Man with ‘Trump’ on his car beaten by activists protesting death of George Floyd in Minneapolis: report

News & Politics

The second day of protests in Minneapolis over the death of a black man, George Floyd — who died after a white police officer held him down with a knee to his neck for several minutes during detainment — erupted into looting and vandalism, and a man who appeared to be a Trump supporter was beaten by activists.

What are the details?

Reporter Karen Scullin of KMSP-TV was at the scene of the demonstration for several hours on Wednesday and live-tweeted what she witnessed. She noted that the crowd continued to build throughout the day despite the official protest not starting until 5:00 p.m.

Scullin wrote that protesters were trying to break into the Minneapolis Police Department’s third precinct, and officers fired rubber bullets in an effort to push back the crowd, which she described at that time to be “not huge but very vocal and angry.”

The reporter noted during the afternoon, “Emotions high…mad dads calling for a peaceful protest…another group staring down police…all is calm right now.”

Within an hour, Scullin tweeted, “Getting bad out here,” adding, “the 3rd precinct is being destroyed.”

Scullin included footage of looting and acts of vandalism before reporting, “protestors destroying a car that says Trump on it. Driver out walking around. After taking a few punches he was helped to his smashed up vehicle and drove off with people still throwing things.”

Anything else?

Prior to Scullin’s report, President Donald Trump tweeted, “At my request, the FBI and the Department of Justice are already well into an investigation as to the very sad and tragic death in Minnesota of George Floyd. I have asked for this investigation to be expedited and greatly appreciate all the work done by local law enforcement. My heart goes out to George’s family and friends. Justice will be served!”

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    1. More proof trumpers/republicans can “N-e-v-e-r” let just one more black man walk away with his life~~ For 40+ years, I have been a staunch republican….no more! First, bushy with his “no more brown men” and then Oompa Loompa with his “no more blacks or Muslims”….this entire “soul-less” lot sickens me more than I can put into words!! I can’t say “you should be ashamed”..because it is patently obvious that you know “NO” shame. If reincarnation exists….I can only hope that you come back as a black, brown or yellow man~~~

        1. Trump was N-E-V-E-R about race, he’s always been about prosperity for AMERICANS. Black people are AMERICANS.

        2. I agree and I think that Nikki shows very little respect for our intelligence by making such transparently false claims.

          1. Trump was a Democrat until he ran for office and one of the Biggest contributors to the Clintons. Look it up. He got tired of the lies

      1. Spoken like a true democrat. The subject of this article is the animalistic looting and destruction of INNOCENT people’s property and bodies. There is no support here for what happened to George Floyd. I have not heard any broadcaster, politician, or citizen from either political persuasion support the way Mr Floyd was treated.

        Sounds like your little liberal heart wants to avoid the multitude of voices decrying the original event, and jumping on the bandwagon of “tearing things down is OK”

        1. I couldn’t have said it better. It was out-and-out murder. The officer has to pay the price.

        2. I am totally with you on your views. They are burning, beating people, tearing car, buildings. The pizza shop. What we are going through with this virus, people out of work, houses, Why tear up innocent people’s stuff, those 4 police men should be charged with murder. Just like the father and son that killed that young jobber. Let the inside of prison take real good care of them. God Bless us all

        3. Apparently you didnt Hear Hannity and Bongino the other night cause they went off no all of those cops…

      2. Democrats beat up Trump’s supporter, damage his car, and you think Republicans are the problem.
        Did you forget to take your pills again?

      3. Yeah, you idiot, you have no idea what political party the policeman belonged to. There has only been a false narrative that he was a Trump supporter, absolutely NO proof of that. You have never been a Republican, you are a baldface liar, and a simpleton liberal to boot, go take a long walk off a short dock, you doxy!!!

