Brutal poll places McConnell’s job approval rating in the toilet, even among Republicans

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is deeply unpopular, according to a Monmouth University national poll of adults that indicates only 6% approve of the job the long-serving lawmaker has been doing compared to a whopping 60% who disapprove and 34% with no opinion.

McConnell even faces a wall of disapproval on the political right: the poll found that among self-reported Republicans, 10% approve of the job he’s doing versus 41% who disapprove and 49% with no opinion.

McConnell, who has been serving as a U.S. senator since 1985 and has described himself as a “Reagan Republican,” suffered two bizarre freezing episodes that were caught on camera earlier this year. His current term does not end until early 2027.

“Honestly, I think Ronald Reagan would turn over in his grave if he saw we were not going to help Ukraine,” McConnell said, according to an Associated Press report from last month.

The Monmouth University poll also found President Joe Biden to be underwater, with 61% who disapprove of the job he’s doing versus 34% who approve. And while 74% of self-reported Democrats approve, 25% disapprove.

A whopping 68% of participants in the poll disapprove of Biden’s handling of inflation, while just 28% approve. And even among self-reported Democrats, 35% disapprove while just 62% approve.

And while 69% disapprove of his handling of immigration, only 26% approve. A whopping 47% of those identifying as Democrats disapprove of his handling of that issue, while just 50% approve.

The incumbent Democratic president is hoping to be re-elected next year during the 2024 presidential race.

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