News & Politics

FBI General Counsel Dana Boente, a central figure in the revived Michael Flynn scandal, has reportedly been ousted from his job. FBI Director Christopher Wray asked for Boente’s resignation on Friday. However, the decision to oust Boente came from “high levels” in the Justice Department — not originally from Wray, according to NBC News. Boente
Two Chicago police officers were surrounded by protesters on Saturday — and then briefly dragged through the street. Video footage of the incident shows two Chicago police officers attempting to arrest a protester. However, the officers were greatly outnumbered and surrounding demonstrators quickly attacked them. The footage shows protesters hit and drag the officers, one
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Where’s the Rewind on your remote? On MSNBC on Friday afternoon, anchorman Brian Williams actually criticized the Governor of Minnesota and the Mayor of Minneapolis, Democrats both, for their inaction last night in the face of the riots. Williams accused them of having ”abandoned and offered up a police precinct.” Williams was interviewing Bill Bratton, a
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Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the high court’s liberal justices to rule against a California church seeking to overturn Gov. Gavin Newsom’s limits on church attendance. The significant development received little attention due to ongoing protests and riots in cities across the U.S., sparked by the tragic death of George Floyd. In
Attorney General Bill Barr placed some blame on Friday’s riots that plagued cities across the nation on “far-left extremist groups.” On Saturday, Barr released a statement about the riots across several prominent U.S. cities, including Atlanta, Dallas, Portland, Seattle, and New York City. The attorney general said that the riots were being “hijacked by violent
CNN Tonight host Don Lemon suffered a meltdown for the ages Saturday night, spending almost 11 minutes unloading his disdain for America in 2020 and, except for a mealy-mouthed condemnation, giving support for the rioting and other criminal acts supposedly done to mourn the Monday death of Minneapolis African-American man George Floyd. Lemon’s defense? Apparently,
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The cider-gulping, mustached-waxed, butterfly-tatted antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters nearly turned their looting and car-burning sideshow into a Dallas-level bloodbath on Saturday afternoon. In 2016, in retaliation for police shootings nationwide, a protester and trained sniper, shot 12 Dallas police officers, killing five. In Seattle, riotous thugs “honored” the memory of George Floyd, who
Tonight, Steven Crowder covers the riots breaking out across the nation in the wake of the murder of George Floyd. Don’t miss the Louder with Crowder Livestream tonight at 8:15 PM ET. Want more from Steven Crowder? To enjoy more of Steven’s uncensored late-night comedy that’s actually funny, join Mug Club — the only place
The liberal media appear to have adopted Rahm Emanuel’s saying “never let a good crisis go to waste” as their official slogan; especially when a crisis gives them an opportunity to trash President Trump. On-air personalities on both MSNBC and CNN have used Trump’s tweet announcing his plan of action to handle the unrest and
The mayor of St. Paul, the sister city to Minneapolis, announced Saturday that every protester arrested during Friday’s riots were from out-of-state. Speaking at a press conference, Mayor Melvin Carter (D) said out-of-state agitators were responsible for the violent unrest in St. Paul on Friday. Demonstrations erupted in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area this week
Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms (D) gave an impassioned speech about the riots that crippled the city on Friday. Bottoms scolded Atlantans, “If you care about this city then go home.” In numerous cities across the country, protests calling for justice in the death of George Floyd deteriorated into full-scale riots. Atlanta was one of
Kellie Chauvin, wife of now-former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, announced through her attorneys on Friday that she is divorcing her husband. The announcement came on the same day that authorities formally arrested the disgraced lawman, charging him with third-degree murder and manslaughter in the death of George Floyd. In a statement, attorneys said that
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Protests and riots erupted on Friday night in multiple cities across the country over the death of George Floyd, who died in police custody. In Oakland, California, two Federal Protective Service officers were shot on Friday. One has died. There were at least 7,500 protestors in Oakland on Friday night, where businesses were damaged, looted,
Townhall’s Julia Rosas is on the ground in Minneapolis this week, reporting on the protests and riots. Tonight he’s reporting that the riot police and the national guard have been chased away from the perimeter they set up earlier. 🚨🚨🚨:The riot police and National Guard have completely abandoned the perimeter they had set up earlier.
Filmmaker Michael Moore says rioters should demolish a local Minneapolis police headquarters amid the protests over George Floyd’s death. Moore also called upon words by athlete-turned-activist Colin Kaepernick to help “revolt.” What are the details? On Thursday, Moore lauded the riots that are taking place across much of Minneapolis in response to Floyd’s death. Floyd