Germany: Students at University of Augsburg Demand ‘Gloryholes’ in Lecture Halls – To Help Relieve Stress on Campus

Typical college lecture hall

Students at the University of Augsburg in Germany are demanding glory holes in the lecture halls on campus.  The students say the glory holes (famously used for anonymous sex) should be built in the lecture all opposite the entrance.

The students argue the gloryholes will assist with the diversification on campus.

They’re also a nice tension reliever.

The students say “the associated stress reduction would ensure a more positive working atmosphere on campus.”

The future leaders insist “strangers would come together to create a shared experience and living space and connect on a level far removed from everyday life.”

Makes sense.

Presse Augsburg reported:

Some students at the University of Augsburg have caused irritation with an unusual request. At the next convention meeting, on Wednesday, October 25, 2023, a proposal to establish “ gloryholes ” (holes in the wall for the purpose of anonymous sexual contact) will be discussed.
“Three glory holes are to be built in the lecture hall center opposite the entrance, where the information boards are currently located.”

These should be built by the Space and Construction department and cleaned by building management.

In addition, they should be soundproof and opaque. The glory holes should be designed to be as barrier-free as possible – the height should be adjustable and there should be wall handles that you can hold on to. The lights should be dimmable and possible knee padding should be installed. In addition, condoms, licking wipes, lubricants and disinfectant wipes should be provided free of charge in the glory holes; Trash cans are also needed,” the application.

The justification for the application in verbatim:

“At the modular festival, people wished for a gloryhole in the lecture hall center ten times on the AStA wish wall. This wish was listed most frequently (!). We therefore see it as an imperative to decide on this wish in the student representatives. A gloryhole would contribute to diversification on campus, as kink could also be experienced or lived at the university. Sex can also be a relaxing activity, which can be very useful in the often stressful university life. The associated stress reduction would ensure a more positive working atmosphere on campus. In addition, strangers would come together to create a shared experience and living space and connect on a level far removed from everyday life. This form of connection can provide a better understanding of different bodies and can also have an empowering effect, in that one’s own body can be experienced not only as a limit but also as a space of possibilities. Building the gloryholes allows the university to see itself as a space critical of heteronormativity, since kink is to be understood as a non-heteronormative practice. This clear queer positioning would unleash potential for improved participation in everyday university life for queer students and thus increase their everyday life, their sense of security and their well-being.

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  1. Use some common sense. This is a BS article based on another BS article that points to a legit newspaper (Presse Augsburg) that makes clear that it was discussed, determined to be a student joke, and closed the topic. Spreading this kind of “news” just makes the public dumber than it already is.

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