A Bipartisan Prayer to be Channels of God’s Peace


I’ve been thinking a lot today about the Al Smith Dinner. That’s the dinner that raises money for charity in New York, where the Catholic archbishop of New York invites both presidential candidates in presidential-election years. It’s always controversial among some Catholics and other believers in God and the dignity of vulnerable human life, because the recent Democratic candidates support abortion rights and even expansion (Joe Biden and the Hyde amendment). I’ve always had mixed feelings about it, even though it gives to some important programs and brings people together.

When I asked Cardinal Dolan about the possible confusion and even scandal of having photos of him right by Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton back in 2012, he basically said that we’re really in trouble when we can’t pray and break bread together. Fast forward to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton at the Al Smith Dinner with Cardinal Dolan. A little miracle happened: The pastor got them to pray together with him privately. But then at a dinner where traditionally the candidates roast themselves in a lighthearted way, Donald Trump didn’t play by the rules. I know many people find that attractive about him. And, yes, I know harsh words don’t compare to the fact that abortion is legal in America. But you know what? With all the cruelty from Trump, hearts and minds aren’t being won to the issue that I consider critical for the survival of this country and the salvation of our souls. That’s a problem. Loving one another isn’t an idea from a Hallmark card but from Jesus Christ. And He’s my savior, not some politician.

Anyway, Cardinal Dolan was right. Donald Trump showed, but he violated the spirit of the exercise. We need Christians to set examples big-time right now in reaching out to people with whom we disagree, rather than tearing each other apart on social media and elsewhere — including the U.S. Capitol building. For once, I was not bother when Nancy Pelosi mentioned her Catholic faith tonight, as she invoked St. Francis in praying for peace.

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