Video: Chet Hanks, son of Tom Hanks, politely tells social justice warriors accusing him of cultural appropriation to ‘go kick rocks’ – host is mystified

Chet Hanks – the son of infamous Hollywood actor Tom Hanks – has a very special message to social justice warriors accusing him of cultural appropriation. During a recent interview, Hanks politely informs leftists to “go kick rocks” when it comes to accusations of cultural appropriations.

Hanks gave an interview with podcaster Ziwe Fumudoh – who asked the loaded question, “Are there any marginalized communities you want to apologize to? I don’t know, maybe the Patois community?”

Hanks fervently shakes his head and then responds, “Nah.”

The celebrity son then replies, “I don’t feel like I’ve truly done anything offensive.”

The Nigerian comedian then asks, “You don’t see it as cultural appropriation?” She then adds, “You see it as a celebration of culture?”

Hanks responds, “Mhm.”

Ziwe asks Hanks if social justice warriors should go kick rocks, to which Hanks responds, “Yeah, yeah,” then sips his drink.

When pressed, Hanks answers back, “No, I one hundred percent agree. Social justice warriors can kick rocks.” Hanks then presents a hand gesture for them to go away.

Ziwe was likely referencing an event from 2020, when Hanks used a Patois accent that was widely panned.

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