Vivek’s ‘No Neocon’ Pledge Hits at the Heart of the War Machine

News & Politics

The recent GOP debate was as tedious and pointless as the prior ones — for many reasons, but perhaps most importantly because the candidate ahead of all the others on the stage combined by over 40 points wasn’t in attendance.


The highlight, if there can be said to have been one, was Vivek Ramaswamy calling out Nikki Haley on her brazen corruption as she warmongered, once again, on the stage without disclosing that she stands to benefit personally from further military entanglement overseas — and, in fact, got herself out of poverty by getting into bed with war profiteers. He also indicted GOP leadership and the corporate state media, both of which deserve scorn as well.

RelatedHow Did Nikki Haley Increase Her Wealth by Tens of Millions in a Few Short Years?

The donor class is certainly not going to like this related project from Ramaswamy, a “No to Neocons” pledge that he says he would force anyone serving in his administration to sign.

Via (emphasis added):

We already have one family in the White House who sold off our foreign policy to make their family rich. We don’t need to swap them out for a Republican version of the same. Nikki Haley profited obscenely from her time in government and repeatedly rewarded those who paid her. It’s no mystery why the establishment is propping her up and her Super PAC puppet masters are now bidding for her services again:

• Her family income *tripled* in her first 5 years after her first election in 2004
 • Took hundreds of thousands $$ in gifts while governor
 • Awarded multimillion dollar state contracts to companies who lent her access to private jets
 • Gave Boeing a $120 million incentive in SC, only to join Boeing’s board after leaving public service
 • Made $8 million-plus in her post-UN life including through her family’s military contracting business
 • Shamefully collecting corporate stock option grants from boards *while running for President*

We shouldn’t tolerate a President who’s made a fortune from exploiting public service. Not Biden. Not Haley. I’m running against mostly good people in this race, but there’s one notable exception to that rule and the people of this country deserve to see it clearly.

In order to be considered for a position within the Ramaswamy Administration, every prospective political appointee must commit to and sign this pledge:

  1. Avoiding WW3 is a vital national objective;
  2. War is never a preference, only a necessity;
  3. The sole duty of U.S. policymakers is to U.S. citizens.


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