New Project Veritas Video: Voter Fraud in Ilhan Omar’s District

Representative Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) outside the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., April 10, 2019 (Jim Bourg/Reuters)

A Somali whistleblower working in the sheriff’s office helped O’Keefe record evidence of a cash-for-votes scheme.

A“ballot broker” boasts about keeping hundreds of absentee ballots in his car trunk. He brags about them being filled in by people other than the voters. Often, money changes hands. Witnesses tie the rampant fraud to the campaign chairman of prominent member of the radical “squad” in the U.S. House. Loose election laws allow people to come from out of state, vote, and then leave again.

This activity is really happening in America in 2020, and it’s been captured on video by guerrilla filmmaker James O’Keefe. Some of it could be coming to swing states near you if something isn’t done.

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A concerted effort is being made to use the coronavirus as an excuse to transform how we vote in elections by shifting to mail-in or absentee ballots. We are told that democracy will be improved if we allow ballots to be handled outside the scrutiny of election officials — and that there is almost no voter fraud, so what’s to worry about?

Common sense and election observers argue against any sudden shift. “Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud,” concluded the bipartisan Commission on Federal Election Reform, co-chaired by former President Jimmy Carter. Allowing such ballots “increases the risks of fraud and of contested elections.”

In 2012, a grand jury in Miami-Dade County warned about the risks of absentee voting: “Once that ballot is out of the hands of the elector, we have no idea what happens to it. The possibilities are numerous and scary.”

Omar Escobar, the Democratic district attorney of Starr County, Texas, says that in his area the abuse of elderly citizens for their absentee ballots is such that “the time has come to consider an alternative to mail-in voting . . . something that can’t be hijacked.”

Guerilla filmmaker James O’Keefe is famous for having busted institutions ranging from the fraudulent voter-registration group ACORN to NPR to Google. His Project Veritas team has also piled up an impressive array of videos documenting voter fraud and how easy it is to commit it.

Veritas reporters found that it was easy to vote using the name of a dead person in New Hampshire. They filmed a Greenpeace activist in Colorado boasting about how he could find ballots in trash cans that could be fraudulently mailed in. In North Carolina, political operatives encouraged Veritas representatives to vote even if they were not citizens. In 2016, Veritas cameras caught Alan Schulkin, Manhattan’s Democratic election commissioner, saying, “It’s absurd. There is a lot of fraud. Not just voter fraud, all kinds of fraud.” He explained, “They put [people] in a bus and go from poll site to poll site.” Schulkin was promptly fired for his candor by New York City mayor Bill de Blasio.

Now O’Keefe has trained his cameras on “ballot harvesting,” in which third parties collect mail-in ballots and deliver them to election officials. While illegal in some states, it is legal in California and  other states. The individual collecting the ballots can even be a paid campaign worker for someone who is on the ballot. So-called ballot brokers will target certain communities, apartment complexes, or nursing homes to collect votes for their political party.

O’Keefe has uncovered what appears to be a massive ongoing voter-fraud scheme in Minneapolis. It is linked to the political machine of Ilhan Omar, the congresswoman from Minnesota’s fifth district (Minneapolis) and a close ally of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in the U.S. House.

Omar was first elected in 2018 and quickly became a controversial figure, rebuked for her anti-Semitic remarks and accused of shady campaign spending and having committed immigration fraud by marrying her brother. In 2020, she was challenged by Anyone Melton-Meaux, a lawyer who promised to pay less attention to national progressive politics and who ran on the campaign slogan “Focused on the Fifth.” He was endorsed by the Minneapolis Star Tribune editorial board and former Minneapolis NAACP president Nekima Levy-Armstrong.

Melton-Meaux wound up losing in the August Democratic primary, 57 percent to 39 percent.

Many people believe that Omar’s complete domination of the district’s politics is rooted in her machine’s ability to fool, seduce, or bribe members of her Somali community into committing voter fraud.

Minnesota law forbids anyone from “ballot harvesting” more than three ballots in an election. So why does Liban Mohamed, a “ballot broker,” boast about having 300 ballots in his car from the August primary, many of them blank and some opened? “Money is everything,” he laughs on the video. Activists describe how people receive cash when they hand their absentee ballot over so it can be filled out.

A. J. Awed, a Somali who was a losing candidate for city council in Minneapolis’s Ward 6, is shocked at the “corruption” he sees. He calls Omar’s machine “an alliance between [her] clan and the progressive Left.” A Somali political activist says the state’s Democratic Party knows all about the schemes. She describes how Somalis have long moved in from out of state and temporarily established residence and then voted on Election Day, with local campaign workers “vouching” for them. They then disappear and go back to their real homes and their normal lives. Now, with the loosening of mail-in ballot laws, cheating is even easier.

O’Keefe’s guide and facilitator in making these undercover videos is Omar Jamal. A Somali-American, Jamal works for the Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office and also runs the Somali Watchdog Group, which fights corruption by some of the community’s leaders.

