Black San Fran mayor’s racism laid bare, claims too many “white allies” have hijacked the BLM movement

(Natural News)
It is simply amazing how Democrats and Left-wing socialists within the party are allowed to get away with overt anti-white racism, but they do because the garage ‘mainstream media’ charged with holding all elected leaders to account only extends to the Republican Party.

San Francisco Mayor London Breed, who is more concerned about pushing an admittedly Marxist Black Lives Matter movement than she is keeping human waste and drug needles off city streets, gave an interview to Vogue magazine recently in which she vented her frustration at “white allies.”

Admitting she was surprised and overwhelmed by the response of non-black people to the BLM movement, she nonetheless criticized current demonstrations as being too white.

“I have a real problem with the takeover of the movement by white people,” Breed said.

“I want people to respect the opinions and feelings of black people and allow us to decide what is in our best interest. I talk about the plan to reduce the police budget and reallocate those resources to the African American community, and a large number of non-blacks reached out to tell me what I should do for the black community,” she complained. 

“Then, they say what their community deserves because of their challenges as well. That really bothered me. The black community [of San Francisco] is capable of speaking for ourselves and deciding what’s in our best interest,” she said — apparently oblivious to the fact that there are people of more than one race living in her city and that she is supposed to be representing all of them.

Breed then went on to complain that the Left-wing extremism of the ‘progressive’ movement wasn’t Left-wing or extremist enough because, again, it’s ‘too white.’

“What’s happening in San Francisco now, and has for so many years, is you have a progressive movement made up of people who are mostly white and feel that they know what’s in the best interest of black people. I’m over that,” she said.

“I think it’s important that we support and respect the black people here enough to know that we have a mind of our own. Because half the policies pushed in San Francisco are ‘progressive policies’ that don’t work for black people. Because, if they did, why are things far worse for black people here? In San Francisco, a city where less than 5 to 6 percent of the population is African American and yet we are disproportionately overrepresented in everything that’s bad: High school dropouts, arrests, homelessness. You name it,” the mayor continued.

Interestingly, Democrats have run San Francisco for decades, and yet Breed’s complaint appears to be that because members of her ethnic group haven’t done better, it’s the fault of white Democrats. Talk about eating your own.

What’s also maddening is that black leaders are never honest with their own black constituency. Rather than pointing out that several aspects of black culture are self-destructive — fatherless homes; government dependency; and peer pressure that vilifies black success — they always blame racism, even in their own party.

What’s also noteworthy, as PJ Media points out, is that Left-wing ‘progressivism’ is really just regressive, and that Marxist policies are simply bad for everyone and make existing bad situations worse.

There isn’t much more the country can do for minorities than what’s been done already. But increasingly, black Leftists like Breed sound more like they would rather self-segregate — run their own communities without any ‘white’ help or input — than be a part of the larger American ethnic landscape.

That’s amazing, considering that for decades, blacks leaders fought against segregationist policies even to the point of getting beaten and arrested — generally by Democrats. 

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