SURPRISE! Hunter Biden’s Art Dealer Has Ties To China


Hunter Biden’s new career as a highly-paid artist continues to get shadier.

Last week, we learned that Hunter will meet with his supposedly anonymous buyers.

Now we are learning that his dealer has ties to China. You couldn’t make this up.

FOX News reports:

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Hunter Biden’s art dealer said he wanted to be the ‘lead guy in China’ in 2015

The art dealer representing the president’s son has longstanding ties to China and said in 2015 that he wanted to be the art world’s “lead guy in China.”

Georges Berges, who is representing Hunter Biden as he ventures into the art world, has talked about his business dealings in China in the past, but his reported ties could pose an ethics issue as he sells Biden’s art to anonymous buyers.

A representative for Berges previously told Fox News that the sales of Biden’s art will be kept “confidential.” The White House has said they have an ethics plan in place to ensure the president’s son doesn’t know who buyers are, though Hunter has raised eyebrows with plans to attend art shows where potential buyers will be in attendance.

Berges said in a 2015 interview with Resident that he wanted to be the art world’s leader in China.

“My plan is to be the lead guy in China; the lead collector and art dealer discovering and nurturing talent from that region,” Berges said. “I plan to find and discover and bring to the rest of the world those I consider China’s next generation of modern artists.”

PJ Media notes the obvious problem here:

The Biden regime keeps saying the buyers for Hunter’s “art” will be kept anonymous. That doesn’t help. Neither does Hunter admitting that he will meet with them. The potential is there for literally anyone — Xi Jinping, George Soros, the Iranian ayatollah, just about anyone — to funnel money directly into the Bidens’ bank account and then let them know on the sly that they’ve done so.

Democrats and the media would be losing their minds if this story was about Donald Trump Jr. and everyone knows it.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

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  1. Anyone who buys that worthless junk of his needs their head examined because its terrible and it looks like he still hasn’t kicked his drug addiction that got him dishonarbly booted from the military. The only people who would buy that trash would be mostly Chinese politicans who need favors from his Daddy the oval office oaf. They may even trade him Fentinol instead of buying the junk because you get garbage for garbage. Next he will probably white a book about how to hook up with your dead brothers wife for fun and profit.

  2. The only people interested in his art are chinese and fellow criminals, probably his circle of crack addicts.

  3. Clinton collected tens of millions of dollars in “contributions” to their non profit charity as a way to launder bribes paid for political influence. Hunter collected millions of dollars in “salary” for questionable board positions, and now will be allowed to collect millions of dollars for his “art”. Everyone knows it just a way around paying for influence…. yet the left investigated Trump for renting hotel rooms (at market price) to people from other countries that stayed here….. like they should have gone to “Super Eight” motels??????

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