O’Keefe’s sources say the practices that O’Keefe describes are organized by Ali (Isse) Gainey, Ilhan Omar’s deputy district director. Isse has served critical roles in Omar’s two successful congressional campaigns as the field organizer for her Minnesota House race and the outreach director for her first congressional campaign. Jamal says that Omar is “victimizing her own community and undermining election integrity.”

Nor is the corruption new. Phyllis Kahn, a Democratic state representative in Minneapolis for 44 years until Omar defeated her in 2016, has long complained about voter fraud tied to Omar’s machine; she believes that fraud contributed to her sudden defeat.

Nor is Kahn the only Democrat concerned that voter fraud exists and is seriously undermining our elections. Representative Tulsi Gabbard, the Hawaii Democrat who made a mild splash as a presidential candidate this year, has become a lead co-sponsor of a bill to withdraw federal election assistance from states that allow ballot harvesting. Her Republican counterpart on The Election Fraud Prevention Act is Illinois Republican Rodney Davis.

“Banning ballot harvesting is not a partisan issue . . . and it is ripe for fraud,” she says in a video. “It poses a serious threat to the integrity of our elections.”

Omar Jamal is even more blunt. “If American people don’t pay attention to what’s happening, soon the country will collapse,” he warns. “The rules and regulations, if you ignore that, and you let corruption and fraud become a daily business, then tough luck. The country will not exist as they know it.”

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  1. MINNESOTA has been Razzed by AMERICA for Voting In such a Radical Senator? … Now we see she has STOLEN HER SEAT. And if the rest of the Country is not ALERTED!!! More than (4) RADICALS will be holding offices and SEATS They Do Not Deserve to Hold.

    1. Disgusting that officials are this ignorant and allowing this to go on. Is someone up there going to do something???????

      1. While Trump is President nothing will ever be done. He’s as crooked as the rest. He is the Beast in the swamp. Don’t you get it moron?

      1. you are an idiot, the left tells you everything they are doing, but tell you Trump is the one doing it and you bob your empty head.

  2. Yep that’s what the democratics did when obama ran went to skid row offered 5 dollars if they would sign their ballot,why these criminals are not prosecuted it is an insult to this country a slap in the face, to deliberately illegally to bribe anyone but worse when it’s a drunk, druggy, or elderly, our election needs Protected from those who want it and America destroyed

  3. This is a federal criminal act. Mr Barr charge her, no need to open an investigation, charge her like her partners in crime convict on doctored video evidence. Disqualify her for re-election and lock her up, report when she is released

    1. Yes and do the same to Trump. They all make me sick. He falsified his income taxes and most likely owes Putin on an outstanding contract. This would explain the $300 million dollars in loans.

      1. You are a rank idiot. the Russians collided with Hillary on the dossier. Russia, Red China and Iran all want Biden desperately. He is bought and paid for. You really need to get informed before putting out your laughable blather.

  4. This woman has proven she is a master mind at lying, cheating and commiting fraud. She should be put in jail and have her fradulent citizenship revoked. She is poison and will poison other peoples minds with her treachory.

      1. Never a hint of election fraud with a Trump. Over 1200 cases already with Dems. The election should be halted, voter ID’d issued, mail In votes and ballot harvesting banned and strict restrictions on Absentee ballots. Move the election until December. The filthy stinking Democrats who boo God and love all manner of sins chest profusely and think they deserve power. They do not and Biden’s advisors have been 100% wrong on every foreign policy and domestic issue. They are rank incompetent.

  5. Go figure . Of corse shes rigging the elections for her self . The money’s good and she can get other Muslims in our country so easy . They pay her food to get in here and start crap against our country . With out the bots she’s done for . To many see how corrupt she is and want her gone . She needs al, the help she can get at this point .

    1. It is all on video. You must watch CNN or the real fake news and not recognize the obvious. Anyone who thinks Omar is not corrupt do not listen to her sorry mouth.

    2. Pretty soon America will find itself in big hot mess. Kiss goodbye to our democracy and hello to third world country voting system.

  6. When you vote at your polling station there is a computer program, within the voting booth machine, that tabulates the vote. It is possible to illegally insert a program to rig the election.

    We need handwritten ballots. Absentee voting ONLY for the military and overseas US embassy employees. If you are in jail or prison then you don’t vote. If you are sick at home or in the hospital, that would be unfortunate, but you can’t vote unless you go to your polling station. If you are out of state on business, vacation, or for any reason that also is unfortunate and you don’t get to vote. If voting is important enough to you then you will postpone other activities so that you can go to the polls and vote. If you are afraid of catching covid19 stay home and don’t vote. Otherwise, wear a mask and vote. I will be wearing a mask when I vote. My spouse, who is in a high risk category with respect to covid19, will not be voting.

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