MSNBC Hate: Republicans Are Skeptical of Big Government Because They’re Racist

News & Politics

On Saturday morning’s Velshi, MSNBC host Ali Velshi collaborated with author and co-chair of leftist group Color of Change Heather McGhee for a hateful segment where the two leftists declared that all who oppose their policy preferences are racist.

Velshi declared that “the false belief that progress and prosperity for people of color comes at the expense of white people has helped prop up racist systems for generations” and McGhee insanely claimed that “there’s such a fierce antigovernment skepticism and suspicion among the majority of white voters” because of the “idea that government is on the side of people of color.”

The ever woke Velshi, who enjoys going on rants about social justice, began the segment by claiming that white people “prop up” systems which “are not in their economic interests” in order prevent “progress and prosperity for people of color” and uncritically promoting McGhee’s leftist book “The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together”:

Racism is something that has defined the United States since its very founding. In fact, it infects nearly all facets of American life like health care about which we just heard. But it also affects our politics and our economics. The false belief that progress and prosperity for people of color comes at the expense of white people has helped prop up racist systems for generations. This zero-sum theory is what author Heather McGhee tackles in her new book “The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together.” In it, she examines the self-destructive bargain of white supremacy and how much we’ve lost economically as a country due to racism in terms of a dollar amount. A study released last year by Citigroup found that America has lost at least $16 trillion to racism in the last two decades and Heather McGhee, author of The Sum of Us, joins me now. Heather, thank you for being with us. I’ve enjoyed listening to you — you were on with my friend Chris Hayes last night and one of the things that appeals to me about your book is the discussion that you have about how people, often white people or people who have power and privilege in society, often make decisions that are not in their economic interests or work against their own prosperity because they feel like giving other people, in this case black people, certain rights and privileges will take away some of their own. 

Velshi’s woke monologue enabled McGhee to nastily claim that “the majority of white voters who have voted for the Republican Party” and white people who oppose big government and the “pretty modest” ObamaCare do so because they are racist:

White people are actually the largest group of the uninsured and yet ever since the Affordable Care Act was signed by our first black president, the majority of white people have disapproved of the pretty modest idea that is ObamaCare and there’s a huge correlation between racial resentment against black people and the southern, in most cases, states and also Maine which is the whitest state in the nation’s refusal to expand Medicaid under ObamaCare. So it’s this idea that government is on the side of people of color and that is why there’s such a fierce antigovernment skepticism and suspicion among the majority of white voters — the majority of white voters who have voted for the Republican Party for president.

Stereotyping a whole group of people based on their race sounds well, racist. Of course, race baiting is nothing new to McGhee, as last year on MSNBC she claimed that white people vote for Republicans due to “white fear and resentment of black people.”

Velshi added that “Republicans are working against” President Biden’s proposal to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 a hour due to racism, and not because it would cost 1.4 million Americans their jobs.

Not done with advocating for Biden’s policy proposals, McGhee contended that Republicans oppose student loan forgiveness due to racism and kept on hammering in her absurd point that the “majority of white people” vote for the Republican Party in order to suppress black people:

It was only after the civil rights system and the integration of our education system and the right were turned away from government solutions by the majority of white voters that we began to cut back and that’s why we have this debt for diploma system…Free college and student loan debt cancellation is much more enthusiastically supported by black people. It’s still supported by the majority of white people but the biggest opposition in Congress is the Republican Party, that the majority of white people, nonetheless, despite what it’s costing them, continue to send into power. 

Velshi did not push back against any of this lunacy but instead told McGhee that her “book is great.”

MSNBC is not a news network but is a forum for leftists to spout hatred at those who oppose their policy goals.

This hatred was sponsored by Procter & Gamble and Subway. Let them know here if you think they should be sponsoring this content.

Read the full February 27th transcript here:



8:50:56 AM

ALI VELSHI: Racism is something that has defined the United States since its very founding. In fact, it infects nearly all facets of American life like health care about which we just heard. But it also affects our politics and our economics. The false belief that progress and prosperity for people of color comes at the expense of white people has helped prop up racist systems for generations. This zero-sum theory is what author Heather McGhee tackles in her new book The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together. In it, she examines the self-destructive bargain of white supremacy and how much we’ve lost economically as a country due to racism in terms of a dollar amount. A study released last year by Citigroup found that America has lost at least $16 trillion to racism in the last two decades and Heather McGhee, author of The Sum of Us, joins me now. Heather, thank you for being with us. I — I’ve enjoyed listening to you — you were on with my friend Chris Hayes last night and one of the things that appeals to me about your book is the discussion that you have about how people, often white people or people who have power and privilege in society, often make decisions that are not in their economic interests or work against their own prosperity because they feel like giving other people, in this case black people, certain rights and privileges will take away some of their own. 