      4. @ Nikki what trash comment you’ve been a staunch Republican that is the usual lefts way to twist shit into something negative about Trump.Well Donald did nothing to start this it was just one one cop mainly but of course the usual race baiting left/blacks/white leftist noting jokes always looking for something to destroy/burn and of course loot as you cant protest without loot gotta get my free shit in there and its mostly blacks but its always liberal big cities run by democrats that cater to the give me mine/wellfare Im too lazy to work but I want my mine democrat thinking

      5. What an asinine comment! The police officer is the one responsible for the man’s death. The skin color of those two individuals should have nothing to do with the incident. As per President Trump’s orders, this incident is being investigated. The officers at the scene have all been fired. If the report warrants it, the officer(s) will be arrested and tried (which is what I believe will happen). You have NO knowledge of the political leanings of the officers involved, yet you blame supporters (about 185 million people who weren’t there) of President Trump for this incident. You have NO knowledge of what led up to the arrest of this man; was he violent or resisting arrest? In my opinion, even if he was violent, once he was subdued the officer should have released the pressure on the man’s neck. I think his death (God Bless his soul) was avoidable and I feel so bad for his family. However, YOU do not criticize one rioter for beating up innocent bystanders, looting, robbing, burning down business, smashing cars, trying to beat up innocent police officers, etc. Your “compassion” is strikingly one-sided, and I would suggest you examine your own motives and biases before you criticize innocent people who may be threatened or hurt by YOUR statements.

        1. You are rational, understanding and saying it like it is. Tearing up and beating innocent people because of those four officers, make you know better than the cops.

      6. Those were police under the orders of a democrat mayor who did that. Do not blame Trump for this shit, President Trump has sicked the FBI on those cops, one will get murder1 the others will get accessory during the fact. Trump had nothing to do with that crap. Want someone to blame? blame the libtard democrat governor of the state. Where is her response?

      7. Let us not confuse protesters with looters. The former are protected by the 1st amendment so long as they do not break any laws; the latter are just black and white low life trash and criminals who would attack anyone if they thought there was something to gain from the attack. Those folks deserve to be horse whipped.

        1. Damn shame the rest of the store owners and managers did not open fire like the Pawn Shop owner did and he had a right to when it comes to the black/latino/white trash destroying others property and looting and fearful for their livers.

      8. What a sack of shit from little Nickki, he is as conservative

        as Pol Pot and is probably Antifa.

      9. You are so full of shit that I won’t even try to explain anything to you as I have nothing for ignorant people.’ My one and only comment to you no matter when you come back with stupid comments is you had your one comment.

      10. You’re a piece of shit Democrat portraying yourself as a Republican. You are a fake news lying fuckjack!!

      11. Maybe before you open your worthless piehole you should check and see what political party that murdering cop belongs to — guess what? He’s NOT a “Trumper”!

      12. What if the cop who killed Floyd is a Democrat? Is it STILL Trump’s fault? This isn’t a race thing OR a political thing. It’s a ‘the cop was too stupid to realize he was really killing the guy’ thing. Negligent homicide, at worst.

      13. Both the city and state are controlled by Democrats–meaning they set up the police department. Has nothing to do with Republicans. By the way, Republicans have done more for blacks than the Democrats.

      14. How was Trump responsible for the MURDER of the black man by a racially mixed group of police officers? Did he not call for the discredited FBI to investigate the killing immediately?

        How do you know that the police officers are not Democrats in a Democrat controlled city?

        When did ANY president say, “First, bushy with his “no more brown men” and then Oompa Loompa with his “no more blacks or Muslims”’ outside of Democrat Woodrow Wilson?

      15. That’s an idiotic comment. Goodbye, you’re a demoncRAT anyway and won’t be missed. It takes a true a Moron To blame Trump for this.

      16. do you realize that the muslims take over countries from the inside by getting into positions of power?

      17. I would bet $100. that you have NEVER been a Republican and are nothing more than a demoshyt shill. If you were EVER a Republican, you would know by historical facts that its the democrud party that has been the party of race baiting racists and have done nothing but destroy the Black family in America.

      18. WOW WEE!!! This is one MORON. What do republican’s or that matter DIMs got to do with that PIG killing Mr Floyd?

        Who or WHAT ever you are it is clear by your own statements are a Lying Moron taking advantage of this horrible situation for your GLORY. Your NO better than the PIG who killed this poor guy!

