Shocker: Vicious Beatdown Breaks Out at BLM and Biden Celebration Party in Wisconsin (VIDEO)


What a complete shock.
A Black Lives Matter goon beat the hell out of some liberal woman at a Biden celebration in Madison, Wisconsin.

Then when the BLM goon was arrested by police the protesters started screaming at the cops for arresting a black man.

This is your future under Democrat mob control.
God help us.

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    1. Linda – NOPE – that is their future – we don’t act that way but of course that doesn’t mean they won’t try to bring it to us. I wonder how many of us will have to give them what they are asking for before they get the message to leave us alone.

      1. They just keep voting for the same old has been corrupt politicians over and over. Joe Biden, 47 year corrupt politician that has done nothing good for America. This proves that brainwashing and indoctrination works well with the helpless victim society that has been created. Never in my life did I ever think America was going to turn into this. I hope they get what’s coming to them, I’m finished with all of this corrupt nonsense. Everybody better leave me alone. Don’t tread on me !!!!!

        1. RJB, as a ‘Nam vet, I have seen a lot of BS, in my life in other countries, and this country of ours is turning into one of them!!!!! When the thugs on the left, blm, antifa and the like can do what they are doing and when the LE steps in and the fools go off on them, the country as a whole is already down the tubes!!!!!! I fought and so did a lot of my Brothers and Sisters did and are to keep AMERICA free, and we have commies like harris, peloise, shummer, nadler, and of course biden, not forgetting to call out the dim wit governors who say they are following the Constitution and are slowing tearing it apart by letting all of the rioting, burning and looting to continue, we are lost a FREE COUNTRY!!!!!!!

    2. That’s been their plan. Then the fake from CA. can destroy America and become first woman of color to be prez. Both of these lousy people we will never accept and we will fight you. Revolution is right around the corned.

      1. If DOJ were to investigate, Harris would be deturmined to be Constitutionally ineligible for P, and VP., she is a 14th Amendment citizen child of two foreign nationals who were not immigrants but in America on visas. NOW, if her being VP stands it opens the door for thousands of Chinese 14th Amendment “citizens” to return to America and run for the P and VP positions, as well as other government positions…… coup successful!

        1. Even those born on US soil to an illegal alien are considered US Citizens…because we are stupid. It needs to be changed but it won’t be unless or until people pull their heads out and quit living in their comfort zones and stand and fight ( figuratively).

      2. Harris is NOT prepared to be POTUS. The plan, as I believe, is Harris will resign and BIDEN will select his VP (the Hildabeast). Then, Pelosi invokes the 25th Amendment and removes BIDEN. The Hildabeast become POTUS, and Pelosi assumes VP. What a pair to draw to!

    3. Heels up Harris will throw Dementia Joe under the very first bus she sees…the 25th Amendment is live!

    4. Are you kidding? It won’t be six months before they boot him out. He was nothing but a Trojan Horse anyway. The horrible thing is that Harris (a self-declared Marxist) will be President and NANCY PELOSI will be Vice President!! Worse than any nightmare you could have. But, the Globalists will have accomplished their goal of killing our freedom by putting people in office who will have us under communist/socialist/marxist rule God help us!

  1. Another trained chimpanzee goes berserk.
    Ship his ass back to the Serengeti and let’s see how he fares there.

  2. This is what is a real democracy, black mob rule, until the democrats object, which will be after the mobs cement control, then the black mobs will face being “neutralized”…and it will nt be by being sent to FEMA Camps, but ent to the plantation cemetery… this is how communists operate.

  3. “A Black Lives Matter goon beat the hell out of some liberal woman at a Biden celebration in Madison, Wisconsin”. This made my day. I hope this woman doesn’t think she’s going to find sympathy or help from pour side of the aisle?

  4. As a Boston democrat I witnessed voter fraud in Boston starting in the early 50’s and still continuing. The election is decided in the primaries in Boston. The voting machines had votes for the incumbent before the polls opened. While working for democrats at the polls I witnessed dead people voting. In 2009 I established residence in Florida. My name was still on the roll in 2010. A friend witnessed someone voting in my name in Franklin, MA. I filed a form in the summer of 2010 to remove my name.

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