How Much More Evidence Do You Need That the Left Wants to Groom Your Children?

I hate to say this, but our kids are not safe.

Virtually all institutions are infected with radical leftists who use their power and influence to groom your children into a life of sexual depravity and LGBTQ ideology.

As parents, it can be difficult to accept when you have to let your kids go and be in the care of others. Whether it’s a babysitter, daycare, school, or camp, it takes a significant amount of trust to feel okay with someone else being temporarily responsible for the welfare of your child. It’s simply not feasible for most parents to monitor their kids all the time, and quite frankly, it’s important for kids to not be under their parents’ watchful eyes all the time. For the most part, we take for granted that our kids are going to be okay and that the adults we put our trust in won’t do them any harm.

The most common example of this is teachers. We send our kids to school to learn the basics: reading, writing, math, science, geography, history, etc., but it’s becoming harder and harder to feel confident that teachers aren’t abusing the trust we’ve put in them. This didn’t seem like a problem when I was a kid, but now, the stories are becoming increasingly common that teachers can no longer be automatically trusted like they were back in the day.

Just over a month ago, we learned that a North Carolina preschool teacher was using LGBTQ-themed flash cards to teach her students colors. School districts across the country have been hiding information about gender “transitioning” children from parents. PJM’s Megan Fox has reported on how this is happening nationwide in our public schools. Your kids are not safe from this, and some states are actively condoning it.

Last year, California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed two bills into law that allow minors to hide abortions and transgender therapies or surgeries from their parents. This week, we learned that a Washington state school board director, Jenn Mason, who also owns a sex shop, is planning to host a paid-for seminar on “sexual anatomy for pleasure” for kids as young as nine years old.

The seminar will feature workshops focusing on “gender and sexual identities,” “sexual anatomy for pleasure and reproduction,” “kinds of solo and partnered sexual activities,” and “the ethics and realities of sexualized media and pornography.”

The seminar is ironically called the “Uncringe Academy,” and you can verify the details and objectives on its Eventbrite page. Tickets are available for $5 to $50, and I can’t help but wonder if there are actually parents who would pay to have their kids attend this evil.

“The class for nine [to] twelve-year-olds is an introduction to topics related to relationships, puberty, bodies, and sexuality,” explains Mason. “We focus on what makes healthy vs. unhealthy friendships and romantic relationships, the science of how puberty works, consent and personal boundaries, defining ‘sex,’ and discussing why people may or may not choose to engage in sexual activities.”

Because that’s an appropriate topic for nine-to-twelve-year-olds? This woman sits on her local school board, so you can imagine what she must think is “age-appropriate” sex education in schools.

Let’s just call this what it is. This is grooming. And we can’t pretend that these are isolated incidents because it’s happening everywhere and could be happening in your school district if you’re not paying attention. These people are sick and hide behind innocuous labels like “inclusive” to make themselves feel like they have moral superiority for grooming kids for pedophiles and exposing them to LGBT propaganda.

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