Can Someone Tell Nikki Haley It’s Over?

News & Politics

From the beginning of the GOP primary season, I said I didn’t think Donald Trump deserved a coronation. Voters needed a choice. I strongly believe that had the race always been a two-person race between Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis it would have been a much more competitive race, but that’s not what we got. We had several candidates run audition campaigns, chipping away at the Trump-alternative vote. That, combined with the various efforts by the Biden administration to imprison Trump on bogus criminal charges, made it impossible for anyone to compete with the pseudo-incumbent.


DeSantis saw the writing on the wall and got out. Now it’s time for Nikki Haley to do the same.

At the moment, that doesn’t appear to be what she’s doing.

“Ron DeSantis has been a good governor, and I wish him well. So far, only one state has voted. Half of its votes went to Donald Trump, and half did not. We’re not a country of coronations,” she said in a statement. “Voters deserve a say in whether we go down the road of Trump and Biden again, or we go down a new conservative road. New Hampshire voters will have their say on Tuesday. When I’m president, I will do everything in my power to show them they made the right decision.”

So, she’s heading for a make-or-break moment in New Hampshire, which is a foolish endeavor. 

Hours before Governor DeSantis officially suspended his campaign and endorsed Donald Trump, a CNN/University of New Hampshire (UNH) poll was released showing that his departure will most certainly benefit Trump in the state he was already winning. Among likely GOP New Hampshire voters whose first choice was Ron DeSantis, an overwhelming 62% named Trump as their second-choice candidate, while only 30% opted for Haley.

The Hill has more:

The poll comes just days before New Hampshire voters cast their ballots in the GOP primary election on Tuesday, where Haley is hoping to pull off an upset in the Granite State. Haley has gained on Trump in the state in recent weeks and is now trailing the former president by 11 percentage points, according to the CNN poll.

The CNN poll showed Trump with 50 percent of support and Haley with 39 percent as DeSantis polled significantly behind.

The results of this poll suggest DeSantis’s supporters in New Hampshire may help boost Trump in the state. However, the poll also found that just six percent of voters selected the Florida governor as their first-choice candidate.


Meanwhile, in South Carolina, Nikki Haley’s home state, Trump has an average lead of 30 points. This means that Trump is not only likely to win New Hampshire, but Nikki Haley is on the verge of losing big in her home state. As Ron DeSantis pointed out on Sunday when he announced he was suspending his campaign, Republican primary voters want to give Donald Trump another shot. He gets it, and Nikki Haley ought to as well. The longer she stays in the race, the harder it will be for the party to unite behind the candidate that will ultimately represent the party in November: Donald Trump.

Make no mistake about it: It is time for Republican voters to unite behind Donald Trump. The radical left is terrified that they are going to lose the 2024 election and is trying every scheme possible to hold onto the White House. Here at PJ Media, we’ll continue to expose these attacks on our democracy, and you can bet they will get worse as we get closer to the 2024 election. By becoming a VIP member, you’ll be directly supporting our hard-hitting journalism and commentary and giving us the tools we need to fight back against the censors.

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