You’ll Never Guess to Whom Hillary Clinton Compared Trump (Actually, You Will)

News & Politics

Hillary Clinton trotted out perhaps the most played-out and predictable smear of all time for her longtime rival, Teflon Don.

Via The Hill (emphasis added):

Former first lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the wreckage from another Trump presidency would be “almost unimaginable” and likened the former president who beat her in the 2016 election to Adolf Hitler.

In an interview on ABC’s “The View,” Clinton said when she was secretary of State, she saw people who would “get legitimately elected” and then would try “to do away with elections and do away with opposition.”

“You could see it in countries where, well, Hitler was duly elected, right?” Clinton said. “And so all of a sudden somebody with those tendencies, so dictatorial authoritarian tendencies, would be like, OK, we’re going to shut this down.”

“Trump is telling us what he intends to do,” Clinton continued. “Take him at his word.


Clinton’s comments come just days after a poll showed President Biden falling behind Trump in five battleground states, raising concerns among Democrats nationwide about the potential of another Trump win. Clinton said on the show Biden will be Democrats’ best hope for 2024.”

I’m a Nazi. You’re a Nazi. Everyone’s a Nazi.

It’s Nazis all the way to the bottom.

RelatedUnhinged Liberals Accuse RFK Jr. of Using Secret Nazi Code on Twitter

If anyone is akin to Hitler (if we must use this stupid and overwrought comparison that is now standard operating procedure in Democrat rhetorical posturing) in this context, it’s Hillary Clinton and the anti-democratic, literally fascist political machine she’s largely been the chief architect of in the past thirty years. Mussolini infamously defined fascism as the “merger of corporate and state power.” If that doesn’t describe Hillary and her band of neoliberal criminals to a tee, I’ll be dipped and rolled in cracker crumbs!

At any rate, I’d like to encourage the Hildebeast to continue to make such public appearances, which are effective endorsements of Trump by virtue of her rank unlikability and the histrionic nature of her rhetoric. Hell, that’s what won Trump the election in 2016.

It’s much, much more the case that Clinton lost it for herself than that Trump won. With the entire Deep State and corporate media behind her, all she had to do was not suck so hard. And, even with the millions of dollars she spent on consultants to spruce her up, she failed miserably.


Sometimes, even the best plastic surgeons can’t fix the ugly.

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