West Coast Messed Coast™: Failed Calif. Gov. Newsom Defends Biden’s Debate Failure

News & Politics

Now that the debate (if such a term can be applied to a back-and-forth with a dementia patient) is over, even most Democrats have had to admit that Joe Biden belongs in a nursing home, not the White House. One Democrat who is still in total denial mode is California’s governor, Gavin Newsom. 


It seems that failed Democrat officials with disastrous track records will stick together through thick, thin, and utter embarrassment. From the debate to SCOTUS decision fallout to a coach fired for defending his female athletes, here is your West Coast, Messed Coast™ news for this week.

Democrats of a feather will stick together 

As Jane Austen wrote, “Draw no limits in future to the impudence of an impudent man.” Gavin Newsom, the governor who fiddled at the French Laundry while California burned, is actually trying to frame the debate as a victory for brain-dead Joe and a loss for Donald Trump. Newsom, who recently made headlines for his blatant lies and misinformation about his state’s border security, is all over Twitter/X pretending that Trump did nothing but lie and that Joe Biden is the candidate Americans need to rally behind. Newsom seems to have been imbibing a little too much of his own Napa Valley wine.

Newsom did retweet Biden’s claim, “I cannot think of one thing Trump said that was true.” Of course, it was pretty clear last night that Biden cannot think of anything at all. The California dictator — ahem, governor — also dismissed the suggestion that Biden should step down from the campaign. “You don’t turn your back because of one performance.  What kind of party does that?” he scoffed. “This president has delivered.  We need to deliver for him at this moment.” All that Biden — or Newsom, for that matter — has delivered is economic crisis, mass illegal migration and its consequent crime rash, national and international instability, and woke grooming of kids.


Yet Newsom is still hard-core promoting Biden. For instance, sharing a clip of his completely nonsensical analysis, Newsom commented, “Donald Trump is a serial liar who is responsible for rape victims being forced to carry their abuser’s child to term.” In the clip, Newsom asserted Trump was “talking down” our economy — which Biden ruined — and our “democracy.” Newsom must have missed the day in school where you learn that America was never a democracy, it’s a democratic republic.

In reality, of course, Trump is simply responsible for the overturn of Roe v. Wade, which returned the abortion issue to the states. Trump (unfortunately) also supports abortion exceptions for rape victims. Newsom, no doubt, since he is lying about Trump, neither knows nor cares that, as of 2022, nearly 80% of rape victims who had an abortion later regretted killing their babies, while over 80% of women who did not abort after being raped were happy with their decision.

There is a reason that people have been leaving California in droves under Newsom’s leadership (to use the term very loosely). He and Biden are both colossal failures. And who is the bigger fool, the fool or the fool who defends him?

Abortion cheerleaders

Speaking of harmful Democrat politicians who love killing babies… The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to punt and allow the Biden administration to force Idaho to include abortions as necessary stabilizing care for pregnant women was not enough for Washington Gov. Jay Inslee. Despite the fact that thousands of doctors have testified that abortion is never necessary to save a woman’s life, it’s an argument Democrats continue to make and that the Supreme Court fell for. But the court’s decision was not quite pro-abortion enough for Inslee’s taste.


For most Democrats now, it is not enough to permit abortion as the court did, one must be exhilarated and excited by killing babies, encouraging it as much as possible. “Once again, the Supreme Court has endangered pregnant patients by refusing to make a clear ruling protecting abortion access, even when a patient’s health is at risk,” sobbed Inslee on Twitter/X. “No matter what, hospitals in Washington will continue to provide emergency abortion care.” No aborted babies were available for comment.

Farewell to Pride Month

June marks not only the end of the term for the Supreme Court but also the end of Pride Month (cue the woke meltdowns). In Oregon, this Pride Month was also the month a coach lost his job for trying to keep biological males out of women’s sports.

Ironically, John Parks, “the now-former track and field coach at Lake Oswego High School in Oregon,” per Outkick, supports transgender athletes and thinks they should be given their own division and facilities. But because he thinks that biological males using female pronouns should be separated from actual girls, he lost his job. Outkick, reporting on Parks’s discussion with activist Riley Gaines, summarized the facts:

The former coach wrote letters to Executive Director of the Oregon Student Activities Association (OSAA), Peter Weber, and to state Sen. Rob Wagner urging them to create an “open” division for trans athletes to compete in… Parks told Gaines that he had yet to receive a response for the letter he sent to the state, but went on to explain that two days after sending the letter, his athletic director at Lake Oswego told him that the state had received it, but that it “couldn’t respond,” insinuating the state did not want to face any backlash.

According to Parks, the athletic director and principal of the school agreed with Parks’ letter calling for an open division, but they had to “be careful” with that opinion.


Parks had written in his letters, “The solution to trans athletes is to have an open category like a gender-neutral bathroom.” This “[a]llows competition opportunities but doesn’t make a mockery of the reason females compete in their own category.” Unfortunately, woke activists are extremely dedicated to making a mockery of female sports, and some people are too afraid to stand up to the LGBTQ bullies.

As Outkick wrote, Parks “expressed [his] opinion by standing up for his female athletes, and in doing so, lost his job.” The People’s Republic of Oregon does not allow dissenting opinions! Off to the gulag you go!

Mock the Commies

The West Coast might be turning into a Communist nightmare, but that makes it especially important to keep our sense of humor. For instance, if we don’t laugh at Biden’s debate performance, we will have to cry:

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