
Well, it’s not every day that a former Obama staffer honestly assesses the state of the upcoming November election, much less Obama’s former campaign manager, yet, here we are. President Trump is “very dangerous” to Joe Biden’s bid for president because of his loyal supporters, according to David Plouffe. Plouffe, speaking on the “Fox News
As we all navigate the great hunkering down of America, churches are struggling to manage the balance of spiritual needs of worshippers while abiding by orders put in place about social distancing. Texas Governor Greg Abbott seems to have struck a decent compromise. Tuesday Governor Abbott issued an order to re-open churches. Churches are have
If Trump’s impeachment trial were such a distraction from COVID-19, it’s strange that Mitch and Senate Republicans didn’t bang that drum at the time. They weren’t shy about using pragmatic arguments against the process. Lindsey Graham, for instance, made the point repeatedly that impeachment is always bitterly divisive and would hurt the country, which is
Did anyone really think that the Carter Page FISA warrant was a one-off? The Department of Justice’s audit of twenty-nine other FISA warrants pursued by the FBI found errors in every single application to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. Seventeen of them were serious errors, the Inspector General reported today: The Justice Department inspector general revealed Tuesday
When John Sexton wrote about New York City residents failing at social distancing, I don’t think he expected it to go this far. Stopping New Yorkers from keeping the party going in the city that never sleeps is proving even harder than expected. As John pointed out, the Mayor still hasn’t closed the parks, so
This afternoon I came across this excellent timeline highlighting the ways in which China has used it’s propaganda resources to reframe the story of the coronavirus outbreak. The entire thing is quite long and can’t be easily summarized, but I think a few highlights help to point out the way in which China has been
Something new and timely from three economists who work for the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and MIT, respectively. It’s possible that 1918 and 2020 are too apples-and-oranges for a study of the former to usefully guide the reality of the latter. 1918 was a wartime economy. Certain
Joe Biden has largely been missing in action during the mitigation phase of the coronavirus pandemic. While I don’t think that most Americans are sitting around pondering where good old Joe is, his absence from the national conversation has been noticed. That is why his presidential campaign has made a calculated decision – get Joe
This would be fantastic news if true, although I’m having trouble squaring the observed reality here and in the UK with the thesis. Remember this study, from Britain’s Imperial College? That’s the one that convinced Boris Johnson to abandon his plan to ask older people to stay home while letting younger, healthier people essentially go