Biden DHS Secretary Says ‘Loving Parents’ Send Their Kids Across Mexico Alone (VIDEO)


Joe Biden’s Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said something bizarre recently that gives you a window into the liberal mind.

Mayorkas was questioned about what the Biden administration is doing differently than the Trump administration.

He said that they are not sending children back and then suggested that ‘loving parents’ send their kids across Mexico to the U.S. border.

Really? Is that what loving parents do?

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The New York Post reports:

DHS Sec. Mayorkas says ‘loving parents’ send kids alone to US-Mexico border

President Biden’s Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Monday said that “loving parents” are sending 9-year-old children alone to the US-Mexico border.

Mayorkas made the remark while describing how minors without parents are detained by US authorities before possible placement with foster parents.

About 2,200 children crossed the border each week in February as Republicans accused Biden of creating “pull” factors by changing former President Donald Trump’s border policies.

“The Trump administration expelled children to Mexico. And we are not expelling young children,” Mayorkas said at a White House press briefing.

“We are not apprehending a 9-year-old child who’s come alone, who has traversed Mexico, whose parents — whose loving parents — had sent that child alone, we are not expelling that 9-year-old child to Mexico when that child’s origin, country of origin, was Guatemala, Honduras or El Salvador.”

Here’s the video:

What a crazy thing for Mayorkas to say.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

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    1. Loving parents my ass! Abandoning your children to cross thru a country into an unknown country is not loving! It’s child abuse.

  1. Mayorkas is about as stupid as someone can be. He does not even know what a loving parent is. Total idiot

  2. Biden and his administration are doing their very best to destroy everything good about our country. In just one month with his executive orders he has destroyed our energy, schools, economy, jobs, our border and immigration policies. As a legal immigrant where it took me 17 years to become a citizen, I hate his unfair treatment of those of us who believe in the law. To come in legally you must be able to speak English, must be checked out by FBI, must be medically fine and be financially capable so as to not put a burden on the U.S. citizens. What is fair about this???? Nothing. He will continue to destroy us as long as he is in a position of power with Obama in charge for another 4 years. We won’t be able to survive this.

    1. Bonnie you said what is in all our minds. You did the right thing from the start of becoming a citizen. God bless you.

  3. “He said that they are not sending children back and then suggested that ‘loving parents’ send their kids across Mexico to the U.S. border”. What a total jerk. Here in the USA if we allow our children to play in the front yard without supervision we are charged with putting our children in danger. They cannot even ride their bicycle on the sidewalk in front of one’s own home without someone accusing them of putting their child in danger. We cannot spank them when they do something wrong without being charged with abuse. But it is okay for parents to send their children across Mexico to the US border alone or with other children because they are “loving parents”?

  4. I say we round up every Liberal and send them across the border to Mexico! I am sure the Cartels would receive them with Open Arms, Fire Arms that is!

    These “people” were Genetically Manufactured (Think AOC) on some remote island in the South Pacific and they are destroying America with the help of the Democrat Party!

  5. No, loving parents do not let their children go anywhere! Hes lost his mind! Why would anyone even have children if they were going to dump them later? And, where are these kids going to be raised??? This is so stupid and could be considered a new type of child abduction. Who wants to be responsible if one of these kids is assaulted or killed by any other means? Biden!

  6. Only a truely retarded person would say a stupid comment like that . But then again he thinks it’s ok to kill your kids if you don’t want them . Just another boot licker trying to hang on to the corrupt train of the delusional democrats . You can’t get any sadder in life then this . His mom should if thought the same way about having him .

  7. If I left my kid alone in the car while I went in to pay for gas , someone would have called the cops and CPS I would probably been arrested. But sending
    Kids alone across the dessert to another country is commendable???

  8. This is not politically correct but I don’t give a Fuck, never have , never will! Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Is a fucking Retard. What loving parents would ever send a child under say 16 across the cartel land of Mexico. So we don’t send the kid back to Mexico fly him back to Honduras, Guatemala, Etc. Maybe after all the people flee South America we should all head down there and take over it’s much warmer.

  9. Another egghead jerk of our President. This man needs some real help from the psych people, if he truly believes that it’s okay to send sons and daughters under the age of 16 alone only to meet them somewhere in the U.S.A., if they survive. C’mon, Man!! No loving parents would do that. How did the Secretary ever get approved by the Senate for his position? What Senator, in their right mind, would approve him? He has no business filling the position, but then again, this is the kind of person that the President, or his handlers, think is great because he isn’t a Republican, doesn’t matter if he’s as stupid as an egg. Why? Why?

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