Poll: Biden and Trump in a Dead Heat in Georgia

Left: President Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Colorado Springs, Colo., February 20, 2020. Right: Former vice president Joe Biden at a campaign rally in Los Angeles, Calif., March 3, 2020 (Kevin Lamarque, Mike Blake/Reuters)

A new survey from GOP polling firm Public Opinion Strategies found that President Donald Trump and presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden are in a dead heat among voters in Georgia for the upcoming general election.

The polling was conducted via telephone and surveyed 500 likely voters from May 4 to May 7, asking them who they plan to support in the presidential and Senate elections in November, as well as for their views on the ongoing response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

According to the group’s summary of the results, 46 percent of respondents said they support Trump, while 47 percent back Biden. Five percent said they are undecided, and 2 percent did not respond. However, Trump had one advantage: Forty-three percent of respondents said they will “definitely” vote for him, while just 39 percent said the same of their support for Biden.

Georgia will feature two Senate elections this year. In one, Republican incumbent David Perdue is running for reelection and his Democratic opponent will be chosen in a primary on June 9. In the other, candidates are running in a special election to fill the seat that previously belonged to retiring Republican senator Johnny Isakson. That seat is currently occupied by Republican Kelly Loeffler, who was appointed by Georgia’s GOP governor Brian Kemp to fill the spot until the special election.

The new poll found that Perdue is leading one of his possible Democratic opponents Jon Ossoff, by a small margin, 43 percent to 41 percent. In 2017, Ossoff lost a special election to fill the U.S. House seat in Georgia’s sixth congressional district. Eight percent of respondents said they are undecided.

Meanwhile, the race for the open seat is complicated by Doug Collins, a Republican congressman from Georgia’s ninth district, who is challenging Loeffler for the GOP nod. In the poll, Collins leads with 19 percent, followed by Loeffler at 18 percent, and Democratic candidate Matt Lieberman at 17 percent. This race has a lot more voter uncertainty than Perdue’s: Twenty-six percent of respondents said they remain undecided.

The poll didn’t ask voters whether they approve of President Trump’s handling of the coronavirus crisis, but a slim majority said they approve of Kemp’s response. Fifty-one percent said they approve of his recent decision to let some businesses decide whether to reopen, while 47 percent disagreed. A larger majority (58 percent) supports Kemp’s decision to lift the stay-at-home order and keep precautions in place for more vulnerable members of the population, especially those in nursing homes. Thirty-eight percent said they strongly approve of this, while 41 percent disapprove.

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