Month: November 2021

United States Capitol Building (rarrarorro/Getty Images) The Congressional Budget Office finally released its full cost estimate of the Democrats’ Build Back Better legislation on Thursday. The American people were promised repeatedly that this social-spending bill was not only paid for, but that it would cost $0. As Phil wrote already, it doesn’t. Democrats will try
The Congressional Budgeting Office released its estimate of the cost of President Joe Biden’s “Build Back Better” plan and it is far from being “fully paid for,” as he promised. The CBO report said Biden’s plan would add $367 billion to the deficit over 10 years from 2021 until 2031. Biden had promised many times
President Joe Biden said on Thursday that the U.S. is considering a diplomatic boycott of the upcoming 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, China. “Sir do you support a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Olympics?” a reporter inquired. “Something we’re considering,” Biden responded. The United States is considering a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Olympics, President
Vice President Kamala Harris (left) and Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg (Rebecca Cook/Reuters; Stefani Reynolds/Pool via Reuters) I wrote today for Politico on the chatter about a Harris-Buttigieg race for the 2024 Democratic nomination: The GOP has had plenty of reason for good cheer in recent months, whether it’s the victory in Virginia’s gubernatorial election,
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) speaks at a news conference on the Protecting Our Democracy Act at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., September 21, 2021. (Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images) In his unyielding hatred of Trump, a ‘conservative’ writer overlooks the many destructive lies Schiff knowingly peddled for years. NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE G abriel Schoenfeld’s obsequious review
New Mexico currently has a serious COVID surge on its hands, and now the state’s Democrat governor is hinting at more drastic measures to try to get the state’s case count under control. Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has already tried reimplementing a statewide mask mandate. But as the governor of her state’s neighbor to the
The International Olympic Committee said transgender females shouldn’t be required to reduce testosterone to compete in sports, Sky News reported. What are the details? The IOC’s updated guidelines are not legally binding, the outlet said, adding that the organization said it’s not in a position to issue broad regulations defining eligibility for every sport and
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MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace on Thursday was positively shocked, suggesting Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana is either “racist” or “stupid” for labeling Joe Biden’s nominee extreme. During Senate hearings for Saule Omarova, the Comptroller of the Currency nominee, Kennedy jokingly stated he didn’t know whether to call Omarova “professor or comrade.”  Wallace raged, “This is a
A Paso Robles Joint Unified School District teacher is in hot water after she posted a message on social media telling conservative students to “jump off a bridge” for waving a “F**k Joe Biden Flag” during a demonstration of support for the military on Veterans Day. Obviously, the teacher, Kristin Usilton, didn’t mean that students
Kamala Harris’ Communications Director Ashley Etienne is leaving the administration in December to pursue “other opportunities.” Ashley Etienne’s departure comes just days after CNN reported on tensions between team Biden and team Harris. Vanity Fair reported: Vice President Kamala Harris’s communications chief Ashley Etienne is leaving the White House. A veteran of the Barack Obama
President Joe Biden delivers remarks at the White House in Washington, D.C., November 3, 2021. (Evelyn Hockstein/Reuters) On Tuesday, the Washington Post’s Josh Rogin reported that “the White House is expected to announce that neither President Biden nor any other U.S. government officials will attend the Beijing Games. This diplomatic boycott is intended, the sources
(Natural News) Top Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) expert Dr. Peter McCullough is suing Elsevier for refusing to publish a new study showing that Fauci Flu shots are especially dangerous for children. During a recent episode of The John-Henry Westen Show, Dr. McCullough explained that Elsevier originally published the study in question but quickly scrubbed it after
Opponents of critical race theory attend a packed Loudoun County School board meeting in Ashburn, Va., June 22, 2021. (Evelyn Hockstein/Reuters) The most recent installment in the ongoing saga of school administrators antagonizing parents comes from Chris Rufo’s latest article for City Journal, outlining the shocking story of local authorities in Round Rock, Texas, coming
A California schoolteacher is under fire after she shared a highly controversial video in which she allegedly told students who are part of a conservative group in the district to “jump off a bridge.” The teacher, identified as Kristin Usilton of Bauer Speck Elementary School in Paso Robles, was reportedly offended by an anti-Biden flag,
More than 60 health care associations and medical groups, including the American Medical Association, on Thursday called on private employers to voluntarily enforce President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate ahead of the holiday season. “We — physicians, nurses and advanced practice clinicians, health experts, and health care professional societies — fully support the requirement that workers
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Americans are experiencing the highest inflation in 31 years, sky high gas prices and a catastrophic border crisis. Numerous polls have shown President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are even losing support from independent and Democratic voters less than a year into their administration. But ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos only mildly pressed VP Harris
The mob beats its drums and screams on amplified bullhorns outside the courthouse that Kyle Rittenhouse should be strung up or else. Counter-protesters scream through amplified bullhorns that “it’s legal to defend yourself” and “Kyle Rittenhouse is innocent.” Fists are flying. It’s getting nasty outside the Kenosha County Courthouse as police arrests attest, but there’s
President Joe Biden removes his mask to deliver remarks on the importance of COVID-19 vaccine requirements in Elk Grove Village, Ill., October 7, 2021. (Evelyn Hockstein/Reuters) On the menu today: It’s easily overlooked, but yesterday, we quietly entered Year Three of the COVID-19 pandemic. Certain voices in the media are worried that families gathering for
(Natural News) The good news is that the Biden vaccine mandate is almost certainly going to be struck down by the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. This will hand Biden a crushing defeat of his attempted agenda to mass exterminate the American people via “vaccine” bioweapons. The bad news is that once the vaccine mandate
A registered nurse applies a dose of the Moderna COVID vaccine to a Sarasota Hospital worker in Sarasota, Fla., September 24, 2021. (Shannon Stapleton/Reuters) Like many restaurateurs across the country, John Horne has struggled to staff his four Anna Maria Oyster Bars on Florida’s Gulf Coast since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic last year.
Documents obtained by Alan Macleod at a the MintPress News suggest that Bill Gates has given hundreds of millions of dollars to select media outlets across the globe. The information, Macleod stated in his report on the matter, was obtained through a review of over 30,000 individual grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s