HEATHER MCGHEE (AUTHOR OF THE SUM OF US: WHAT RACISM COSTS EVERYONE AND HOW WE CAN PROSPER TOGETHER): That’s exactly right. I mean, to stay on the issue of — of health care, which you’ve covered so well Ali, you know, white people are actually the largest group of the uninsured and yet ever since the Affordable Care Act was signed by our first black president, the majority of white people have disapproved of the pretty modest idea that is ObamaCare and there’s a huge correlation between racial resentment against black people and the southern, in most cases, states and also Maine which is the — the whitest state in the nation refusal to expand Medicaid under ObamaCare. So it’s this idea that government is on the side of people of color and that is why there’s such a fierce anti-government skepticism and suspicion among the majority of white voters — the majority of white voters who have voted for the Republican Party for president, I’ll remind you, ever since Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act.

VELSHI: And so that’s healthcare. The issues of wages, it’s the same topic. While — while black people earn less than white people do, if we increase the minimum wage to $15, which Republicans are working against in the Congress — in — in the Senate right now, lots and lots and lots of white people would benefit from too. More white people would benefit from it than black people. 

MCGHEE: Exactly, that — the fight for 15 has been spearheaded by black workers all over the country and yet it is a truly multiracial working class coalition. I spoke with Fight for $15 workers across the country in my research for The Sum of Us and, you know, the majority of people making under $15 a hour are white and yet white voters keep putting in power a party that doggedly refuses to raise the minimum wage beyond a poverty wage. But I’ll never forget a conversation I had with a fast food worker named Bridget, white woman who had been steeped in this sort of zero-sum, anti-black, anti-immigrant world view and it changed for her when she linked arms with black and brown workers at her Wendy’s and McDonald’s shifts and decided that she could actually see herself in the workers across the color line and what she said to me was “It’s not a matter of us versus them. As long as we’re divided,” she said, “We’re conquered.”

VELSHI: I want to ask you about student debt because that’s an issue that we are currently discussing right now. I want to show you a chart of student loan debt held by black people and white people. If you look at people under the age of 35, it’s almost matched, the percentage of black people and white — non-black people who have debt. Once you get to 35 to 44, in fact, it ends up being more black people than — than non-black people and the same thing once you get above age 45. But the bottom line is lots and lots of people of all races have student debt. Another issue in which if people got together and figured out how to address this, it would benefit all of society. 

MCGHEE: That’s exactly right. I cover this issue in the book because we used to have a system in this country where the government picked up the tab for people to go to college between well-funded state schools by state governments and federal governments giving grants, not loans, in the form of the Pell Grant or the G.I. Bill, and all of this free college system was back when the majority, 90+ percent of the folks going to college were white and it was only after the civil rights system and the integration of our education system and the right were turned away from government solutions by the majority of white voters that we began to cut back and that’s why we have this debt for diploma system. And so yes, eight out of ten black students have to borrow, and that’s mainly because of a racial wealth divide which means that black families typically because they were excluded deliberately from all of the wealth building policies over the course of the 20th century, don’t have the same kind of cushion to invest in — in college and yet the fact is that the majority of white students, six out of ten have to borrow too. That free college and student loan debt cancellation is much more enthusiastically supported by black people. It’s still supported by the majority of white people but the biggest opposition in Congress is the Republican Party, that the majority of white people, nonetheless, despite what it’s costing them, continue to send into power. 

VELSHI: The book is great, Heather. But I — I really like books whose titles tell you the exact story and yours is called The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together. It is an economic argument about whether if we come together to fix these things, it isn’t a zero-sum game. All boats will rise. 

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  1. MSNBC, ABC, CBS and other Fake news outlets are all supportive of big government because they are communists and they support the democrat/communist party in power. They encourage the trampling of the US Constitution and want to make America a communist nation and to destroy our country and the US Constitution as soon as possible without any fair and honest elections.

  2. Who cares what they say. Ignore them. In my heart I know we do what is right. They are ignorant and sh-t stirrers.

  3. “A study released last year by Citigroup found that America has lost at least $16 trillion to racism in the last two decades…” That is easy to state but he gives no basis or sources other than Citi.

    What a set of buffoons.

  4. How about we take a long hard look at the caliber of childhood instruction on “Respect for Authority”.
    While we’re at it, lets take another look at reality. When I attempt to balance the amount of “racist” allegations toward the different races, one statistic jumps out at me. The number of police shootings of ” unarmed” African Americans. I’ve heard numbers in the thousands, when statistics are used, the number drops to 28 or 29. A fear that has been talked of about those who feel they are targeted because of race, be prepared to prove it. When I was brought up in NC, I was ADVISED to respect authority, simply because those tasked with enforcing the laws of the land, were not doing it because of a racial mindset, but a mindset that should be adhered to by all, especially those who believe in a ” nation of Laws ” that apply to ALL CITIZENS. If you believe you are being singled out because of race, there is a law against being singled out because of race. A violation of ” LAW” usually appears because someone has observed a violation of a law, and reports it. If you believe that system needs tweaking for a better approach to ” law enforcement”, by ALL MEANS, name names, call them out, press charges. If you feel that your voice is unheard, go to any organization that has grown because of some people don’t think the laws apply to them. If you do place charges against anyone who you feel has violated the law, make perfectly sure you can prove what you allege. Should you make a false accusation, be prepared for the repercussions and also realize how such an allegation will WEAKEN any future violation of law of law that you report. Just a thought.