      19. How long have you been an idiot, Nikki? And as a Liberal leftist, I already KNOW you are a worthless Liar. Do us all a favor, just go away and try to lie to someone else that might believe you. Dumbass

      20. There you go again, straining your one-digit-IQ to express how ignorant, misinformed, uneducated, and racist you really are…

    2. You know its very simple if you follow the law these situation don’t seem to just pop up and bite ya in the azz!!
      Although his death may have been contributed to a knee one must ask how did he get into that situation ?? Fraud ??
      reports he was high on heroin ?? may be we should just wait for the investigators . It seems to me that a lot of the vandalism and stealing was to self en rich these individuals that are using this death for personal gain. The sad thing is the loss and damages done to the local businesses cause grief and suffering to people that had nothing to do with this death. So i’ve come to the conclusion that most of these protesters are just as bad as the knee on the neck. You could say the just put a knee on the store owners and their fellow citzens that didn’t do anything!!

      1. I look for the day, when real Americans can protect their neighbor’s property and public property with brute force. But Amerika will have to restore the republic before THAT happens. I HAVE A DREAM….and communist and other thugs are NOT included in it.

      1. any excuse to loot….they are so proud of the race that is full of victims. Even the millionaire NFL players are victims, and unGREATful of what Amerika has done for them. Totally stupid.

    3. Over half or more of the activists are not from Minneapolis, they are handsomely paid by Soros and his buds to keep
      us in line. We need to get off our duff and fight back for our rights, which are being taken from us. Doesn’t anyone see that is happening?

      1. To what end? To elect a socialist or communist with little knowledge of or devotion to the Constitution? To elect someone who seems to be unable to speak cogently, remember facts, or keep his hands to himself, in other words, possibly suffering from early dementia?

    4. This is an example of how diversity does not help racism. We need to learn about humanity and sameness, not so much about differences. We all have the same feelings, wants, needs.

    5. Well Nikki, it’s clearly obvious by your words that you’re not a Christian. Don’t worry about reincarnation because there is no such animal. But there will be a rapture, and when that does happen….you’re screwed

    6. What makes you think that all the looting were Democrats or all black. Republican have also been cough looting in some protest and were also white.

  1. More proof that they will not only let a good crisis go to waste, the will never miss an opportunity to help themselves to other people’s property, will destroy anything they can’t steal and have no problem destroying public property and police vehicles. Once the looting started, the cops should have started using JHP bullets instead of rubber and anti-personnel grenades instead of the “flash bang” variety.

    1. why didn’t the FBI show up with tanks and C-S gas? like they do to people in their church/home in Waco Texas. Or shoot them in the back like in Idaho?

  2. Mob rule; that is the way of the beast. If you don’t back up the police you are going to get mob rule and chaos.

    You think gold is going to protect your fortune; guest again; it will be lead.

    The revolution 250 years ago has lost its focus. With support of our Constitution; we will become just another third world country.

    Too bad you don’t know your history. Those of you that know, stock up on food, water and ammo. You are going to need it to survive the next 5 months.

    1. Bad Cops ARE “mob rule”. The big problem you armchair Duff’s don’t acknowledge is that you force a lot of uninvolved people to live in growing beleagured places. Why are they beleagured? Because Repetitives run things like selfish pigs, and stir up violence uin cartoons on mainstream media, and can’t see when they’ve pushed everyone else over the edge. But we sure hear it when THEIR gasoline is a dime more.

    2. IT was OK to secede from a tyrant in England in 1776, but wrong to secede from a tyrant in the Den of Corruption in 1861? A man could not fight and die to free another man in 1865, anymore than a man could be taxed to make another equal in 1965. Socialism won’t “work”. God made man to work (or he should not eat). IF “we” don’t kill the unGREATful SOCIETY, IT will kill “us”. RESTORE the republic!

      1. Much of the South seceded over the issue of the right to hold another human in slavery BEFORE Lincoln took office. In addition, Lincoln was the FIRST Republican president in our history.

