CNN’s Zakaria: I’m Not Saying Republicans ARE Nazis, But Are LIKE Nazis

News & Politics

To kick off Sunday’s Global Public Square, CNN host Fareed Zakaria, praised a “brilliant scholarly work” comparing British and German conservative parties in the early 20th century. The point was to suggest that America was on its way to emulate Germany with the modern Republican Party and News Corp. owner Rupert Murdoch marching to create a new Nazi Party to destroy our democracy.

But fear not, Zakaria reassured would-be critics he wasn’t saying Republicans WERE Nazis. He was only saying they’re LIKE Nazis. He said this while the chyron said “Republicans need an exorcism.”

Opining about how British conservatism was able to “discipline its extremists,” Zakaria praised “The Tori Party, strong and hierarchical, was eventually able to tamp down these factions and stabilize British democracy.”

From there, he suggested America was headed in the direction of Nazi Germany and tried to draw a comparison between immigrant Rupert Murdoch and an early Nazi sympathizer in the German media:

In Germany, by contrast, the main conservative party was weak and disorganized, dependent on outside groups for help. This provided an opening for a sort of early incarceration of Rupert Murdoch, the nationalist Alfred Hugenberg, who used his media empire and business connections to seize control of the party and tried to drive it to the right. The infighting sapped the strength of its party and many of its voters began to flock to far-right alternatives like the Nazi Party. Hugenberg allied with Hitler, thinking this would be a way to decidedly take control of the conservative movement.

The rest, of course, is history.

CNN pit boss Jeff Zucker must have loved that disgraceful comparison since it took a below-the-belt shot at Fox News and other popular News Corp. properties.

I am not making a comparison between extreme Republicans and Nazis,” Zakaria hollowly tried to defend his ridiculous comments. “I am making the argument that when parties lose the ability to police their extremists, bad things happen not just to the party but also to democracy itself.”

Zakaria immediately blew apart his own defense when he tried to assert that the Republican Party was full of dangerous people:

Already, much of today’s Republican Party has been permeated by extremism. According to a recent American Enterprise Institute survey, 56 percent of Republicans believe “the traditional American way of life is disappearing so fast that we may have to use force to save it.” 39 percent backed and even stronger statement. “If elected leaders will not protect America, the people must do it themselves even if it requires taking violent actions.”

These are not views compatible with democracy,” he proclaimed.

But in the course of his ranting, Zakaria betrayed his own disgust for democracy and the will of the governed. After smearing the Tea Party as “radicals,” be lamented how “We are moving into a world where democracies have fewer and fewer gatekeepers” like the legacy media and backroom political deals.

Once upon a time, they picked the presidential candidates to present to the public. Now primary voters, often more radical than party leaders, have usurped that key function,” he whined.

Of course, there was no mention of the fact the extremist wing of the Democratic Party was swiftly taking control. This is CNN.

Zakaria’s smear of Republicans and disdain for the voting public was made possible because of lucrative sponsorships from Cadillac and Dove. Their contact information is linked so you can tell them about the horrible content they fund.

The transcript is below, click “expand” to read:

CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS
February 21, 2021
10:02:55 a.m. Eastern

FAREED ZAKARIA: In a brilliant scholarly work, Conservative Parties and the Birth of Democracy, Harvard’s Daniel Ziblatt argues that Britain remained a democracy in the early 20th century while Germany veered into fascism, because the main conservative party in the U.K. was able to discipline its extremists.

For years before World War I, British conservatives faced a threat from anti-democratic elements of their party. Particularly, radicals in Northern Ireland. The Tori Party, strong and hierarchical, was eventually able to tamp down these factions and stabilize British democracy.

In Germany, by contrast, the main conservative party was weak and disorganized, dependent on outside groups for help. This provided an opening for a sort of early incarceration of Rupert Murdoch, the nationalist Alfred Hugenberg, who used his media empire and business connections to seize control of the party and tried to drive it to the right. The infighting sapped the strength of its party and many of its voters began to flock to far-right alternatives like the Nazi Party. Hugenberg allied with Hitler, thinking this would be a way to decidedly take control of the conservative movement.

The rest, of course, is history.

I am not making a comparison between extreme Republicans and Nazis. I am making the argument that when parties lose the ability to police their extremists, bad things happen not just to the party but also to democracy itself.

Already, much of today’s Republican Party has been permeated by extremism. According to a recent American Enterprise Institute survey, 56 percent of Republicans believe “the traditional American way of life is disappearing so fast that we may have to use force to save it.” 39 percent backed and even stronger statement. “If elected leaders will not protect America, the people must do it themselves even if it requires taking violent actions.”

These are not views compatible with democracy.

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  1. Why don’t you guys call them out on their bull crap? On national tv or when they’re out speaking sometimes, questioning them about it. Make them show their so called proof of all that they claim. If they can’t embarrass them then.

    1. Albert, you need to be MUCH MORE SPECIFIC in your writing. Who are the “guys,” who are you referencing when you say “they’re out speaking.” “Questioning them,” – who is “them,” etc., etc.