  5. I find it amazing that no one questions these so called social justice warriors on the facts that they present. They keep spewing this garbage, year after year, and it will keep going on… even if you gave reparation’s and let black people go to school for free and whatever you do. This will never be fixed because they don’t want it fixed. They all make money from it, why would they? I’ve been around since the 60’s and have experienced it. They just keep relabeling their hate without taking their own responsibility for failure. There are cities run by black mayors with black judges and black school boards and black leaders, and they all fail, because they are only interested in themselves. and these places say that there is systemic racisms.. where? what laws are racist? oh, its the people who run it? well, look at the people who are running it. You can dump millions into the school system and it still wont help because people are stealing it or not using it for what it is meant for.
    Do they think that when socialism, communism takes control(i hope to god never) that they will be safe? They will be the first to suffer

  6. I guess these people forgot that Republicans NOT Democrats are the ones who fought for the freedom of slaves and all the civil rights for the “black” people. What a couple of D.A.’s!!! Of course since they are trying to change history President Lincoln will probably end up being a democrat and good old Biden would never have given the eulogy at his good friend and Grand Wizard of the KKK’s funeral either.

  7. When it comes to these types of communist lovers, consider me to be a white supremist or what ever make believe names and titles they can make up. I have worked with and supervised many blacks both male and female and neither of us ever felt anything other than respect and friendship and I have no use for the racist clowns featured here.

  8. The people on MSNBC are the most ignorant people in the left wing media. They are racist but are to ignorant to realize it.

  9. But I thought big government was just Whity’s way of controlling everything. Their inconsistencies are making it hard for me to keep up with their rhetoric.

    1. Because the server this runs on is in Greenwich 0 time zone, possibly England or some country in Greenwich 0 zone.

  10. Why does anyone think for someone to get freedom or equal rights someone else has to loose theirs.

  11. About education, last time I checked the GI Bill was open to anyone who served a minimum number of days in service and had honorable discharge. Race has nothing to do with it. Pell Grants have to be applied for and earned both academically and meet grant requirements. At 65, I never had a chance at a free education past high school. So I guess we are on equal grounds there but, it seems she is recommending providing special privileges based on racial characteristics when you have extra melanin in your skin cells. That is the definition of a racist policy. So this isn’t about treating people the equally and trying to get rid of racism and bigotry.

    It seems in current society racism is still okay just depending on who is applying their racist policies or bigotry, I guess if you are POC then it’s ok to use racist language, apply racist policies and act bigoted against a different race of society. She does have one thing right. Her quote “people who have power and privilege in society, often make decisions that are not in their economic interests or work against their own prosperity because they feel like giving other people, in this case black people, certain rights and privileges will take away some of their own.” Those in power do what is necessary to maintain that power. Go over to South Africa and you can see all this in reverse. But if you do away with racism, treat everyone equally and the same, how would providing rights or privileges equally take anything away from someone who already has it? unless you think you have to Robin Hood it taking from one group to give to another.

    Last her mentioning LBJ signing the Civil Rights Act and implying he was for POC. I am from LBJ’s home state, I guarantee that signing was only because of political expedience and the carry over from Kennedy and not his personnel beliefs. He was personally against it as most of the Democrats at that time were including Biden’s mentors. Just as most of the negative legislation against POC and legislation designed to keep them down came out of Democrat policies. Or you could ask why most places that are predominantly black with liberal black leadership are worse for POC than predominantly conservative locations.

  12. These people just need to shut up as they, their views and their words do far more harm to America and the minority community than some “white guy” who doesn’t trust the government does.
    I come from a generation where we were taught not to trust the government and as we can see those that taught us that were right.
    Remember if 2 guys in black suits come walking up your walkway don’t answer the door……

  13. MSNBC Hate: Republicans Are Skeptical of Big Government Because They’re Racist
    MSNBC Hate: This channel invites guests like author and co-chairman of leftist group Color of Change Heather McGee, Because They’re Racist.

  14. Republicans are skeptical of big government not because they’re racist, but rather because big government is racist. Not to mention socialist/communist, but then MSNBC wouldn’t know the difference if it bit them on their posteriors.

  15. I get so sick of these nobodies spouting their own hate speech. If mainstream media would give all the facts instead of the lying misleading, taken out of contents, half-truths, these people would not have their destructive venues hears.

  16. These people are either really stupid or they are just plain evil. 99.9% of conservatives don’t have a racist bone in their body. I bet 99.9% of democrats do.

    1. Racism exists for the mostpart in the hearts of the democrat party. Just look at history, and look where they have stood. Look at how they judge people, there hiring practices. If I or most other conservatives have a job, I’m hiring on the basis of ability to do that job. Only libs look at the dudes (or dude-ets) color and politics before making there decision. The sickness of Dems teaches children that they are different from each other. Look at a group of newborns or toddlers, they dont give a rat about each others color, until there parent instill that value!! Division is what the DNC is all about( an now the MSM too)

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