This will blow your mind – Canada just introduced the most draconian ‘hate-crime’ bill ‘in the history of ANY democratic country’

Under the tyranny of Justin Trudeau, Canada has continued to slip farther away from freedom into what can only be described as Hitler-esque authoritarianism.

“I’ve got bad news, Glenn,” Rebel News founder Ezra Levant tells Glenn Beck. “Canada just introduced the most draconian, anti-free speech censorship bill in our history and in the history of any democratic country.”

Trudeau’s bill is called Bill C-63, and it’s a “hate crime bill” that primarily affects “social media” and essentially “criminalizes a human emotion.”

“If you have quote ‘fear of hate’ … you can get a judge to issue a kind of restraining order against your enemy before he does anything, before he says anything, and that restraining order can include house arrest, giving up any lawful firearms, limiting who he can talk to directly or indirectly, limiting the places he can go, and requiring him to to take urine and blood tests – just because you are quote ‘afraid’ he might in the future say some hate speech,” he explains, adding that the so-called perpetrator “doesn’t have to have done anything in the past” to be required to go through the process, making it “a pre-crime bill.”

But that’s just the beginning of Trudeau’s oppressive legislation.

The bill also proposes “that anyone in Canada, even noncitizens, can file hate speech complaints against anyone, and if they’re successful, they get $20,000 from the target, and the target has to pay a fine of up to $50,000,” Ezra adds.

Because the bill primarily impacts social media, “if there’s anyone who has a YouTube video, a Tweet, a Facebook comment that you think creates hate, you can go to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal and complain about it. You don’t have to hire a lawyer, you don’t have to spend any money; the government will have the hearing, and if your complaint is upheld, you get 20 grand.”

“Wait, wait, wait. Who gets the remaining 30?” asks Glenn.

“20 goes to the complainant, and an additional 50 goes to the government, so you’re on the hook for 70 grand,” Ezra says, adding that the bill also “applies to all of your historical work that’s online – so long as it is still online and you control it. “

“They can go back through your history five years, ten years … and complain about literally every tweet you [made], literally every YouTube video,” he says, adding that “this will bankrupt any critic of the regime.”

And yet somehow, it gets even worse.

“You can make a complaint in secret, and the target of your complaint never gets to know your identity,” says Ezra. “This is all in Bill C-63, and when you take it all together, this is the most draconian, anti-free speech bill anywhere in the world, other than I suppose Iran and China who just do this stuff naturally.”

And to top it off, “they’ve created a stand-alone hate crime law” that could result in “life in prison.”

To learn what this bill means for Canadian conservatives like Ezra and Jordan Peterson and how likely it is to pass in Parliament, watch the clip below.

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