        But I take it you believe the CSA and the Lost Cause were right and the effort to stop the spread of slavery and end it were wrong.

    1. Well, MillieK, if you are black, …..I’d certainly stay from Minneapolis also annnndddd NYC and Chicago and L.A because they shoot first and ask questions later….bigoted lot!!!

      1. That’s good – paint all members of a particular persuasion (citizens of NYC, Chicago, LA, and Minneapolis) with one broad brush. In your mind, people are not individuals – they are a caricature. Identity Politics? Democrat?

        People are people – they have individual characteristics and you will find good and bad everywhere. Personally, I moved from one state to another to find less “bad” people”, but I would never describe all members of a location, race, or socio-economic class with one definition.

        1. Well said ‘God Bless TX’. It’s amazing how many people on the left accuse us Republicans and Conservatives of being racists and bigots, but it is they who break down everything in society into ‘white’, ‘black’, Asian, Hispanic, Trumper, ‘middle class’, etc. I identify the people involved in this incident as a police officer and the victim; that is what ‘s important and relevant – nothing else. History shows us time and again that it is the leftists who are the intolerant ones, the violent ones, the ones who ultimately destroy successful societies. Imagine what a wonderful country we would have if we could expel them all…………send them to some communist country where they will be happy, and we could live our peaceful lives with our Constitution, religions, guns, and no abortion clinics.

          1. And what makes you any different? Bigot — a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions! So since you are intolerant of “leftists”, you are a bigot! Problem today is that there are actually people like you and “God bless texas” that think they aren’t prejudiced, when you are no different than all people. There are bigots and there are liars, you’re one or the other!

            I for one am a bigot, and GOD created me to be so. GOD told us to use discernment and to not mingle with corrupt people, which include those who worship false gods, those who are liars, adulterers, thieves, and evil! Yet the majority of people, including most Christians refuse to accept GOD’s laws/doctrine over the laws of man.

        2. Yeah right! And the most important part of your comment is what you DIDN’T say! Like how did you chose your current location? What is the predominant characteristic of people where you moved to and what was the predominant characteristic of the people where you left? Let me guess – you moved from an area with a higher percentage of blacks and democraps, to a location that was heavily white and conservative. Of course we’ll never know because you’ll just lie to justify your comment and your claim of not being discriminatory!

          The fact is that we are all bigots in one way or another, it just that some, like you lie about it!

      2. Right on there Carolyn. Those hundreds of dead annually in big cities are all killed by the PO…lice, not black gangbangers, who are all model citizens.

    2. I avoid yankees at all cost myself…..they do make good LIVE target practice (says my great great grandfather)

    1. wait a minute………. I thought it was the republicans in power, destroying the nation and the earth and the environment and the endangered wildlife! Did I miss something?

      1. Yes you did miss a lot goes to show that you must be a dropout and totally uneducated and don’t have enough common sense to realize the republicans are not perfect but they do care about the Constitution and this country. Everyone knows voting is choosing between the evils you have to choose what’s best not what’s perfect !

        1. Awe REA, don’t be too hard on Carolyn. She’s clearly a Bernie supporter still in middle school

      2. yes, you missed a proper, worthwhile education. What kind of parent, would send their offspring to be brainwashed by the socialist in the gov’t. skul sistem? A NAZI, a communist and an idiot would.

  3. It’s always the morons who riot and do the bidding of the racist democrats. Beating up a supporter of the most pro-black president this nation has ever seen is just one example. The cop(s) involved in the outright murder of this innocent man should be in prison for life, if not executed. But President Trump is in no way culpable for any of this. Look no further than the racists in the democrat party, the main stream media and the liberals in general. I would bet that these cops all support Bernie or Biden.

    1. Were you at their trial and witness the judge or jury’s conclusion of not guilty or guilty? I thought not. But, feel free to throw away the presumption of innocence and due process. In reality, this restraint hold was designed, and being used, to neutralize the violent resistance of the thug. They could not risk putting him in the car at that point because the other officers were involved in holding wannabee thugs at bay. They were trying to interfere with a lawful arrest.

