Month: July 2023

We have seen in recent years the national security state’s counterterrorism apparatus, which was once pointed abroad ostensibly to fight Islamic fundamentalist terror post-9/11, slowly turned inward (as these things always are) to target domestic political opponents of the regime. I have painstakingly documented this about-face at PJ Media and elsewhere. So-called “domestic terrorists” of
A member of Hunter Biden’s legal team may soon find herself in hot water after allegedly pretending to be from the House Ways and Means Committee during a phone call with the court clerk. Internet sleuths noted earlier this week that Latham and Watkins lawyer Jessica Bengels, who works on Hunter Biden’s legal team, apparently
The second part of The Facebook Files uncovered the Biden administration’s behind-the-scenes coordination with Facebook to censor COVID-19 content. The House Judiciary Committee has obtained internal documents from Meta/Facebook, revealing that the Biden administration was a driving force pushing Facebook’s COVID-19 censorship. The second installment of The Facebook Files, published in the Wall Street Journal
Following a months-long investigation, local and federal officials uncovered a secret biotech lab with nearly 1,000 mice and 20 potentially infectious agents, according to authorities. Fresno County authorities discovered an “unlicensed laboratory” inside a warehouse in Reedley, California. The secret lab was owned by Prestige BioTech – a company registered in Las Vegas, Nevada. Prestige
Ya can’t make it up.  In the dust-up over Florida’s Board of Education publishing new guidelines for teaching Black history, the Washington Post editorial board, without the slightest sense of irony, headlined this:  DeSantis seeks to whitewash slavery in Florida’s curriculum The editorial said, among other things, this:  The state’s Board of Education has unveiled its newest standards for
Will Hurd is a former CIA clandestine officer who later served in the US Congress as a Texas Representative until 2021. Deep State ally Will Hurd hated President Trump and still hates President Trump. Hurd is running for president for some reason. His job is to bash President Trump. If there is a deep state
Because they just can’t get enough of bashing Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin (R) and his administration that’s promoted the novel concept of involving parents in education, The Washington Post returned to the well Thursday with its editorial board pitching a hissy fit in “Youngkin takes vital resources away from LGBTQ+ youth — again.” The source
Bill Maher makes a living mocking political elites, but he has major gaps in his Beltway knowledge. For example, he admitted last year that he still believes President Donald Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election. That’s despite the Mueller Report finding no evidence of such collusion and major investigations concluding the same. We know even
The self-edit buttons are completely off when it comes to leftist journalists discussing GOPers like Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott. They just let any horrific description or charge fly out of their mouths.  Just recently MSNBC host Joy Reid accused Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott of murdering women and children at the border.
On Tuesday’s edition of Amanpour & Co., airing both on CNN International and tax-funded PBS, host Christiane Amanpour brought on left-wing New York magazine journalist Rebecca Traister and Democratic strategist Joe Trippi for a long conversation harping on the evils of the racist, misogynistic presidential candidate, Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis (almost as bad as Trump!)
Put your hands together for PJ Media’s own Catherine Salgado, sitting for the very first time in the “Five O’Clock Somewhere” Seat of Uncomfortable Ecstasy. We’re hoping to avoid a return of the dreaded Matt Margolis Effect, in which a first-time guest turns out to have slow, glitchy internet that pixelates them like an 8-bit
President Joe Biden has issued a statement in which, for the first time, he publicly acknowledged his 4-year-old granddaughter Navy Joan Roberts, the child of his son Hunter Biden and Lunden Roberts. “Our son Hunter and Navy’s mother, Lunden, are working together to foster a relationship that is in the best interests of their daughter,