Poll worker in Arizona says “large percentage” of people who “just moved” to the state were allowed to vote

(Natural News)
With each passing day, more information becomes available about the massive size and scope of the vote fraud that was committed last month in an all-out effort to steal the presidential election from President Donald Trump and, realistically, probably other candidates as well.

Now, a woman who volunteered as a poll observer in Arizona, a former red state that has now suddenly gone completely blue (on the national level) says that she was told by election officials in the state to let people who were not properly registered or who hadn’t registered to cast a ballot.

“I was having to allow people to vote who literally had just moved here. A large percentage had addresses from two apartment complexes,” Anna Orth told GOP Arizona State legislators on Monday, going on to say that “many” of those people were “residents for not more than a month.”

The Epoch Times adds: 

In another instance, Orth was refused entry to a room where problematic ballots were taken to be duplicated and couldn’t observe the process, she claimed. Overall, she estimated that approximately “2,000 ballots” were duplicated in that way.

Orth did not say the name of the polling station that she observed. Trump’s team has not responded to a request for comment about those details.

The outlet cited Pima County’s election website, which says people can cast ballots if they “live[d] within Pima County at least 29 days prior to the general election.”

But many of those people had “out-of-state drivers licenses,” Orth said, but nevertheless tried to show proof they lived in the precinct by presenting an “electric bill” or some other bill.

She also told the hearing that she spoke to a Democratic poll watcher who said he was from Los Angeles and that he told her “he was there to turn Arizona blue” — which happened, though not legally, obviously.

“We’re here specifically to turn this precinct blue. This is one of our problem ones. I came from another precinct in Maricopa [County],” she said the man told her, in testimony to the state legislators, adding there was a group of them at the Pima County site.

His job, according to Orth, was to ensure that anyone who happened to be turned away from casting a ballot was nevertheless allowed to vote. When she pressed him further, the man claimed he was in contact with a number of lawyers to ensure that people could vote no matter what, Orth said, who provided a similar account in a sworn affidavit. (Related: A “day of reckoning” is coming – Lin Wood reveals, “the evidence I have is stunning!”)

According to Christopher J. Roads, the chief deputy recorder in Pima County, said to The Epoch Times that “under Arizona law, a voter who is registered in one precinct but has moved without updating their address, is required to vote by provisional ballot at the polling place for their new address even if they just recently moved.”

He added that anyone who goes to a polling place will be “permitted to cast a provisional ballot” if they are eligible to do so.

“If the vote is valid, the envelope will be opened and the ballot counted. If the voter is not eligible to vote at that site, the ballot is invalid and the envelope remains sealed and the ballot is never counted,” he further explained.

President Trump’s legal team has been providing testimony, evidence and witnesses to GOP-controlled legislatures in various battleground states because they can’t get anywhere in federal and state courts because coward judges refuse to consider their evidence and do what’s right to ensure that our republic isn’t stolen from us.

But it has been stolen or, at least, the process of the theft is ongoing because, in paraphrasing a quote often attributed to Edmund Burke, it appears as though good men are going to be satisfied with doing nothing so that evil will triumph.

Keep current with all of the Trump campaign’s allegations at VoteFraud.news.

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