The one-year anniversary of the death of George Floyd occurs next week on May 25. Following the deaths of Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery last year, support for Black Lives Matter skyrocketed. However, just as fast as the support for Black Lives Matter soared, the backing of the movement quickly plummeted, according to analysis
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A driver delivers Coca-Cola products to stores in Boston, Mass., in 2008. (Brian Snyder / Reuters) The world’s largest beverage company has come down from the virtue-signaling sugar high it got by becoming “Woke Coke.” Consumers and distributors have forced it to sound a partial retreat from its role as a combatant in such left-wing
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Democrats and the Biden administration have attributed the blunted economic recovery, in part, to a lack of child care services for working parents. They have used the problem to push support for President Joe Biden’s American Families Plan, a massive legislative proposal that would cost taxpayers $1.8 trillion. However, new analysis released by economic experts
CNN has fired Rick Santorum, one of the few conservatives on the network, according to the HuffPost. The move came after lobbying from liberal organizations in the wake of Santorum saying that “there isn’t much Native American culture in American culture.” The political commentator apologized for his comments and said he misspoke, but that apparently
Image from the Pentagon’s “Gimbal” video. (ABC News/Screengrab via YouTube) The possibility should not be so quickly dismissed. After reading Andrew Follett’s article explaining why you shouldn’t worry about all of the UFOs in the news because videos of them “all have obvious potential terrestrial explanations,” let’s just say I had a few questions. I’ve
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Gubernatorial candidate Brian Kemp adjusts his tie before speaking to volunteers and staff in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S., November 5, 2018. (Leah Millis/Reuters) Georgia governor Brian Kemp issued a letter Thursday demanding that public schools in the state refrain from incorporating critical-race theory (CRT) into course curricula. He insisted the Georgia State Board of Education “take
A 6-year-old boy was shot and killed in a suspected road rage attack in Southern California. Aiden Leos was on his way to kindergarten when the shooting happened. The boy’s distraught family is pleading for the public’s help to bring the killer to justice. Aiden’s mother was driving on the northbound lane of the 55
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) punched back at MSNBC host Brian Williams on Friday after the journalist labeled him “Kremlin Cruz” for recently criticizing an American military advertisement. What is the background? Veterans condemned Cruz this week after he mocked an advertisement for the U.S. military. Cruz was responding to a TikTok video that juxtaposed a
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Hollywood clutched its collective pearls over President Donald Trump, particularly his bruising rhetoric. Except many stars bruised right back. Some wished for Trump’s death, including Joss Whedon, Charlie Sheen and, indirectly, Johnny Depp. Others, like Madonna, imagined planting a bomb at the White House, presumably to take out Trump for good. [embedded content] There’s another side to celebrity rage, though,
(Natural News) One of the most prominent Southern Baptist pastors is warning parents not to send their children to Baylor University in Texas because the ostensibly “Christian” school is actually teaching antichrist doctrines. Appearing on the Todd Starnes Radio Show, Pastor Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Church in Dallas explained that the underlying philosophy behind
(Natural News) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officially recognized more cases of deadly blood clots connected to Johnson & Johnson’s single-dose Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. The federal agency identified a total of 28 serious and life-threatening cases of blood clots linked to the controversial vaccine, including three cases that resulted in death. Dr. Tom Shimabukuro,
(Nadya So/Getty Images) 1991—Federal district judge H. Lee Sarokin delivers a This Day classic. The backdrop: Richard R. Kreimer, a homeless man, camped out in the Morristown, New Jersey, public library, was belligerent and disruptive, stared at and followed library patrons, talked loudly to himself and others, and had an odor so offensive that it
United States Customs and Border Protection agents have already seized more fentanyl in fiscal year 2021 (which began in October) than all of fiscal year 2020, according to the CBP. This is the latest metric showing that the current border crisis not only has a surge in illegal immigrants, but also illegal and deadly drugs.
A Georgia judge agreed Friday to unseal nearly 150,000 absentee ballots in Fulton County, the state’s most populous county, to allow investigators to examine the ballots for evidence of alleged voter fraud. What are the details? Henry County Superior Court Judge Brian Amero is allowing more than 145,000 absentee ballots from the 2020 presidential election
On Thursday’s Ayman Mohyeldin Reports, the MSNBC show’s namesake host continued his colleagues’ tradition of inviting anti-Semites to discuss the developments in Israel and Gaza. This time, Mohyeldin welcomed BDS co-founder Omar Barghouti to justify his movement, which is widely considered to be anti-Semitic, and to unwittingly show why peace Israeli-Palestinian peace will not happen any time soon. Mohyeldin, who
(Mike Segar/Reuters) A new book gives practical advice to students and parents. Beth Akers’s Making College Pay gives away a lot in its title. There are plenty of reasons people go to college — a multi-year party at the onset of young adulthood, a route to self-fulfillment, a chance to learn just for the sake
Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra, speaks during his nomination hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., February 24, 2021. (Greg Nash/Reuters) A new gender-identity policy will harm patients and impose burdens on the consciences of religious individuals and organizations. Sam rushes to the hospital. Sam is obese and reports experiencing hours of
Hundreds of protesters marched to the home of Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Thursday to criticize her leadership of the Windy City. At the demonstration organized by over 40 organizations, including Black Lives Matter Chicago and the Chicago Teachers Union, progressive protesters grumbled that the far-left Democratic mayor failed the people of Chicago. On the
Vox News co-founder Ezra Klein sounded the alarm about a threat to “the broader liberal project” from the spike in violent crime across America, saying that a voter backlash could help former President Donald Trump win re-election in 2024. Klein posted his concerns in a tweet thread citing several examples where Democrats were facing challenges
On Friday, President Biden held his second joint press conference and with South Korean President Moon Jae-in alongside, Biden faced questions ranging from the obvious to U.S.-South Korea ties to the newsworthy with questions about the recent fighting between Israel and Hamas to the surprising (and arguably humorous) concerning the likelihood of aliens. After two
After nine seasons, the show ‘Last Man Standing’ with Tim Allen is finally coming to an end. The show has been extremely popular with conservatives and other tradition loving Americans and Tim Allen clearly appreciates the show’s fans. He shared a great video ahead of the last episode. Breitbart News reports: TRENDING: Breaking: Georgia Judge