Sabotage! At the Starbucks

A customer exits a Starbucks in Buffalo, N.Y., December 7, 2021.
(Lindsay DeDario/Reuters)
When progressive utopians start seeking people to blame for the failure of their grand plans, it’s a fair bet that there’s trouble on the way.


lot of horrible stuff can go on in this world without the ladies and gentlemen of Washington, D.C., taking much notice — but when prices go up at Starbucks, you can bet Pramila Jayapal is on the case. She knows her people.

On Wednesday, Representative Jayapal (D., Wash.), the socialist-adjacent whackadoodle chairman of the House Progressive Caucus, demonstrated the fine grasp of economics for which socialist-adjacent whackadoodles have long been famous when she blamed “corporate greed” for recent price hikes at Starbucks. Now, given the generally loopy and irritating corporate activism that Starbucks has indulged in over the years, it does

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