      This hold does not restrict air flow. It is used as a passive restraint (rather than crippling injuries or pain compliance) in several martial arts, self defense, and police training. If the officer had his knee on the trachea, that would be a misapplication of the technique. But he has most of his weight on the back leg, not the restraining knee.

      I will also point out that deaths such as this are all too common. You take a middle aged person that is out of shape, overweight, and with a history of past and current drug abuse, you wind up with someone that exerts themselves for the first time in years and suddenly you get a ‘I can’t breathe’ response. But that is NOT due to a restricted airway. That is due to coronary insufficiency, or even coronary arrhythmia (cocaine abuse/damage). Simple restraint such as this isn’t the causative agent. So let’s wait for the autopsy and actual clinical findings.

      1. Tell that to the rioters and looters. Your comment is right on except that the pressure on his neck could be restrictive enough to cause other issues. But as you said, lets wait for the autopsy.
        As for the rioters and looters, it’s LONG past time for the past method of “shoot looters as they exit the store with their stolen goods” to be reimplemented. Riots and lootings are the result of people who have no self-restraint and don’t give a damn about innocents being hurt by their actions.
        Protests are a totally different story as long as they remain peaceful. But should someone be improperly provoked into doing something harmful and/or unlawful, all bets are off.
        But I reiterate: looters should be shot on site.

        1. someone threatens me or my family, my house or my car, they are dead meat. I don’t live in a gun free, idiot rich state or city. Only a total fool would do that….then blame others

      2. Agree the country needs to wait for ALL the facts and see what happens then..riots are not for what happened it is a paid for response. would not be surprised if soros did not pay the troublemakers. what do stores have to do with the issue? what does a taxpayer paid cop car have to do with it..Its like blaming guns for killing when the real issue is the person behind the gun..this is why gun laws do not and will not work. the lame brained need to wake up oh, cant do that from mom’s basement..yep…

      3. In either case, when he stated that he could not breath, the cop should have released his knee from the neck. Good grief, he held it there for what the press reported for 8 minutes or so!

        1. and Pappa Woodie S T I L L believes the press ? How many times do you let people lie to you before you wake up? I only need one. Go back to sleep, everything is gonna be OK

      4. Finally, an intelligent comment on what may have happened and remarkably it had nothing to do with race. Is race really an issue in this terrible incident, or is it only an issue with those who wish to excite racial hatred for their purposes, like beating up others and looting area shops?

      1. I must be delusional to believe that Trump is pro America, but I don’t think Trump or anyone else would absorb the hatred and falsehoods sent his way if he didn’t care about this country.

      2. That’s why he’s losing so much be president because he doesn’t care about the USA

    2. This is one of the best comments that I have read on this site and is totally totally right!! Glad to see that there is some people out there that have common sense. If I were a Democrat I would be ashamed and hide my head there is no democrats know more just terrorism and people that wish to destroy this nation that is your Democratic Party

      1. the demon-rats abandoned the black, the females, the Asian and the homo candidate. Then the black man (Booger) and the foreign born slut (Kamala) endorsed the senile racist sniffing JOE ? barry boy obama was the POTUS only to the shallow ship of fools and idiots. good luck in NOV.

    3. And yet you insist on lying yourself. There is NOTHING yet that has proven that the negro who died was “innocent”. All you know is what was on the video (which only covered the end of the confrontation and not what started it) and the opinions of the videographer and commenters. You don’t know if this guy tried to kill the cops, kidnap someone, or was high on controlled substances that made him extremely combative, nor do you know if he had a quiet pacifistic attitude.

