Arizona Hospital Worker Says Nearly All of New COVID Cases are Illegal Aliens


A recent caller to the Garret Lewis show in Tucson says nearly all of the new COVID cases in the local hospital are illegal aliens.

After his inauguration, Joe Biden immediately opened the US southern border to illegal migrants and fake refugees. reported–

Via The Morning Ritual with Garret Lewis

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Eric’s wife is a nurse at Banner Hospital and says the hospital’s COVID ward had been empty over the past month but recently has filled up with non-English speaking COVID patients. Interesting timing as the illegal immigrants are welcomed into Pima County. The County will use this to show an increase in COVID and continue to lockdown our businesses.

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  1. Yes, thanks Biden for allowing this to happen. When State’s have kept businesses closed, staying isolated, self distancing no matter where you go….and now illegals get to come into our borders bringing God only knows what diseases come with them. It is sickening. ALL these illegals must be kept away from others for at least 2 weeks before heading off to who knows where. We once had Ellis Island where we did this and no one complained about it. WAKE UP all you so called leaders in Washington…..anymore and you all act like you don’t have a brain in your heads.

    1. Yes, you got it right they are the STUPID people in the world and they never learn no cure for STUPID.

    2. So True!!!!!! Biden and the Democrats are destroying our Country. Why do other countries have boards/passports etc.. But here in the USA we have to let every person in no questions ask. Have you gone to get your Covid Vaccine yet–they ask you 50 questions, ask for ID, Insurance cards, etc. But these bozos let every Tom Dick and Harry in. Welcome to Socialist thinking. Soon we will have to learn Chinese.


  2. Dementia jo is using the same play book from barack insane oboommoo by allowing illegal insurgents come across the border, only in barak’s case he allowed Zika across the border carried in on the illegal insurgents to spread in our country. Now dementia jo wants the never ending story of covid to keep in festering our country from the illegal insurgents.

    1. Get rid of the creep ! He & all of them are very SCARY!Sick ,Crazy ones trying to run our country! The Sooner the BETTER!!!Praying!🙏🙏🙏

  3. Let us, as US citizens, revolt!!!! We shouldn’t have to tolerate such insanity. Must be a way
    to kick him and his followers out of office — and not wait for 2 or 4 years.

    1. Agree, there is,has to be something,someone to hold all accountable,this is a blatant takeover for all the United States Citizens & World to see.
      We have the right, Brigadier Generals whom ever, as high as it goes,people secret positions we know are there, they also took oath to this nation,their family’s friends people


    3. Whats the big Problem with that ! Kamala- is waiting in The wings and she is even more liberal and radical than Dementia Joe.

    4. Wish we could but they will cheat on every election from now on … Jesus will punish the Democrats come judgment day for they all have blood in their hands for the butchering of the unborn … Jesus will show no mercy on these barbarians … the unborn will be there to witness this event … mark my word … in Jesus name we pray …

  4. The agenda for the democrats is clear. They are trying to dilute our population, which is already the most diverse population of any country. Instead of our population being mostly white, black, Hispanic and Asian, they want to have it Hispanic, black, white and Asian.

  5. Stupidly is bliss with the Democratic Party.
    Just one mistake after another with no regard for anyone but themselves. The message is clear folks…

  6. Mexico and Central America are sending their criminals north. The sick and diseased are coming north with the promise of free health care. And NO! I’m not saying all immigrants are criminals or diseased, so you bleeding-heart liberals can take your fingers off the trigger!
    If you are wondering why your hospital bills are obscenely high, it’s because you’re also paying for THEIR ‘free’ health care! The Washington demoncrats forgot to mention last year that the “Free education and free healthcare” promise will only apply to non-citizens.
    Think I’m just being cynical? Just wait. Remember, Libs – – YOU ASKED FOR IT!!

    1. While that’s true, there’s also another side. Besides the cheap labor, to watch their kids and clean their homes—and the permanent under-class they are creating to vote democrat, they are also helping destroy the future of these countries. Biden’s deliberate enticement is draining the most valuable resources these nations have—young people, including skilled laborers, in search of a better life in the US.

      As compassionate as that may sound, it leaves those countries with even less resources to make a positive impact on their own society. It’s similar to any other “brain drain,” that creates a vacuum in host nations, allowing for even more poverty and corruption, creating a potentially greater threat to neighboring nations, including this one. It’s really just another form of colonialism, exploiting human capital to benefit the wealthy, elite.

  7. CCP-19 all of a sudden ain’t so friggin dangerous that you can’t let millions of future Demo-rat voters enter the country is it Joe you imbecile ?

  8. I guess the Democrats and Biden want to keep millions of illegals coming in so they can give covid to the Americans. Don’t ask me the reason because all I know they want to flood Americans that will vote for them. Whose knows they are so corrupt.

  9. 243 years people! This country is going to revert like old people to it’s infancy. We have risen as the Alpha through hard work only to aged by a certain faction ( Democrats ) like a disease eroding at our very foundation.
    But remember, in our infancy, that just like the last little tea party thrown, we have a transition to relive, rebellion, revolution and suffering before this country can regain it’s sanity and start a new.
    Basic socialist/communist rules:
    1. Attack from within
    2. Control from within
    3. Eliminate all resistance, whether by attrition , war or plague.

    Keep your powder dry, your pitchforks sharp, your ears and eyes open and wits keen.

  10. When during the debates Biden called Trump stupid and an idiot I was enraged but I was wrong. Biden was looking at his image in his monitor. He was exactly right on; he’s an idiot. Actually he’s out of his fucking mind. Illegal immigrants are being treated better than citizens. Wake up America! You’re being sodomized by a left wing group of liberals.

  11. I wish the founders of the Constitution had put in a provision that the central government cannot create unfunded mandates like making states and private hospitals take care of, at their expense, illegal aliens encouraged to come in by one rogue, highly partisan President.

  12. The radical liberals destroying America. I hope all these immigrants get placed in democratic homes. Disgusting !

  13. Really? How many of you loud-mouths voted for these people that you are now raking over the coals?
    Unfortunately none of these lyings bags of smelly stuff comes with a warranty. If you voted for them then change your vote next time or do something now to get them expelled.

  14. With the democrats in control, it will not take long for them to destroy our country as we knew it. Being old has its advantages. I will not be around to see the demise of a once great nation.

  15. If a citizen protects his home from criminal home invaders and stands his ground that is permitted. What is the difference if an American citizen protects his greater home (the U.S.A.) from criminal invaders and stands their ground?


    They can be stopped, it just takes a backbone or a BIG set of testicles.

  16. It’s all about the math ladies and gentlemen. Weakened voters laws . Hundreds of thousand if not millions of illegals allowed into the country and various states . This all equals millions of new voters for the Democratic Party. The devils is in the details. Same as if DC gets statehood. 2 more Democratic senators. The Devil is in the details and the answers all always in The MATH!

  17. Well Joe, shortly your policies are going to start killing our own citizens. Stop the border crossings and get that fence built. Your stupidity seems to know no bounds.

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