
The World Socialist Website published another interview with a historian who takes issue with the NY Times’ 1619 Project. Oxford historian Richard Carwardine is the author of a book on Lincoln and an expert on the Civil War. Like the other historians the WSWS has interviewed, Carwardine found the 1619 Project troubling and ultimately “wrong”
Just when the commotion caused by a top bundler for Pete Buttigieg was fading from political conversations, another problematic bundler has been exposed. This time it is Wendy Wanderman, an entertainment executive who specializes in film marketing and production. A taxpayer-funded initiative she proposed in 2009 has surfaced and is causing some heartburn for Buttigieg’s
Welcome to 2020. From all of the staff here at Hot Air and our other Salem Media affiliate sites, our best wishes for a safe, happy, healthy and prosperous new year. I’m not one for New Year’s resolutions, personally, so I thought we might instead take a moment to reflect on how things went in
There have been so many anti-Semitic attacks in the New York area within the past month that it’s difficult to keep them all straight. In trying to sift through this timeline myself using YouTube and local news reports, I kept coming across earlier incidents. I decided I would close out 2019 by attempting to assemble
There is some good news in Afghanistan following a report of a temporary ceasefire between the U.S. and the Taliban. Details are still being figured out but it appears to be for at least ten days so a final agreement can be completely hammered out. Associated Press cited ‘sources’ in their report on the ceasefire
I made a quip about the deteriorating relationship between the U.S. and Iran in my post on Afghanistan, but it appears things may be collapsing faster than originally believed. Iran reportedly fired multiple rockets into Baghdad this evening hitting Camp Taji. #BREAKINGMultiple rockets fired towards #Taji military base that host #US personnel northern #Baghdad. —
This morning’s Gospel reading is Matthew 2:13–15, 19–23: When the magi had departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Rise, take the child and his mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you. Herod is going to search for the child to destroy him.”
We’ve addressed the homelessness crisis on the west coast, particularly in California, more times than I can count. California has the highest number of homeless people in the country. (Washington, D.C. actually has the highest per capita homelessness rate.) Despite massive amounts of money being thrown at the problem, it’s continuing to grow rather than
Wait… I thought the Robert Kraft prostitution trial story was over and done, wasn’t it? Apparently not. Back in May, a Florida judge agreed with Kraft’s lawyers that virtually all of the evidence against him had been collected improperly and tossed it. This left the prosecution with a case consisting almost entirely of hearsay and
A week ago the NY Times reported that the ongoing Durham investigation was looking at former CIA Director John Brennan’s possible role in pushing the Steele dossier. Today Politico published a piece which reads like push back against the Durham investigation from the CIA: Intelligence community veterans say the Durham probe could force Haspel to
Today on The Ed Morrissey Show (11:30 am ET), we have a special event — a preview of the final battle between Jazz Shaw and me for the 2019 NFL season! We’re tied up on predictions heading into the last week of the regular season, and we’ll preview our preliminary choices for Sunday’s open thread. We’ll
The Democrats in Boston continued their war on the gig economy this year, just in time for the Christmas travel season. This time they were once again going after Uber and Lyft with a new regulation designed to discourage people from using the ride-sharing services. Following the example of Los Angeles International Airport, the new