Chinese State Media Calls Violent U.S. Protests A ‘Beautiful Sight’


A state newspaper in China is calling violent riots in U.S. cities “retribution” for Washington’s support of pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong, adding that they are a “beautiful sight.”

The Global Times, a Chinese Communist Party outlet, suggested in a column that Beijing “would be justified if it openly backed the protests and riots in the U.S. that have prompted eight governors to call out the National Guard,” The Washington Times reported.

The column, written by Global Times Editor-in-Chief Hu Xijin, took aim at the Trump administration for threatening to impose sanctions on China over its new security law in Hong Kong.

The newspaper also took aim at [Secretary of State Mike] Pompeo and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat. It mocked a statement Mrs. Pelosi made nearly a year ago that pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong were “a beautiful sight to behold” at the time.

“Now, the ‘beautiful sight’ is extending from Hong Kong to over a dozen U.S. states,” the paper said. “U.S. politicians now can enjoy this sight from their own windows.”

Trump has doubled down on his stern policies against China. Last week, he withdrew the U.S. from the World Health Organization over its handling of China’s role in the coronavirus crisis. The president has also hit Beijing for its “security lockdown” on Hong Kong.

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“Chinese officials ignored their reporting obligations to the World Health Organization and pressured the World Health Organization to mislead the world,” Trump announced last week. “The Chinese government has continually violated its promises to us and so many other nations. These plain facts cannot be overlooked or swept aside.”

But Hu said the U.S. should stay out of Chinese matters.

“A quick question for Pelosi and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: Should the Chinese government and National People’s Congress issue a statement to support the protests by African-Americans and the grassroots of U.S. society?” Hu wrote. “It seems to be what Beijing should do according to the logic of Washington cheering for the rioters in Hong Kong.”

Trump, though, said Beijing’s crackdown on Hong Kong “is a tragedy for the people of Hong Kong, the people of China and, indeed, the people of the world.”

“China claims it is protecting national security, but the truth is that Hong Kong was secure and prosperous as a free society,” Trump said. “Beijing’s decision reverses all of that. It extends the reach of China’s invasive state security apparatus into what was formerly a bastion of liberty. China has replaced its promise formula of ‘one country, two systems’ with ‘one country, one system.’”

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  1. I was married to Chinese woman for 7 years, made 3 trips to mainland China. The Chinese people in general will purposely take advantage of everyone, even their own people. They cannot be trusted when it comes to money and easily lie rather than tell the simple truth. My ex Chinese wife never revealed to me she was a wealthy woman owning a restaurant in Chongqing, real estate, and having a significant savings. One trip from China, she smuggled $20,000 in US currency through customs. She had a secret zippered pocket in her underwear. I found all that cash hidden in our closet! She laughed about it!

    1. May she hid that she owns property or so, but Chinese women are very good at saving money, and in hard times, that same woman from China will show you her support and help, you can count on them, this is my own experience.

  2. FK the slant eyed sloped headed gooks, they are not worth 2 dead cockroaches. Time to cut off all ties with the Communist bastards.

    1. Guess what Jerry, You more than likely voted for the DICTATOR-PIECE -OF – SHIT we have in office right now! 62% of this country’s wealth is owned by the top 2%. Yes, china can never be trusted, but this 2% here are more communist than them! FUCK THE RICH! REAL DEMOCRACY IS SUPPOSE TO HELP FORM THE BOTTOM UP! THE RICH WILL ALWAYS BE RICH YOU FOOL!

      1. Have you checked te self worth of Obama, the Clintons, Pelosi, Biden, Waters and Schumer? Strange thing is…How did they become so rich? Pelosi earns $223,500 as House Speake per year, the third highest paid politician. Yet, her net worth is $135 million. Obama has a net worth of $40 million. In this day and age any political figure pretty much leaves politics much richer than when they entered politics.

        We need to dump China, bring back all American manufacturing back to the the USA and let the Communist Chinese rot.

      2. Who says that real democracy Is suppose to help from the bottom up?
        Why you need to support me and help me ? when you did well for yourself and I was a bum no good …. people that are successful and become rich don’t owe you me or anyone anything … remember in the USA anyone can succeed and become rich … so get going instead of waiting for a hand out …. Wake up America !!
        Both political parties Democrats or Republicans are bad anyway … the libertarian party should govern so everyone can succeed and don’t need to wait for a hand out …

      3. Who says that real democracy Is suppose to help from the bottom up?
        Why you need to support me and help me ? when you did well for yourself and I was a bum no good …. people that are successful and become rich don’t owe you me or anyone anything … remember in the USA anyone can succeed and become rich … so get going instead of waiting for a hand out …. Wake up America !!
        Both political parties Democrats or Republicans are bad anyway … the libertarian party should govern so everyone can succeed and don’t need to wait for a hand out …

  3. Just more proof that we should cut our ties with the low-life scum Chinese… They have been playing America for fools since the beginning and unfortunately we should have had enough brains to write them off over a decade ago. Crooks like the Biden’s and other politicians have been taking advantage of the situation at the American taxpayers expense.

    1. Paul, you need to educate yourself before you put such bullshit on line! TRICKY DICK STARTED TRADING WITH CHINA, and the rich republicans have been trading ever since. Both reps and dems, and especially the corporate rich, have fucked us over by not only trade, but closing 100s of companies, and bringing those jobs over to china for very cheap labor and a shitty product! Today, nothing and no-one is safe. We are just numbers, and expendable at any given time!

