I agree with what David French has to say about Senator Kamala Harris’s promise to act unilaterally on immigration if she’s elected president. I think his opening comment, though, is wrong. He writes, “The odds are heavily stacked against Democrats’ retaking the Senate. . .” Heavily? At the moment I’d say that the three seats
President Donald Trump talks to reporters as he departs from the White House in Washington, D.C., March 8, 2019. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) The ability of social media to allow anyone and everyone to “participate” in a political event incentivizes the audience to grant the event’s reality. Have you ever thought about the fact that people use
This week we learned from a brave whistleblower that Pinterest, a site known primarily for recipes and home decorating ideas, is blocking content from websites that their Orwellian-monikered Trust and Safety team in San Francisco find offensive—by dishonestly labeling them as po*n sites. PJ Media is one of several conservative sites being blocked by the
Justice Department reportedly seeks to question CIA officers in Russia inquiry review. #Hannity #FoxNews FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOX News Radio, FOX News Headlines 24/7, FOXNews.com and the direct-to-consumer streaming service, FOX Nation. FOX News also produces FOX News Sunday on FOX Broadcasting Company and FOX News
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s comments on the pro-life cause and its advocates are illustrative of the left’s increasing extremism, militancy and disturbingly intolerant and authoritarian mindset. Someone asked Gillibrand if having a litmus test for judicial nominees would threaten judicial independence, as she has promised to only appoint justices who would affirm the Supreme Court case
The Daily Wire editor-in-chief Ben Shapiro weighs in on President Trump’s European visit on ‘The Story.’ #TheStory #MarthaMacCallum #FoxNews FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOX News Radio, FOX News Headlines 24/7, FOXNews.com and the direct-to-consumer streaming service, FOX Nation. FOX News also produces FOX News Sunday on FOX
Once the interview with George Stephanopoulos aired, showing President Trump saying “I think I’d take it,” regarding foreign governments and oppo research, the media pounced. Ed broke it down into questions involving Norway, Russia and Ukraine, but we could presumably be talking about any country in the world. Everyone and their brothers leaped on this
(Melissa King/Dreamstime) House and Senate Democrats introduced a measure Thursday that would mandate that insurance companies provide full coverage to patients for over-the-counter birth control. Representative Ayanna Pressley and Senator Patty Murray introduced the legislation, which would prevent women from being charged for over-the-counter birth control, in their respective chambers. Currently, Plan B is the only pill-form contraceptive
(Erin Schaff/Reuters) Last weekend, the New York Times ran a story about “Building the Bench,” an initiative led by liberal dark-money groups preparing a secret list of judges in case a Democrat wins in 2020, and in turn the opportunity to pack the federal courts with progressive judges in a post-Trump Era. Their goal is to
Trump’s threat to impose tariffs on goods from Mexico sees results. #Tucker #FoxNews FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOX News Radio, FOX News Headlines 24/7, FOXNews.com and the direct-to-consumer streaming service, FOX Nation. FOX News also produces FOX News Sunday on FOX Broadcasting Company and FOX News Edge.
Joe Biden speaks at the Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds in Davenport, Iowa, June 11, 2019. (Jordan Gale/Reuters) Don’t bet on it. Nearly four out of ten Democratic primary voters support the Hyde amendment, the ban on federal funding for elective abortions under Medicaid. But following Democratic front-runner Joe Biden’s flip-flop last week, none of the 20-plus
Jordan questions the key Watergate figure John Dean if he intentionally gave Michael Cohen advice during an appearance on Erin Burnett’s CNN show. #FoxNews FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOX News Radio, FOX News Headlines 24/7, FOXNews.com and the direct-to-consumer streaming service, FOX Nation. FOX News also produces
“Fake news” might be a bit harsh. After all, the polls do actually exist. Useless news? That might be a better description for polling in June 2019 for an election in November 2020 — with maybe one small caveat: …..The Fake (Corrupt) News Media said they had a leak into polling done by my campaign which,
lllinois Governor J.B. Pritzker delivers remarks in Washington, D.C., April 9, 2019. (Jeenah Moon/Reuters) Illinois governor J.B. Pritzker on Wednesday signed a wide-ranging bill protecting abortion rights in the state. The Reproductive Health Act states that “a fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus does not have independent rights under the laws of this state” and that an
You might have seen this headline the last 24 hours or so: “Trump administration to send migrant children to Army base once used as Japanese internment camp” That sounds terrible. Then, you read the story, and you find this: The Health and Human Services Department (HHS), which operates the Office of Refugee Resettlement, said it was
Watergate figure John Dean testifies on Capitol Hill on Mueller report. #Hannity #FoxNews FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOX News Radio, FOX News Headlines 24/7, FOXNews.com and the direct-to-consumer streaming service, FOX Nation. FOX News also produces FOX News Sunday on FOX Broadcasting Company and FOX News Edge.
Don’t think for a moment that this cartoonish dramatic reading of a rando constituent letter on the House floor by Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-OH) is about Donald Trump. Fudge yesterday offered this distilled version of the hyperbolic and paranoid ramblings coming from House Democrats over the past two years about Trump, using the hoary rhetorical device