      I cannot tell if you are supporting CNN or criticizing CNN. Are you complaining about Republicans or complaining about those who complain about Republicans.

      To try and set the record correctly, Republicans are defenders of our democratic republic, unlike the fascists who formed and supported the Nazi party. Nazis are the antithesis, the opposite of Republicans. Democrats, on the other hand support fascists and fascist groups like ANTIFA, BLM, etc.

    2. why call them out? the couple of hundred people that watch his show would never believe truth and it would just be a waste of time.

    3. “Once upon a time, they picked the presidential candidates to present to the public. Now primary voters, often more radical than party leaders, have usurped that key function”…

      Once upon a time DC politicians PICKED the candidate that you were allowed to vote for…

      Apparently to Commies, that’s a good thing..

  2. They aren’t Nazis, they’re like Nazis – but I’m not making comparisons between them and the Nazis. This much doubletalk makes your opinion highly doubtful, Mr. Zakaria.

    And I read Mein Kampf shortly before the 2016 election. It reflected one of the campaigns being run at the time. That campaign was not Donald Trump’s.

    1. I read Mein Kampf also, you are correct. it was not Trump’s campaign. Or should i say, It was not like the Trump campaign but like the other campaign.

  3. What does that POS worthless camel jockey Muslim FAREED know…He needs to get back on his flying carpet & go back to whatever 3rd world desert he came from!

  4. If you think Free Republicans are Like the Nazi’s then what are the Socialist DEMONCRAT’S ???🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

    1. If you think Free Republicans are Like the Nazi’s then what are the Socialist DEMONCRAT’S ???🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲 Send that GODLESS MUSLIM BACK to the Desert so he can do Allah’s work on the Rest of the Camel 🐫Humpers

    2. According to Zakaria, democrats are like terrorists and seditionists. At the very least, they support groups that, by definition, are terrorists and seditionists. Democrats have named streets and plazas after BLM, contributing millions of dollars that are used to promote an openly Marxist agenda. This is also sedition, as described by 14th Amendment, section 3, of the Constitution—which specifically prohibits any public official from aiding any person or group advocating rebellion against the US government. This is a real impeachable offense, for which every democrat lending support should be removed from office and tried for treason.

  5. You can’t embarass a Democrat. They will either deflect you and not answer your question or simply lie to you as though you have no basis for disagreeing. The main problem for conservatives is that mass media continues to cover up and/or rationalize Democratic behavior — thereby not telling the truth about anything any of the Dems do. It appears that 90% of the “American Rescue Plan” bill has nothing to do with solving the Covid problem but everything to do with propping up Democratic local and state governments and essentially rewarding them for being bad money managers. Just search “” and read the official summary released by Biden. It white washes and/or ignores how the money will be spent. Shameless on all accounts!

    1. They do seem to lack ability of embarrassment just as they lack common sense. I’ve been searching history to find anything that the democrats have done that actually worked short of lying, cheating and stealing and could not find one thing they did that actually worked.

      1. So right! It’s really not about common sense, they consciously lack any semblance of irony and self awareness. They delight in accusing their enemies for what they themselves are doing and are unconcerned about their duplicity. Actually it’s a long held tactic of the Fascists and also described in Alinsky’s book Rules For Radicals”. They believe these techniques repeated frequently enough are as effective as the Nazis did. Along with their compliant press they believe enough people are convinced few enough people call them out. Biden can lie with a straight face and his “circle back” stooge dodges anything she likes. The press seldom call them out and even if they do it’s minimized in the media. We are in for a Biden term like nothing this country has ever endured especially since he will not complete it before an unelected VP takes over. Perhaps enough voters will notice this at the Senate mid-terms if we can get an honest election.

  6. That is so hilarious seeing how it is the democrat party who is acting exactly like the NAZIs did in 1930s Germany. The similarities are chilling. If this country doesn’t pull its collective head out of its ass our freedoms may very well be a thing of the past.

  7. This nitwit needs to go read a history book then look in the mirror as it is the democrats who are more like the Nazi’s in today’s America.
    Are republicans trying to squash free speech or any speech that doesn’t follow their views? Nope!!!
    Is it republicans that are censoring facts that don’t match their narrative? Nope!!!
    I could go on all day with the nonsense coming from liberals and the liberal media but I’m sure most get my point.

  8. I am not saying that CNN host Fareed Zakaria is an idiot, I’m saying if it walks like an idiot, talks like an idiot and writes like an idiot it could actually be an idiot!!

    Enjoy your freedoms while you are still free to exercise them, wait a minute, Joe Biden is issuing Mandates designed to take your rights away and they are now a memory from the past!

