
Rep. Sylvia Garcia, a 69-year-old freshman congresswoman from Houston, has cemented her place on Team Biden. She endorsed the former vice-president Wednesday. Up until the circus came to town by way of the Senate impeachment trial, Garcia was just another freshman back-bencher. She was plucked from obscurity by Speaker Pelosi when she was named a
Sunday, Bernie Sanders held a rally in Carson City Nevada. The rally was briefly interrupted by a group of female anti-dairy protesters, one of whom seized a microphone while others came on stage topless and poured what looked like strawberry milk over themselves: “Bernie, I’m your biggest supporter and I’m here to ask you to
An epic faceplant by Virginia Democrats and Ralph Northam, who assumed that a narrow majority meant a mandate for progressive politics. After the state House passed an assault-weapons ban last week, the centerpiece of Northam’s agenda for this legislative year, the state Senate was expected to follow suit. Instead, four Democrats defected and killed the
A phone hearing is scheduled this week for convicted felon and seersucker suit enthusiast Roger Stone. POLITICO reports the meeting will happen Tuesday between the Justice Department and Stone’s attorneys just two days before he’s scheduled to be sentenced. It’s unclear whether the judge will decide to proceed with the sentencing as scheduled, given the
If you happened to catch last Wednesday night’s edition of NBC Nightly News, you may have seen the profile they did of 9-year-old Jacob Lemay. So what is it about a child of that tender age that would merit a chunk of NBC’s prime news space? Jacob wasn’t always Jacob, you see. And “he” was
Michael Bloomberg’s campaign announced a notable endorsement in Texas on Thursday – that of Houston’s Mayor Sylvester Turner. The battle for African-American voters in Texas is on. Mayor Turner, an African-American Democrat and thirty-year political career politician will provide a boost to the Bloomberg campaign in the all-important black vote in the Democrat primary. Early
Jordan Peterson’s daughter Mikhaila posted a video online last week offering an update on her father’s health. The video outlines his growing addiction to benzodiazepine, a tranquilizer which is sold under dozens of different names including Xanax and Valium. Mikhaila said Peterson was initially prescribed the medication for anxiety several years ago but when his