News & Politics

A Facebook worker and registered Democrat resigned from the company after it’s leadership refused to censor the president of the United States. Naturally, CNN devoted more than 1,400 words to his protest. “Timothy Aveni, a 22-year-old Facebook software engineer, quit after Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg refused to take action on President Donald Trump’s warning last
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has been doing his best to convince the George Floyd protesters that he is on their side. He said he was “proud” when his daughter was arrested along with the protesters. He offered lame excuses as to why the protests were being allowed to occur while church services
D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) directed a city public works crew to paint “Black Lives Matter” in large block letters spanning two blocks of 16th street — a street that leads directly to the White House. The move comes amid the protests across the country following the death of George Floyd, who was killed when
Listen up, Hollywood! The Washington Post’s Alyssa Rosenberg has a terrific idea for you: she wants you to “immediately halt production on cop shows and movies and rethink the stories [you tell] about policing in America.” Hear her out. “Like many other industries, entertainment companies have issued statements of support for the protests against racism
Former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson has been an outspoken critic of the global coronavirus lockdowns, using data and facts to make his points. But when he wrote a book on those “unreported truths,” Amazon initially refused to publish it. Then Elon Musk stepped in. What are the details? Berenson has been sounding the
An influential study in the Lancet used to attack the president for recommending the use of hydroxychloroquine against coronavirus has been retracted after overwhelming criticism. The editors of the publication explained on Thursday that the authors of the study could not obtain the dataset in the study in order for third party reviewers to confirm
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) flouted her own executive order mandating social distancing during a march protesting the death of George Floyd on Thursday, after months of condemning fellow Michiganders who demonstrated against her strict coronavirus lockdown. What are the details? Whitmer joined a march in Highland Park and Detroit days after loosening her restrictions
On Thursday, Twitter removed a video tribute to George Floyd posted by President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign, claiming the video violated the social media platform’s policy on copyrighted material. “We are working toward a more just society, but that means building up, not tearing down. Joining hands, not hurling fists. Standing in solidarity, not surrendering to
(Natural News) As hordes of angry protesters, violent rioters, and careless looters tear up America’s cities as a show of support and solidarity for black people, not a single social justice warrior anywhere is addressing one of the biggest killers of black people in America today: cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, African Americans
Republican Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas excoriated the New York Times after they caved to online pressure to pull down his op-ed arguing for greater force against the rioting and looting nationwide. On Thursday, a spokesperson released a statement saying that the op-ed had been rushed to publication and didn’t meet the standards of the
I cringed after Donald Trump started trashing James Mattis following his resignation as Secretary of Defense. Mattis’s departure was reportedly connected to Trump’s announced withdrawal from Syria, which Mattis opposed. In response to Mattis’s departure, rather than praise him for his service and acknowledge the tremendous progress they’d made together cleaning up the mess left
After a white bar owner fatally shot a black man who jumped him amid violent protests Saturday in Omaha, Nebraska, Douglas County Attorney Don Kleine looked at video evidence and concluded Jake Gardner, 38, acted in self-defense, the Omaha World-Herald reported. On Monday, Kleine said Gardner wouldn’t be charged in the death of 22-year-old James
At first blush, the George Floyd riots appear to have little to do with socialism. After all, socialism is about government control, while the riots — instigated by leftist agitators affiliated with antifa — claim to oppose the “fascism” of police abuses. Yet bestselling author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza explains the connection in his new
Amid the terror and sadness and destruction resulting from the George Floyd riots across America, there have been a handful of moments that just might get you busting a gut and put a smile on your face. K-9 with a ‘temper’ We’ve certainly seen our share of hyper-bold protesters this week, haven’t we? Attacking and
The news media are trying to rationalize violent riots. CBS News published a piece headlined, “Protests underscore worsening racial wealth gaps: ‘Justifiable anger.’” Authors Aimee Picchi and Irina Ivanova exploited the murder of George Floyd to suggest that the “nationwide protests” have also drawn “attention to the stark socioeconomic differences between black and white Americans.”
A former high-level Obama administration intelligence official has guaranteed the bail for the New York City lawyer who is accused of throwing a Molotov cocktail at an NYPD vehicle. Salmah Rizvi, who worked in both the Departments of State and Defense, told the judge that the firebombing suspect is her “best friend.” Urooj Rahman was
With cops under fire, businesses destroyed, innocent civilians beaten and killed, where is the justice that well-meaning protesters were seeking for George Floyd? On Wednesday night’s special, Glenn Beck goes one on one with Blexit founder and “Blackout” author Candace Owens about what’s really driving the riots, white privilege in America, and why it sickens