Hunter Biden as Red Herring

News & Politics

My friend in college had a dog who knew the word “squirrel” and enjoyed very much trying to kill squirrels in his free time, which was all the time. So when you brought up the word in conversation, for entertainment purposes while drinking beer on the back porch, the dog would burst into the backyard and scramble into the brush to kill a phantom squirrel.

I would like to propose that, were we ever to get really serious about hunting down government malfeasance, Hunter Biden and his bribery schemes with paintings would be small game.

Let’s survey (briefly) the state of the union:

As PJ Media’s Stacey Lennox reported yesterday, the United States just got its credit rating downgraded for the first time since 2011 — bad news for a highly financialized economy.

The Pentagon, as I have covered previously for PJ Media, has failed five consecutive audits. Supposing there is one next year, it’ll fail that, too. Yet Congress, year after year, cuts a larger and larger check with no reforms in place to ensure accountability.

Bill Gates, and now the Brandon entity, are keen on blocking out the sun, upon which all life on Earth literally depends for survival, to halt “climate change.” The technocrats have settled on letting a supercomputer decide whether it’s a great idea.

… And the list of true problems could go on and on.

If the same populist energy dumped into prosecuting Biden’s crackhead son for run-of-the-mill corruption (let’s not pretend that almost all D.C. creatures from both parties don’t have degenerate children who grift off of Daddy’s or Mommy’s name) were devoted to, for instance, auditing the Federal Reserve, how much more potent would any kind of true Drain-the-Swamp populist movement be?

Listen, Jack: I like laughing at awesome Hunter Biden memes and hating these empty suits of moral rot as much as any red-blooded American — even if I live abroad, a fact which people sometimes unfairly attack me for as if that makes me a turncoat or whatever.

The electoral reality is that the smutty Hunter Biden melodrama is red meat for the right base because he’s the son of the corrupt opposition leader (actually, nominal leader).

But the problem here is that Biden himself is a disposable puppet. No one who is paying attention honestly believes that he is actually running the show. So by putting so much energy into rooting him and his crackhead son out of office, without more fundamental changes to the way D.C. is run, those efforts will only serve to replace him with an equally corrupt puppet. And the game of Whac-a-Mole continues in perpetuity while the American middle class is further hollowed and Western culture itself is degraded beyond recognition for the sake of greater wealth and social control in the hands of the multinational, technocratic ruling class.

None of this is to say that Hunter Biden shouldn’t be prosecuted for his sordid criminality as the epitome of corrupt nepotism. And his career criminal Daddy should be prosecuted as well, not just for crimes associated with his son but others as well. But putting the Biden crime family behind bars is a small drop in the bucket in terms of the national cleanup effort needed to fulfill Trump’s central 2016 campaign promise to #DraintheSwamp.

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