdly their open bias in their opinion pieces is so overwhelmingly obvious it is ridiculous, yet people believe them since they claim to be reporting the facts. When the “fact” checkers are as biased as the reporters who use them you have propaganda pieces coming out. Just finished watching series on WWII and Hitler’s use of propaganda. It was very scary the simularities from that documentry to what has been happening over last few years with 2 impeachment hearings and all the dreg the MSM and left have been dragging up and putting out for legitimate reporting.

  13. Fact the democrats lied, doctor evidence, edited videos leaving out the context etc.. This should sum it up for you the democrats who god knows why think they have the moral high ground. Trey Gowdy said this and every single prosecutor and judge in America would agree with him. If the democrats that put on that so called trial in the senate. Tried to do this in “any” court room in America they would not only lose their jobs they would be arrested and charged with multiple felonies. Then for the media and the celebrities to act like this was wrong is disgusting i understand most celebrities do not even have a high school diploma. This is a quote from one of the democrats making a case for impeachment “We did not prove Trump committed incitement” and then said “We don’t have to ” Um yes you do ! The whole point the democrats used to bring impeachment charges against Trump was for incitement. Lets be clear you can not bring any president you don’t like to the senate for impeachment just because you don’t like him he actually has to have committed a crime. The moment this democrat said they did “not” make their case for incitement it was like a flash back to the last impeachment. Those of you who want the law and the rules to mean something in this country in both of these cases everyone wonder how congress voted for impeachment when it both cases they admitted they did not have any proof a crime ! You want to be upset with someone be upset with everyone who voted for impeachment on a edited video which you can all see and hear Trump say to his supporters to act peaceful. I loved the montage of the democrats from their incitement telling people to get right in the faces of politicians. Schumer threatening supreme court judges Maxine waters and rep Cynthia Johnston and Maria Chappell Nadal for calling for the assassination of both president Trump and Vice president Mike Pence. they are all still under investigation for these remarks. then we have Omar Ilhan whose racist comments no doubt pushed the hate group over the edge and innocent Americans were killed for just being Jewish. They was way more some of them are not criminal or up to the level of incitement other are. The bottom line is everyone of them was way worse than Trumps mostly because Trumps speech was not hateful and nasty he just told his follower to let them know you are not happy with the results in a peaceful protest. The irony between the deaths that happen because of Omar, the deaths that happened because of Maxine Waters yes did you forget the shooting at the softball game the media did. The majority of the democratic party Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Adam Schiff raising bail money for the dozens of violent riots we suffered thru and people died. They are accomplices as far as I am concerned anyone who lost a love in those riots should name them on the suit. The media covered up the democrats riots who remembers that reporter saying this was a peaceful protest while the building behind him burnt down ?? Billions in damage, people assaulted, people killed and these democrats applauded them and bail them out. What about Portland they took over a federal building a police station because the democrat mayor and governor order the police to stand down WTF ! If Trump supporters tried to take over a police station they would get shot and killed like at the capital. Funny how they leave out those killed were unarmed i guess that only matters if your and ex-convict and a minority. These are facts the democrats and the media is trying to say they are bringing the country together while doing everything they can to drive it apart. In Portland they blocked off the streets and patrolled them with automatic rifles on wait these were peaceful automatic rifles. We saw families call the police when these roaming riots would enter peoples yards and the police would say we are not coming. funny the moment they are in danger out with the non-lethal weapons and shoot to kill. Who remembers the husband and wife who were being threatened at their own home i don’t know if it was Antifa, BLM or just plain criminals. They called the police and were told the police were not coming so they got their guns. the husband stood in the driveway with his rifle and the wife with her pistol. The rioters moved on knowing that in order to rob these people they had to worry because they would fight back. The couple did not break any laws, they did not fire their weapons, the couple had license’s for these weapons. What did the prosecutor say the next day she and her staff are going to see if there is anything they could charge them with WTF ! Like I said no laws were broken they couldn’t find anything to charge them with but.. This prosecutor issued a warrant for the husbands rifle they came in the middle of the night armed to the teeth and took his rifle away. This was illegal and he finally got his rifle back he has something in common with Trump and illegal warrant was used to enter his home and to seize his gun. Do you know why she did it to see if this gun had been used in any crimes. Three quick things then i will let you go one they had no legal right to take his rifle to just go fishing for the possibility of a crime. Two there were two weapons there why not check them both probably because the husband is the one who told the news that this prosecutor did not know her job and should be fired. This made it personal and again it is illegal to use the D/A’s office to threaten or intimidate people you don’t like. 3rd the funny thing is all they had to do is ask both the husband and wife said if they ask to check out their weapons they would have gladly handed them over to them. Note: This would have save tens of thousands in tax payer money but as you know they don’t care how much of our money they will spend. I am hoping the democrats keep doing dumb things like this so far polls taken in democratic controlled states show people who voted democrat after hearing about the Ukraine, China and the lap top said they would not have voted for him The fact that every financial expert has come out and said the democrats plan is unsustainable and will cost the country $7 trillion more to our debt, increase inflation and raise unemployment to record highs. The fact is the majority of the democratic party voters did not find this out until after they voted. Now this 2022 is right around the corner the republicans are going to gain full control of congress and the senate so they can stop some of this economic suicide the democrats are committing while selling out all your jobs to China !

