David Limbaugh and James Golden (AKA Bo Snerdley) Honor Rush at 35th Anniversary MRC Gala

News & Politics

David Limbaugh and James Golden (AKA Bo Snerdley) came together on Wednesday night to honor the late Rush Limbaugh at the Media Research Center’s 35th Anniversary Gala, Night of the Unwoke. Limbaugh, the brother of Rush, and Golden, the often-mentioned call screener/producer for the radio star, praised the optimism and patriotism of their friend. Both were introduced by gala master of ceremonies/radio host Chris Plante. 

David Limbaugh discussed what his brother would say about the world in 2022, as well as the radio host’s dedication to his audience: 

People always ask me — I mean always ask me — what would Rush think about what’s going on. I get all these comments on Twitter. And I go, “What do you think he would think?” You know what he would think. But what he would say is, “See, I told you so. I always warned you about the left. I always told you as soon as they were able to be unleashed and feel their oats, they would do the kinds of things they would do today.” 


People always ask me if, growing up with Rush, I anticipated he would be this successful, as successful as he was. And the answer is a little bit nuanced. I always knew, we always knew how talented he was…. But who could have imagined that he would be able to parlay those gifts into creating an entire industry? A new genre of conservative talk radio from which so many in this room and elsewhere have benefitted.

But the real thing I want to mention tonight is how much Rush loved his audience…. I would bet 10,000 people have told me in one form of communication or another, that he is the best friend they never met. He spent three hours a day with them every day on the radio. He was in their family. He considered them a really close family member, an extended family member. 

David Limbaugh closed with an emotional discussion of Rush’s battle with cancer: 

God uses evil for good and Rush is a demonstration of that. He used Rush’s cancer to bring him closer to Himself and to bring him closer to his audience. And to make him fight like he had never fought before, both for his own survival and for the future of this country. 

Golden talked about just what a legacy and impact Rush had on the conservative movement and the media: 

In America, we honor our heroes….Rush is our hero for those of us who came up through what we used to call the era of Limbaugh. When he began the radio show, there was still three dominant voices: ABC, CBS, NBC. In print, you all know better than I do some of the print voices that were still ruling over the American ideological machine that pretended to be journalism. Those days are over…. What Rush began in the media has been brought alive by so many of you in this room. You are Rush’s legacy, those of you that are continuing the work. Rush was fearless. He was fearless. And he would say, “Fearless in pursuit of the truth.” 

Both David Limbaugh and Golden praised the MRC and founder/President Brent Bozell. Here’s David Limbaugh first: 

Brent Bozell and Rush were good friends and Rush was a staunch supporter of the MRC all those years. Brent made going after the mainstream media cool way before it was even thought about as being cool. He was a forerunner of all we do today. 

Golden cheered the MRC gala as “the most fun evening” in Washington D.C.: 

Brent, thank you for 35 years of this, a fun evening, the most fun evening that conservatives ever have in Washington D.C. Thank you. 

Click here to watch video of conservative columnist Cal Thomas accept his lifetime achievement award at the MRC gala. 

Partial transcripts are below. Click “expand” to read more. 

Media Research Center’s 35th Anniversary Gala: Night of the Unwoke 

DAVID LIMBAUGH: I wish Rush could be here like he was five years ago. Gone too soon. Brent Bozell and Rush were good friends and Rush was a staunch supporter of the MRC all those years. Brent made going after the mainstream media cool way before it was even thought about as being cool. He was a forerunner of all we do today. And we love him for it. Rush loved him. 

People always ask me — I mean always ask me — what would Rush think about what’s going on. I get all these comments on Twitter. And I go, “What do you think he would think?” You know what he would think. But what he would say is, “See, I told you so. I always warned you about the left. I always told you as soon as they were able to be unleashed and feel their oats, they would do the kinds of things they would do today.” 


LIMBAUGH: People always ask me if, growing up with Rush, I anticipated he would be this successful, as successful as he was. And the answer is a little bit nuanced. I always knew, we always knew how talented he was…. But who could have imagined that he would be able to parlay those gifts into creating an entire industry? A new genre of conservative talk radio from which so many in this room and elsewhere have benefitted.

But the real thing I want to mention tonight is how much Rush loved his audience…. I would bet 10,000 people have told me in one form of communication or another that he is the best friend they never met. He spent three hours a day with them every day on the radio. He was in their family. He considered them a really close family member, an extended family member. 


LIMBAUGH: God uses evil for good and Rush is a demonstration of that.  He used Rush’s cancer to bring him closer to Himself and to bring him closer to his audience. And to make him fight like he had never fought before, both for his own survival and for the future of this country. 


JAMES GOLDEN: Brent, thank you for 35 years of this, a fun evening, the most fun evening that conservatives ever have in Washington D.C. Thank you. 

In America, we honor our heroes…. Rush is our hero for those of us who came up through what we used to call the era of Limbaugh. When he began the radio show, there was still three dominant voices: ABC, CBS, NBC. In print, you all know better than I do some of the print voices that were still ruling over the American ideological machine that pretended to be journalism. Those days are over…. What Rush began in the media has been brought alive by so many of you in this room. You are Rush’s legacy, those of you that are continuing the work. Rush was fearless. He was fearless. And he would say, “Fearless in pursuit of the truth.” 

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