Biden Launches Anti-Communist Ad Campaign in Florida

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden delivers remarks and holds a roundtable discussion with veterans at Hillsborough Community College in Tampa, Fla., September 15, 2020. (Leah Millis/Reuters)

With protests against the Communist regime in Cuba raging on, President Joe Biden is seeking to make headway with Cuban-American voters in the battleground state of Florida.

While White House press secretary Jen Psaki at first refused to single out opposition to communism as one of the driving forces behind the unrest, Biden later made stronger comments on the subject.

“Communism is a failed system — a universally failed system. And I don’t see socialism as a very useful substitute. But that’s another story,” said the president.

Now those words will be showing up in digital ads in the Sunshine State, where a large number of Cuban voters reside and Biden is looking to improve on his performance in 2020. Biden lost Florida by 3.4 percentage points to Donald Trump — which made for the largest margin there since John Kerry lost it to George W. Bush by five points in 2004.

Democratic National Committee chairman Jaime Harrison issued a statement on the campaign asserting that “President Biden has been incredibly clear: the Cuban people are crying out for freedom and the United States will continue to stand with them and hold Cuban officials accountable for their abuse of basic human rights.”

Around 58 percent of Cuban American voters say they identify as Republicans or lean toward supporting the GOP.  Approximately 38 percent percent identify or lean toward the Democratic party.

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