Month: April 2022

The U.S. Department of Justice is challenging an Alabama law that would make it a felony to give puberty blockers, gender reassignment surgeries, and gender transition hormones to people younger than 19 years old. The DOJ is promoting radical leftist gender ideology by claiming that the law is prohibiting “medically necessary care.” “The United States’
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) bellyached about billionaires in several Twitter posts on Friday, but went silent after Elon Musk used the Democratic congresswoman’s own words against her. AOC wrote on Twitter, “Billionaires be like ‘the extreme far left is taking over’ when the ‘extreme far left’ in the US is ‘medicine shouldn’t bankrupt you,’ ‘wages
Odds are your parents or grandparents dealt with, or fought, tyranny in the 1940s. But what have we really learned? In March of 2020, I was driving from Michigan to Long Island with my good friend and fellow comedian Terry McNeely. The nation was shutting down over a virus that over 99% of us would
Politico quoted a journalist as saying that “Jawing with” White House press secretary Jen Psaki “makes you look like an asshole.” The reporter indicated that covering the White House is “less rewarding” than it was during the Trump administration. “Jen [Psaki] is very good at her job, which is unfortunate,” the reporter said, according to
President Joe Biden has suffered yet another embarrassing gaffe during a Thursday speech asking the U.S. Congress for an additional $33 billion Ukraine aid package. But this latest example of cognitive failure has caused more concern than amusement among his critics. While attempting to explain plans to seize Russian assets, the President twice referred to
It’s a commonly made accusation by the left that conservatives have become more extreme over the years. Last week, for example, Joe Biden declared that the GOP “ain’t your father’s Republican Party” and has become the “MAGA party.” I’m not sure what he means by that, or why he thinks that’s a bad thing. But I
Pam Keith, a former Democratic congressional candidate who lost to incumbent GOP Rep. Brian Mast of Florida in 2020, said that Democrats could win big during the upcoming midterms if President Joe Biden canceled student debt and decriminalized cannabis. “If Joe Biden cancels student debt and decriminalized cannabis, Dems will run the table in Nov,”
Biden’s Department of Homeland Security is creating a “Disinformation Governance Board” and the liberal media doesn’t find it interesting…because it’s not directed at them. The new board’s boss, Nina Jankowicz, is a theatrical partisan who said Hunter Biden’s laptop was a “Trump campaign product.” Brian Flood at reported The New York Times and The Washington
A 53-year-old driver suffered a fractured eye socket after being repeatedly punched in the face after a car accident in the Bronx late last month. After the victim ran off, members of the menacing crew that surrounded him stole his van. What are the details? A Kia van — which the victim was driving —
A Florida judge handed down a bizarre punishment last week to 20-year-old man who admitted to vandalizing an LGBT mural. What is the background? Last June, Alexander Jerich was slapped with a felony charge last summer after he defaced an LGBT mural — rainbow colors painted inside a Delray Beach intersection — by doing a
Planned Parenthood just canceled abortions in Alabama and Georgia and baby killers are NOT happy.  The pro-abortion site Jezebel, which unironically means “morally unrestrained,” reported the news in a sorrowful lament — sorrowful for abortionists, at least. Planned Parenthood “canceled people’s appointments without warning” because of “staffing issues.” Planned Parenthood currently has three abortion facilities in
A 16-year-old girl in Chicago, Illinois, has been charged with carjacking four separate drivers at gunpoint earlier this year, police announced on Thursday, adding that on another occasion, the juvenile offender even made off with a vehicle while a 7-year-old girl was still inside. In a press release, the Chicago Police Department reported that officers
(Natural News) Dr. Risa Hoshino’s reputation is now ruined. It turns out that she lied about being a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “frontline” worker for internet points, only to later be exposed as a school pediatrician faker who makes $170,000 a year in her cushy position, which was mostly remote throughout the plandemic. On social media,
U.S. citizen Willy Joseph Cancel was killed in Ukraine on Monday while fighting alongside Ukrainian troops against invading Russian forces, family members confirm. “He appears to be the first U.S. citizen to die while fighting alongside Ukrainians in Ukraine,” Fox News reported. Cancel – a 22-year-old former U.S. Marine – leaves behind a wife and
Comedian Bill Burr blasted the firing of former “Mandalorian” actress Gina Carano and said that liberals proved the point she was trying to make about being Republican in Hollywood. What’s a brief history here? Disney and Lucasfilm fired Carano — an MMA fighter turned actress — from the “Star Wars” spinoff in 2021 after she