  9. When it comes to Democracy, Zakaria should stick to subjects that he is familiar with, because all he has to do is look in the mirror, and the reflection looking back at him would be Joesph Goebbels.
    When it gets to a point when a person starts to believe his own lies, it’s time to get help. And he needs help in the worst way.
    Any person who has an elementary knowledge of history, can see that there are too many similarities between Nazi tactics and rhetoric and the Dems tactics and rhetoric.
    As like the Nazis, the Democrats like to defer blame of their policies, to the Republicans. In other words, blowing smoke to cover their “agendas”, by blaming the other guys.
    People have to remember, when a person or group points an accusing finger at someone or some group; there are three fingers pointing back at the accuser.
    I’m sure Mr. Zakaria, in a reasonably intelligent man, but he’s one of those that dwell in the Washington swamp, where everything’s cloudy and surreal, where truth and reality is almost non-existent.
    Mr. Zakaria, needs to get out of Washington, take off his so-called rose colored glasses, take a vacation and experience what the truth really is, instead of the propaganda laced fog he sees and breathes now.

  10. The Democrat “leadership” appear Nazi-like.

    The Republicans are not stellar but not near the disgusting and
    dangerous activities of the Dems.

    michael zitterman

  11. Topical Democrat ploy,, blame a conservative for what they are or are doing. Send this moron back to the country he came from. Communist are not welcome in America any longer.

  12. Sorry Zakaria and CNN but you already messed up history. You started off well pointing out how the German conservative party was week. However you seem to miss the fact that Nazi’s were socialist! It is in the party name, The Nazi Party, officially the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.
    In addition which party and group are currently trying to silence the other side? Controlling media and what news or information is shared? Which party or group of supporters is doxing anyone that they feel isn’t toeing the line of their rants? Which party has had the most protest with the most riots? Again who is trying to silence their opposition?
    I don’t remember a cry from anyone to have television programmers drop CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC networks or organized calls to fire Cuomo or any left leaning reporters. But they sure want to silence Fox, OAN and any conservative leaning media outlet.
    If you want to look at the closest image of Nazi Germany in the US today look at the Democrat Socialist party and progressives. If you are curious why, review the history of Hitler and the rise of the Nazi party in Germany. Look at how they silenced their opposition, how they took over media, how they determined who was allowed to live where and eat where. The violence they used to get what they wanted. Then look at today, who has been calling for you to create a crowd or mob to harass people who work for or support a specific candidate they don’t like. Who is trying to silence the opposing views in media. Who has been protesting in streets on every occasion, cursing the opposition and spewing threats, doxing opponent’s sending their street addresses and work information to get them fired or protest and harass them at their homes?
    Then again review the old films from the build up of Nazi Germany, then tell me who and which party is acting like Nazi’s today. They have been showing these on history channel for past two weeks and it has been very enlightening to say the least looking at all the parallels. So Zakaria be careful when you start throwing historic comparisons out there. Someone might actually research and look at those and see where the true comparisons lie.

  13. If Zakaria is so enamored with British politics, he surely has known of a famous quote of Winston Churchill… “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Others have said similar things before and since Churchill.

    The Nazi party is officially the N.S.D.A.P. (National-Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei), which translates to the National Socialist German Workers Party. The term ‘NAZI’ came from the first 2 words NAtional-soZIalistische.

    SOCIALIST… exactly the Biden/Harris platform, and one of the final stepping stones to COMMUNISM -who’s motto is “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” Karl Marx would be proud to learn that through disinformation, lies & finger pointing -the Democrats are leading a free society down the road to Communism.

    The U.S.A. was created to be a Democratic Republic. Essentially, the best of old Greece (democracy) and Rome (republic), without the tyrannical hierarchy of a Caesar, yet offering control through consensus.

    The Democrats are probably behind children no longer being required to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in school, since it mentions “…and to the Republic for which it stands,” -but somehow disguised it by saying “under God” is somehow offending to those that don’t believe in a Christian God. It never says anything about WHICH God… and it shouldn’t, since part of our 1st Amendment is Freedom of Religion. Such duplicity!

    And of course, if children aren’t being taught to be loyal and committed to the United States while growing up, they turn into enemies of the foundations of the United States as adults (insert pro-Democrat subcultures here).

    Too bad the public doesn’t remember the lessons of history…

  14. Another stupid person making a comment that proves he is a moron. The NAZI’s were Socialist. Most Republicans are Conservatives. That being said, it’s the deceased Democrat party that is more like the NAZI’s they embrace Socialist/Communist views and can’t make up their minds which way to lean. Typical statement by someone that has absolutely no knowledge of history what so ever.

  15. He’s trying to get away with defamation of character. Except it still falls flat. Saying someone is like a Racist is still implying they’re racist. Which is still defamation of character, no matter how you slice it. Especially if its not true.

    Well, two can play that game.

    “I’m not saying the radical Democrats are Socialists. I’m saying they’re exactly Like Socialists!”

  16. Glass houses, stones, kettles, splinters, beams, eyeballs . . . Sounds like a lot of “projection” to me.

  17. Maybe Fareed Zakaria should take his ass back to Mumbai if he doesn’t like the way of the world, here in the good ole USA. I’m sure matters would be much more to his liking there. Why do they let morons into our country?

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