Hypocritical CNN Fires Rick Santorum, But Still Refusing to Punish Chris Cuomo

News & Politics

CNN has fired Rick Santorum, one of the few conservatives on the network, according to the HuffPost. The move came after lobbying from liberal organizations in the wake of Santorum saying that “there isn’t much Native American culture in American culture.” The political commentator apologized for his comments and said he misspoke, but that apparently wasn’t enough for the liberal news outlet.

Showcasing the hypocrisy of CNN, the network has REFUSED to punish star Chris Cuomo for the shocking revelation that he participated in strategy sessions advising his governor brother, Andrew Cuomo, on how to survive the multiple sexual abuse claims against him.

The HuffPost reported:  

CNN has terminated its contract with senior political commentator Rick Santorum after racist, inaccurate remarks he made about Native Americans, HuffPost has learned.

But on Saturday, a CNN senior executive told HuffPost that the network quietly ended its contract with Santorum this week. This executive, who requested anonymity to speak openly, said the decision to cut ties with Santorum came after he went on one of the network’s shows, “Cuomo Prime Time,” to explain himself shortly after he made his racist comments. He blew it, said this executive, and after that, nobody at the network wanted to keep him around.

“Leadership wasn’t particularly satisfied with that appearance. None of the anchors wanted to book him,” said the executive. “So he was essentially benched anyway.”

Not happy with the apology? In contrast, on Thursday night, Cuomo lamely apologized for his shocking breach of journalistic ethics, justifying helping his brother survive sex abuse claims because “family means everything to me.”

I can be objective about just about any topic. But not about my family. Those of you who watch this show get it. Like you, I bet, my family means everything to me. And I am fiercely loyal to them. I am family first, job second.

The anonymous exec at CNN said of Santorum: “It was pretty clear we couldn’t use him again.” Yet, Cuomo, a walking conflict of interest, gets to stay with no punishment? Such is the galling hypocrisy of CNN. No standards at all, except the liberal agenda.

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