Jan. 6 Committee Lies AGAIN, This Time About Trump’s Actions on Jan. 6

News & Politics

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Democrat) on Monday claimed that as the much-ballyhooed “insurrection” was unfolding at the Capitol, then-President Trump was sitting by silently, supposedly giving his tacit endorsement to this alleged attempt to overthrow the government and destroy everything we hold dear. The whole scenario is a lie from start to finish, but Cheney went even farther, getting quite specific about how long it took for Trump to be moved to act to stop what she would have us believe was an attempted coup. The only problem was one shared by all too many Democrat presentations on all manner of issues: it wasn’t true, or even close to true.

Cheney declared dramatically: “The violence was evident to all — it was covered in real time by almost every news channel. But, for 187 minutes, President Trump refused to act when action by our president was required, indeed essential, and compelled by his oath to our Constitution.” This three-hour-plus delay, Cheney said, was a “supreme dereliction of duty.”

Yet according to The Federalist, which has been out front in reporting how the Jan. 6 Committee has been playing fast and loose with the facts, “an actual examination of the day’s events, however, shows no such delay. According to a detailed timeline of the turmoil by The New York Times, the first building was not breached until about 2:13 p.m. The timeline was corroborated by The Washington Post, which stamped the first break-in at 2:15 p.m. Trump’s first tweet addressing the upheaval shortly followed at 2:38 p.m., when the president made a plea for peace, writing, ‘Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!’”

Nor was that all: “About 30 minutes later, Trump addressed the demonstrators again on Twitter. ‘I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence!’ the president wrote. ‘Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order — respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!’” Trump still wasn’t finished: “At 4:17 p.m. Trump posted a video on Twitter urging rioters to go home, a message that was promptly suppressed across the platform.”

None of these times correspond to Cheney’s claim of a 187-minute delay. If Cheney was starting her clock when the protesters started to enter the Capitol, which was at 2:13 according to the New York Times and 2:15 according to the Washington Post, a 187-minute delay would put Trump’s first public statement on the matter at 5:20 or 5:22. But by then, Trump had already made three statements, the first coming a mere 25 minutes after the alleged insurrectionists entered the Capitol.

Cheney might have started her clock at 1:10, when Trump finished his speech, but this would make no sense, as that was just over an hour before the protesters went into the Capitol. And if she is starting her time clock at that point, she is ignoring the two statements Trump made before 4:17, which is 187 minutes after 1:10, as well as the fact that Trump urged the protesters to be peaceful.

Related: Liz Cheney Goes Full Wack Job Conspiracy Theorist Over Capitol Riot

The Federalist notes that “this is not the first time Cheney or the Jan. 6 Committee have gone after President Trump and Republican voters with the creation and deployment of fake news. In the election-year summer of 2020, Cheney was a primary purveyor of the fake Russian bounties story, which alleged that Trump downplayed Kremlin aggression to accelerate the timeline for troop withdrawal from Afghanistan. Cheney never apologized.”

Cheney’s inaccurate timeline of Trump’s actions on Jan. 6 follows her colleague Adam Schiff (D-Bug-Eyed Trump Hate) being caught doctoring a text message from Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) to White House Chief of Staff Meadows in order to make Jordan appear to be telling Vice President Mike Pence to invalidate the 2020 presidential election results.

The fact that the Jan. 6 Committee has to be dishonest on a consistent and repeated basis in order to fashion any case against Trump is telling. It is quite clear that it is not on an impartial quest for justice and isn’t in the least concerned about any actual “insurrection.” Its actual goal and entire reason for existing is to discredit Trump once and for all so as to prevent him from running for president again in 2024 and to stigmatize and shame his supporters. It is a sad sign of the health of our governing apparatus today that one party is desperately corrupt, completely indifferent to the facts, and avid to use a Stalinesque show trial to destroy its foes, while the opposition party, aptly named the Stupid Party, for the most part, sits idly by and watches it happen.

In a sane body politic, Cheney and Schiff would be the ones on trial and never again be in the position of judging anyone. But we do not have a sane body politic.

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