  14. That look on her face says all you need to know about her and the media, it’s condescending and every member of the media has the same look when they are called out, they are just like democrats as they believe they are better than those of us who don’t share their views or opinions.
    Like I always say, karma has a way of evening the score and she will find them sooner or later and she is a vengeful beech…..

  15. You are right Renee. We are getting to the point where we the citizens of our great nation must finally say enough is enough.
    The condition of our government is disgusting. If Biden actually won so be it,
    But everyone even Dims know damn well he did not. The line in the sand is beginning to be drawn. The question is when do we have enough.

  16. I is becoming more and more obvious that the mainstream media is hungry for power and control over the people of this nation. They have no morals. They have no integrity. They have no idea as to what truth looks and sounds like. It is what they say it is. That is why they are not to be believed. When you think for yourself and search for truth it becomes obvious that we do not have a press that is free. I don’t trust ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NPR or MSNBC. Ever. If I watch the news – which is less and less now – I watch Fox News (limited to Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin, Judge Jeanine, Steve Hilton, and Jessie Watters). I have no time for the rest.

  17. The news media is actually the BS media they have their own agenda and it has no relationship to the actual news. They are the same as the ELITE DEMOCRATIC PARTY LEADERSHIP, Very biased, concerned only about self interest, power and money. The TRUTH does not fit into their agenda nor the well being of our country and its people. The BS ( news ) media is only concerned about ratings that equates to money regardless what the truth is and the Democratic party leadership is only concerned about their power and money. So the swamp continues as normal with self interest and Foreign countries of more value to them then our country and its people. It is time the news media started reporting the news truthfully with no personal agenda or bias and it is time the Senate and House of Representatives have TERM LIMITES and stop the ELITE CAREER POLITICIANS before the completely ruin our country and our way of life.

  18. The media, like so many democrats, no longer recognize fact or objective truth. They live in an alternate reality that has been built on a foundation of lies that they’ve told each other about Republicans and conservatives for decades. It is an echo chamber that reinforces a carefully crafted caricature they’ve created for almost 60 years, especially in academia, from where most these so-called journalists emerge.

    These lies have become so engrained on the Left, it has also created a preconceived prejudice that clouds everything they see or hear from Republicans. This became especially evident with Trump, where language was no longer about intent, but rather interpretation. It didn’t matter what Trump said or did—only how those in media interpreted the event, based on their preconceived prejudice. From Charlottesville, to the MS13 “animals” comment, to even a phone conversation, the media deliberately took words and events out of context to fit their narrative and advance their agenda. Intent no longer mattered.

    You see the same tactic in the media’s application of “Dog Whistles,” as they try to attribute racial connotations and hidden-meaning to various words spoken by Republicans. It isn’t a coincidence that only those on the Left hear these dog whistles; it is a result of projection and their own preconceived prejudices, not just for Republicans, but also how they think about words in relation to race.

  19. Main Stream Media is a misnomer. There is nothing mainstream about them We all need to start calling them what they are..The Propaganda Arm of the Democratic Socialist Party.

    1. Plain and simple … the Demoncrats are not doing the job they were elected to do for the American people. The Demoncrats and the media need to learn the lesson that the United States of America is not for sale at any price !!

  20. I have three words for you: Convention of States! This is about the only way to put a stop to all this. Pressure your state legislature to get on board! Call them, right them, talk to them…..OFTEN and don’t
    Let up or prepare for a civil war if we still have the guts to do this. Fight like hell to keep your guns and ammo.
    As far as the main media goes: do not watch, let them know you will not watch this circus any longer; let their sponsors know as well and DON’T let up. If the money is the driver, cut off your spending on advertised products and let them know that you are doing it. Continue to stay on their asses about telling the truth. No more Fakebook, Twitter or any big tech media. They don’t deserve your business or money. Cash talks and BS walks!

  21. He shouldn’t be praising PBS. They’re still part of mainstream media with some of the foul trash that has come out from them.

    But yes, there should be LAWS about the press LYING or WITHHOLDING facts unless they’re being told to do so due to an ongoing investigation. Otherwise, they should be held legally responsible if they choose to hide the facts and not report on them.

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