  4. I hate to say it but what needs to happen these “rioters” is the first one to THROW something is to shoot them.The first one into the Target store to loot gets shot. The first one holding a Molotov cocktail gets shot.
    I AGREE with peaceful demonstration 110%. But destroying property, burning cars, looting, is not a peaceful demonstration. It is criminal and should be treated as such.
    I have not heard anything on the pawn shop owner that shot and killed, (“I am guessing”) the person trying to rob or loot his shop. If that is the case he got what he deserved.
    As for the man with TRUMP on his car, also should have shot someone.
    And I will bet that after a few get shot this shit of rioting will stop,
    Am I a blood thirsty maniac, no, I am just sick and tired of these assholes rioting and looting every time something bad happens to someone.
    Did George deserve to die for what he was accused of HELL NO, did the man with TRUMP on his car deserve to get beat up HELL NO. Did the looter deserve to do what they did ????.

    1. I say why in God’s name would you want to burn down your own town just because you’re pissed at people? This shows me that these people do not have much intelligence!!

    2. young people have NO IDEA what America was like before the deep state killed JFK. America even after 100 years of mob rule (democracy) was still semi-safe. Laws were obeyed, people were punished, the school system taught facts and other usable things. Now Amerika is an oligarchy. Those with the gold, make the rules…but are exempt from those rules. When the SHTF, the stupid (weak) will die.

      1. Tim;
        Take a check on history. America has always been ruled by the people with the gold. They were the people that were educated, but they were also capable of building fortunes thru hard work and self discipline. Our downfall began after when LBJ built the concept of the Great Society and the idea that the government would take care of us if we were good citzens. Somehow that morphed from the idea that people had the right to a decent life into a view that decent life included cars and TV’s and other modern amenities. And those who did not have the opportunity or motivation to achieve that decent life felt that they were cheated and deserved more. Those people became Democrats as LBJ planned.

  5. I do Believe these Officers should be in custody…. That being said…. One Must wonder what these looters expect to gain by destroying their own “Hood”, Rioting, causing Trouble and In True Fashion “Gang Beating” Innocent People, And while I don’t put Trashy Stickers on MY Automobile, were these culero’s to Attack my vehicle over My “Trump 2020” hat…. They would learn first hand what “CHL” means and what a Revolver loaded with .410 Defender 3″ Magnum Shotshells will do, This Lil’ Old white haired Old man really Dislikes Violence…. Especially, when Perpetrated against him, and will take out as many as possible before the beating Begins….

  6. It is a shame that some of the replies are what the Dems what. I’m talking about the anti Black people!

    1. I am anti-communist, anti-socialist….in whatever color it takes on. I am not racist, I am a stupidist, a moronist, and an idiotist. I don’t care much for perverts either.

  7. I was watching the news earlier and a speaker came on saying ” this isn’t a black thing, its a human rights thing”, you know I was literally feeling sick watching that cop with his knee on that fellow’s throat, then I see the terrorism going on in the town and even in other states then I’m like yeah she’s right its not a black thing, they are doing exactly what they do all the time. Riot, steal and destroy property of people that had nothing to do with the the death of that guy, and please excuse for not remembering his name, the terrorist thugs is all that will be remembered after this. How sad for the man’s family, that when their son, father, friend is spoken of all of the destruction, and rioting will be linked together, what a legacy for his kids and parents to have to carry . Thanks not to people actually protesting because there is a difference in protesting and terrorism but to the terrorism that people who didn’t even know the man has caused.

    1. Diana, have you noticed that these kinds of police vs blacks events occur regularly in Democrat dominated communities like Baltimore, Chicago, New York, Detroit, and Minneapolis? I have. And that tells me the systems there don’t work for anyone except the elite.

  8. DEMOCRAT= MOB RULE—Never forget that the Founding Fathers equated democracy with mob rule, that is why they created America as a Constitutional Republic!

  9. The police officers involved should be charged just like anyone else would be. The rioters and looters, the people who damaged property, those who assaulted people should be charged too. I’m 73 yrs old and if someone, anyone assaulted me for any reason I would have no choice but to start slinging lead because at my advanced age I can no longer stand toe to toe and throw blows with someone half my age.
    What happened to this man was wrong and that police officer should be punished but Black people do not have a license to act like uncivilized animals every time something happens that they don’t like.