      1. RICH PURCELL, YOU ARE AN IDIOT. If you think the communist Chinese have even a spark of decency you really don’t know your history. They are murderous scum, always have been, always will be, they hate us, this country, and everything we stand for. The Rinos & the DemocRATS have sold this country out for 30+ years. There’s more than enough blame to go around. Bill Clinton took Chinese money to finance his re-election campaign in 1995, the investigation was sold out by John Glenn (a democRAT), who voted no on the investigation so he could get a ride on the space shuttle. Look it up & pull your head out. Listen for the loud popping sound. GO TRUMP 2020-2024-2028——————–

    2. Hindsight is always 20/20 and since most of this crap started before the majority of us were born it will be a long hard road to correct the errors of our grandfathers , they have some excuse though, communications was pretty poor back then and the press was able to easily influence the American population. We do not have that excuse though and get factual news from many different sources instantaneously. so get out tour marching boots and get on the road to repair and correct all of those misinformed decisions made by our forefathers cause as the song says I’s a long long road

  4. Thank God for President Trump,, making America great again. And standing up to all the criminals in our government today!

  5. Yeah, the ChiComs are soooo on our side on this matter. Sure, let’s turn this country into a sozialische cess pool. It didn’t even work for the Soviet Union, it didn’t work for Cuba, it didn’t work for Venezuela, and what we see today regarding Hong Kong is an abrogation of the “50-year” being left alone by ChiComs after the British helped build HK into what was once the economic powerhouse in all Asia. They left after their 99 year lease in good faith, but of course the ChiComs won’t brook that – NOOO. They decided to stomp on HK just 21 years after the handover.

    Tell me that the Demoncrats haven’t also profited from sending our jobs overseas, destroying much of our manufacturing infrastructure. Today we have a $24 trillion deficit because of our stupid money handling, including not backing the almighty buck with anything – not gold, not silver, now not even copper clad coinage, plated zinc is what we have now. Listen to the dull thud when our currency hits a counter.

    Written by a “slant eyed, slope headed gook.” With a degree in Political Science and History, conservative to the bone.

    1. I applaud you DT. So many people ride the biggot and hate train with no idea why. they spout all forms of ill informed and illogical rhetoric, I grew up in the cold war with nuclear drills duck and cover etc… we were conditioned to hate communism in any form and any Asian ethnicity’s because of WWII, Korea, Vietnam, China as it is so anti American to not have those beliefs . Well I am a Marine Vietnam infantry veteran a staunch Republican and believe completely in this country and for the most part live and let live.
      All Americans believe in their god given right to choose their own religion. political affiliation, the right to protest and vote as they see fit. but all to often forget that the people in out great nation that they want to fight with have those same rights and the freedom to exercise them in the same manner. So what do you do? Go to war to force your ideas and opinions on those who don’t agree with you ? Is that your idea of a free country ? is that how you live in a safe and secure environment ? if so maybe you should move to Kosovo or Iran or Lebanon because you would fit right in and see how well that works out.
      So what is next? War with China ? War with Russia ? or how about both ? The United States has alienated so many of our allies that it is likely that we would not have the support to succeed in an endeavor of that magnitude and the United States no mater how powerful is not strong enough to succeed starting WWIII and survive, and then what rights and freedoms do you expect to have. I would hazard a guess that everyone would be wishing for the good old days.
      So all of you hate filled, filth spouting, know nothing uninformed uneducated socialistic ideated idiots out there need to take a look through a different lens stop and think what you are saying so that you don’t show the rest of the country that the only thing coming out is diarrhea and making it obvious to all that the government has passed to many laws protecting Idiots and now we have multiple generations of Idiots. So what is the solution ? Oh I know go to war and eradicate the Idiots

      Enough said, think about it people and when you have a real solution everyone will be listening, and until then shut up, listen, and learn …..

  6. A beautiful sight would be the ENTIRE USA banning together to NOT buy anything made in China. Watching their economy die a slow, painful, miserable death WOULD be a lovely sight)))).

  7. Now that is a novel idea. lets do that then nothing will work, medications. your car, your motorcycle’s your TV’s, your washer and dryer, your game machines and computers. hell even your firearms ammo and optics. try to find something that does not have at least some components made in China. Sure we could manufacture most of those items eventually all the while crying because they cost so much more than they used to, and then we go on strike for higher pay so we can afford all of those luxuries that we can not live without and the price goes up or the manufacturer goes out of business because no one can afford or is willing to pay the price, so we look for a cheaper labor market and find one, and then complain that the items are cheep made and break too easy or the labor is being exploited or the this or that and on and on and on.
    Now the correct way to do this is source all of the minerals, manufacturing, machinery, and man power to replace everything that the world depends on from China and no cheating. Lets see how long that takes and how well that works.
    The thing is we all want prosperity and a safe comfortable way of life, a good place to raise our children and watch our grand children grow up in. but to achieve all of the things we want and need some one some where is going to have to pay the price for. I do not see that happening any time soon because American’s are not even willing to go work on the farms to grow and harvest our own food ,we rely on Mexican migrant labor to do that for us, and then complain that the Mexicans are steeling our jobs. Where does it end ? I don’t have the answers but I am still listening waiting for the proverbial magic bullet to solve these dilemma’s.

    Raise your hand if you have the answer….

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