
(Natural News) The most important statistic concerning the covid-19 pandemic is the mortality rate. When covid-19 outbreaks were first announced, the mortality rate looked grim, as hospital systems relied on ventilators. As viable anti-viral treatments were suppressed (such as hydroxychloroquine), many hospital patients were literally left to die. Even worse: The local, state, and federal
(Natural News) Today we are calling for the arrest and prosecution of top government officials in Nashville, TN, who have now been caught red-handed covering up the very low numbers of infections at restaurants and bars in order to gaslight the public and justify draconian business closures and lockdowns. A bombshell investigation by Fox 17,
(Natural News) American taxpayers will be footing the bill for President Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines, as new reports indicate that the jabs are slated to become “free” for everyone who lives in the United States. Because most Americans are skeptical about the safety and effectiveness of the chemical injections, the federal
(Natural News) With the November election fast approaching, tensions on both sides of the political aisle continue to escalate. And because violence is often the outcome, Attorney General William Barr is urging state attorneys general to remember that the worst forms of it can be prosecuted under a rarely executed sedition law. During a recent conference
Wednesday, September 16, 2020 by: Mike Adams Tags: coronavirus, covid-19, health freedom, infections, outbreak, pandemic, standfirm, vaccine mandates, vaccines Bypass censorship by sharing this link: https://www.clearnewswire.com/458145.html Receive Our Free Email Newsletter Get independent news alerts on natural cures, food lab tests, cannabis medicine, science, robotics, drones, privacy and more. About the author: Mike Adams (aka
(Natural News) While streaming on Facebook Live the other day, Michael Caputo, the Trump-appointed head of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), told Americans that they should probably stock up on ammunition before the November election because things are about to get crazy. According to Caputo, Democrats are plotting an armed insurrection in
(Natural News) Rather than take the bankrupt company to auction as planned, GNC Holdings Inc., operator of GNC supplements stores, has instead decided to sell itself to a Chinese pharmaceutical company known as the Harbin Pharmaceutical Group Holding Co. GNC canceled the scheduled auction after advising a U.S. Bankruptcy Court that it did not receive
(Natural News) Ever since far-Left Democrats took over the state of Virginia, it’s become a model of authoritarianism and anti-constitutional government. In a Freedom of Information Act filing last week, a nonpartisan legal group, the Rutherford Institute, requested that the Virginia State Police provide information regarding its aerial surveillance program which is ostensibly aimed at
(Natural News) The crisis America is facing today isn’t merely a “current events” crisis involving riots, arson, attacks on police and extreme censorship of conservatives and Christians. It’s much more than that: It’s actually a spiritual war being waged across this planet, with left-wing demons rising up to try to destroy society, mass murder Christians
(Natural News) It is now being reported that Oregon Fire Marshal Jim Walker has officially resigned from his post after being placed on administrative leave due to the state’s alleged mishandling of the wildfires. We have since learned that Walker will be succeeded by Chief Deputy Mariana Ruiz-Temple, who will oversee what some state officials
(Natural News) The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) has published a new research letter highlighting the proven benefits of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in successfully treating the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). Entitled, “SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among Community Health Workers in India Before and After Use of Face Shields,” the paper explains that healthcare workers in India who
Monday, September 14, 2020 by: Mike Adams Tags: anarchy, ar-15, ballistics, chaos, civil war, firearms, guns, preparedness, range, rule of law, Second Amendment, self-defense, shooting, sight-in, survival Bypass censorship by sharing this link: https://www.clearnewswire.com/457741.html (Natural News) There are now 49 days until the election, which means the violent left-wing attempt to overthrow the nation and
(Natural News) Gym owners throughout the San Francisco area were furious to learn that health clubs and workout facilities located within California’s government buildings have been open to politicians since at least July 1, even as the unwashed masses throughout California remain prohibited from using any indoor facilities. Not long after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
Monday, September 14, 2020 by: Mike Adams Tags: arson, chaos, destruction, fires, left cult, lunatics, Oregon, terrorism, wildfires Bypass censorship by sharing this link: https://www.clearnewswire.com/457653.html (Natural News) It’s now abundantly clear that left-wing arsonists are setting many of the wildfires that are exploding across Western states. Naturally, Oregon fire officials have now “officially” denied the
(Natural News) A “protest” march from Milwaukee to Washington, D.C., turned violent after Black Lives Matter (BLM) terrorists started accosting people in their neighborhoods, threatening them and pointing weapons at their homes and businesses. One incident in Pennsylvania resulted in “protesters” being shot at by a local resident who, fearing for the safety of his
(Natural News) EXCLUSIVE ANALYSIS: Trump’s plan to defend America and take down her domestic enemies is now becoming increasingly clear, and one new bombshell conclusion in all this concerns Trump’s vow to use the US military to deploy vaccines nationwide before the election on Nov. 3rd. We now believe, for reasons outlined here, that the
(Natural News) A week ago, I published a story documenting President Trump’s “secret weapon” against left-wing terrorism, riots and attempted coup. That story, published on Trump.news, reveals how Trump can use the Fourteenth Amendment to order mass arrests of treasonous actors while stripping Electoral College votes from states engaged in open rebellion against the United
(Natural News) If you’re someone who still believes that special counsel Robert Mueller’s ‘Russian collusion’ investigation was anything more than a deep state coup attempt against President Donald Trump, you need to disabuse yourself of that fiction because it’s a myth. But don’t take our word for it; let the actions of Mueller’s own team
(Natural News) If you’re sick or if you have a chronic health condition, you may not think twice about getting your prescription filled at the nearest pharmacy. However, according to a leaked email, a CVS district leader warned employees not to tell customers that their medications were filled by a worker who has tested positive for coronavirus
Friday, September 11, 2020 by: Mike Adams Tags: chaos, Collapse, depopulation, enslaved, food scarcity, food supply, Globalism, groceries, Ice Age Farmer, Orwellian, starvation, Tyranny Bypass censorship by sharing this link: https://www.clearnewswire.com/457116.html (Natural News) Christian Westbrook is known as the “Ice Age Farmer,” and he’s a sharp analyst who has been monitoring and investigating the food
(Natural News) In what is clearly a preemptive strike against Americans who will try to exercise their right not to be infected with an experimental coronavirus vaccine, the head of big pharma Pfizer, which is in the competition to develop a COVID-19 shot first so the company can rake in billions, is already blaming ‘anti-vaxxers’
(Natural News) In the nearly four years that President Donald Trump has been in office, Left-wing big tech censorship of his supporters, as well as conservatives in general, has been a thing. In fact, the censorship has really gotten bad this year, as tech gods like Twitter’s Jack Dorsey and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg instruct their
(Natural News) Wildfires continue to rage, out-of-control, in the states of Washington, Oregon and California. Wildfires have spread into populated areas east of Salem and Eugene Oregon, requiring evacuations across several communities. Twenty large wildfires have already burned out more than 476,000 acres. Federal law enforcement officers now have evidence that these fires are being