“Green” energy components are almost all made in China, and many use minerals from dirty mining operations

(Natural News)
The Biden regime was forced to admit the other day that its “green” energy initiatives are not going so well because most of the technology in this sector is made in communist China.

Michael Regan, China Joe’s pick to head the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), confessed during his confirmation hearing that the United States is competitively disadvantaged when it comes to the “green” agenda because the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is already leaps and bounds ahead of the U.S.

Sen. Mike Braun (R-In.) asked Regan during the hearing about China’s total disregard for the goals of green activists, which are heavily focused on addressing “global warming” and “climate change.”

All Regan could say was that during his time heading up the State of North Carolina’s Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), the Tar Heel State, a national leader in “solar installation,” had to get most of its parts and supplies from the Chinese regime.

“What we find is most of the parts we want to install come from China,” Regan stated. “We’re finding that if we don’t capture the market, we’re going to fall behind. I believe that’s the same for solar as it is for cars.”

According to China Joe’s “climate team,” green energy jobs will flourish once the fossil fuel industry is gone. Regan’s statements would seem to contradict that, though.

“You look at solar panels, you look at wind turbines, how they’re made. China, we know from everything that they do being state capitalists – they’re going to do things to put their industries at a competitive edge and reap the benefits while they’re polluting the air,” Braun told reporters.

“There’s a lot we need to be careful with.”

“Green” energy is a cover story for shifting control of transportation fuels from OPEC to China

According to Derek Scissors, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, communist China currently controls about 60 percent of the solar industry’s entire supply chain. China is also the chief producer, at 75 percent, of polysilicon, a critical raw material used in the manufacturing of solar cells.

“If the administration wants to greatly increase the use of solar, it faces the problem that China spends heavily to dominate world solar production. Either we’d have to rely on Chinese suppliers when ramping up solar or the administration would have to use legal means to secure the supply chain,” Scissors is quoted as saying.

“In this sense, solar reflects the larger challenge facing ‘build back better.’ The final stage of production may not be that important.”

As reported by the “Infinite Unknown” Twitter account, communist China also control anywhere from 50-70 percent of the lithium, cobalt, and polysilicon that is mined and produced. These materials are used in the manufacture of electric vehicle (EV) batteries as well as in solar panels.

“As we move to electric vehicles, we are essentially shifting control of transportation fuels from OPEC to China,” that same account warns.

All of this aligns with an executive order signed by Beijing Biden, part of the name of which talks about tackling the “climate crisis.”

The EO basically undoes what President Donald Trump did to try to protect American infrastructure against a Chinese takeover – hence why we call him Beijing Biden and China Joe.

“Now that Joe Biden is destroying U.S. fossil fuel projects, John Kerry says the unemployed workers ‘can be the people that go to work to make the solar panels,’” tweeted Center for Industrial Progress founder Alex Epstein.

“But solar panel makers will remain in China – because China’s mines and factories are cheaply powered by fossil fuels.”

More related news about the “green” energy scam and its true purpose can be found at Hoax.news.

Sources for this article include:



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