    1. just like the abolitionist of the 1850’s, cause chaos to change laws you disagree with. Even stealing guns (Harper’s Ferry) to kill Southern plantation owners. Last year the demon-rats said RESIST ! Today they say “stay on the plantation and OBEY !” how stupid can you be ? totally stupid !

  10. First, why are they being called protesters and demonstrators? They’re RIOTERS! And our officials should be telling the rioters that our justice system works. The facts will come out and appropriate and legal action will be taken against any officer who’s broken the law. Rioters will be charged with murder, assault, looting, arson, malicious mischief, and rioting. They will not only face jail time, they’ll be required to make restitution for the damage they’ve done. Unfortunately, Obama and Holder (and current Democrats) have told them our justice system is racist and a failure, so telling them that is an effort in futility… I’m worried for America. We’re headed toward a race war, and the Democrats are stoking the fires.

    1. You are so right when this country has another war within its own borders the democrats will be to blame. I see them do nothing but stoke the flame of the vision. I am so glad I am not the only one that sees things the way they really are.

      1. I will be responsible too. My dad killed commies for his mommy. I hope to fill his shoes. Bring it

  11. Why pick on someone just because they had a Trump bumper sticker ?? That makes you even worse then the policeman you are mad at. The police officer was there supposedly to do a job. These idiots picking on a poor guy cause he has a Trump bumper sticker are no more then hoodlums. I have a Trump bumper sticker. I have had 2 heart operations in ten years (last one this past April) I carry a gun, and would not hesitate to shoot someone who tries to punch me. They hit me in the chest, they kill me. I will defend myself anyway possible. These people are worse then the police they are mad at.

  12. The demonstrators that I saw on a FOX broadcast were throwing gang signs and getting in front of the reporter at times. These are criminals using this to further their control and power. Their open presence and the lack of police intervention tells their community two things. 1. We are more powerful than the police, fear our displeasure. 2. It is ok to violate the law, join us.

  13. So why is there not this level of outrage against the obscene black genocide that takes place daily in Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, Baltimore etc…. Do those black lives matter?

    1. they matter about as much as the ones that the blacks pay a white doctor to abort their black child

  14. Thank God our militaries never ever acted like this. Zimbabwe could have kicked our rears. When did this cowardice start. In Minnesota, one could blame omar. In the book, THE BARBARIANS ARE HERE, “it explains how when the muslims get to 12-16% anywhere in the world, they will bully everyone and anyone. Just look at Germany, Sweden, England and Australia. Were now at that point. Same as the black population. Scream and holler racism and continue doing it till America cowers. This is another good book. Saul Alynski’s RULES FOR RADICALS. This is all about them taking over America in ten steps from within. It’s happening now.

  15. For the headline concern: CONCEALED CARRY, FOLKS.

    If you live where you cannot obtain it, MOVE. Know this might be a long term endeavor, but so much of life is.

    Right now people in Minneapolis are blessed to see how thin the veneer of civilization is.

    So MOVE and go make yourself a thicker veneer.

  16. If you think some things are bad now just wait till the Democrats win by voter fraud, if they do win. These Democrats are using every thing possible to win by fraud. They want vote by mail witch would be the most easy way to win by voter fraud. What is coming down to is a civil war if the Democrats win by fraud. We the good people of America have the guns and the guns might be used. I think Trump will not be so nice after the election if he wins or looses. If he wins lots of Democrats will be going to jail for stealing from the Government (big reason the Democrats want Trump gone).

  17. All this nonsense about whether or not the cop is a Trump supporter makes NO sense… If it comes to light that he is a Madonna fan does that make HER somehow responsible for his actions? Use your damned brains people!! Stop jumping on the bandwagon for one excuse after another to hate and spew venom at each other. Know your enemy!! In this case the enemy is a single man who wore a badge to work and abused the authority that badge afforded him resulting in the death of another man. He’d be just as dead if he were white or latino or asian, it’s not even ABOUT race, it’s about police abuse of power, something that we ALL suffer from, and trying to make a pissing contest out of who suffers MORE is POINTLESS!!

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