
Less than a month after leaving office, President Trump slammed Mitch McConnell. “The Republican Party can never again be respected or strong with political ‘leaders’ like Sen. Mitch McConnell at its helm,” he said. “McConnell’s dedication to business as usual, status quo policies, together with his lack of political insight, wisdom, skill, and personality, has
The sun sets behind the Capitol dome in Washington, D.C., November 6, 2018. (James Lawler Duggan/Reuters) Over the past week, some pundits have warmed to a 55-vote threshold for cloture in the U.S. Senate (compared with the current requirement of 60 votes). Writing for the Washington Post, Greg Sargent brought in a former Robert Byrd
Stephen Colbert inside the White House press-briefing room, July 27, 2007 (Larry Downing/Reuters) The recent interplay between Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert regarding the possibility of a COVID lab leak was a fascinating example of where their recent career choices have taken them. As Kyle Smith wrote, Stewart showed that part of him is still
A student group inspired by Greta Thunberg to fight global warming admitted that they have been a “racist, white-dominated space” and then disbanded. The Auckland chapter of New Zealand’s School Strike 4 Climate movement made the announcement in a post on Facebook on Saturday. The post said that under the guidance of their BIPOC members
A pop-up COVID-19 vaccination site accidentally gave patients expired doses of the Pfizer vaccine, and are now saying that these patients must get another shot because the firm that operates the vaccination site “cannot guarantee the effectiveness” of the expired doses. ATC Vaccination Services, which operated the pop-up vaccination site located at the “NFL Experience”
A Trump-appointed federal judge for the Western District of Louisiana on Tuesday issued a preliminary injunction halting the Biden Administration’s pause on new oil and gas leasing on public land. U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty’s injunction follows several lawsuits filed by Republican controlled states that stand to be devastated by Biden’s moratorium. The judge did
Founder, Chairman, CEO and President of Amazon Jeff Bezos unveils his space company called Blue Moon during an event in Washington, U.S., May 9, 2019. (Clodagh Kilcoyne/Reuters) ProPublica, billionaires, and you. Editor’s note: The following is an edited version of the Capital Letter published on June 12, 2021. However much some on the left might
A woman holds a sign during a pro-life march in Queens, New York, October 20, 2012. (Andrew Kelly/Reuters) Nearly three-quarters of church-going Catholics believe public officials who oppose Church teaching should not receive Communion, according to a new poll. CatholicVote poll results released Tuesday show 74 percent of Catholics who regularly attend Mass believe that
Federal Bureau of Investigation director Christopher Wray testified before Congress that he did not know that Parler had alerted the FBI about violent plans for the rally on Jan. 6 that turned into rioting. Parler, the social media app touted for its emphasis on free speech, was deplatformed after being accused of allowing violent rhetoric
How does MSNBC justify such dishonesty? The cable network is continuing to smear conservatives as racist because of their opposition to critical race theory and the historically inaccurate and debunked 1619 Project. On Monday night’s The ReidOut, host Joy Reid featured 1619 Project founder, Nikole Hannah-Jones to discuss the dangers of teaching “whitewashed history”  which
“STOP RAPING PEOPLE!”  You’ll get that after you listen to this episode. At long last, my friend and colleague, Townhall Senior Columnist Larry O’Connor joins me on the podcast. Last week when we were coordinating our schedules Larry had just written this column that takes a look back at when our dearly departed friend Andrew
(Natural News) America’s fakest “doctor,” Anthony Fauci, has a disease. And that disease is demarcated by a fear of other human beings, a fear of intimacy, and a narcissistic desire to impose these fears on everyone else in the name of “disease prevention,” a schtick he has been peddling for more than 40 years. It
(Natural News) For months, the mainstream media has been decrying the idea of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine passports” as some kind of wild conspiracy theory drummed up by “science deniers.” But now, the European Union is introducing them for real, shifting the world one step closer towards a full-fledged mark of the beast. According to
Official Photo of Nikki Fried (State of Florida/Wikimedia Commons) Since we last checked in with Nikki Fried’s conspiracy-theory heavy gubernatorial campaign, the candidate has delivered . . . well, pretty much exactly what one would expect. Per Florida Politics, Fried is not exactly setting the world on fire: The $214,832 collected by the committee Florida Consumers
Senator John Cornyn (R., Texas) speaks before the Senate Judiciary Committee in Washington, D.C., on February 22, 2021. (Demetrius Freeman/Reuters) The Senate passed legislation Tuesday that designates Juneteenth, the anniversary of the emancipation of those who were enslaved in the United States, a national holiday. Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer reportedly asked for unanimous
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The Vatican has publicly rebuked conservative American bishops over their efforts to deny Communion to President Joe Biden and other prominent supporters of abortion ahead of a major conference this week where the issue is set to be debated. What are the details? In a sermon this month, Pope Francis preached that Communion “is not
The big three cable networks appear to be working hand-in-glove with Democrats, echoing President Joe Biden’s deceptive attacks on Republican voter integrity laws across the U.S. while ignoring the Democrats’ election takeover via H.R. 1, the “For the People” Act. A NewsBusters analysis of ABC, CBS, and NBC evening news coverage from March 1 through
Ana Navarro shocked absolutely no one during Monday’s episode of “The View” when she defended Jeffrey Toobin’s return to CNN after the legal analyst’s embarrassing Zoom call masturbation fiasco last fall that cost him his longtime job with the New Yorker. What did Navarro say? After viewing part of Toobin’s on-air return to CNN, which
This week we’re coming to you from wild country – no, not just Washington, D.C., but Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, where we’ve been slapping down flying insects while looking at the great expanse wondering, “Why can’t people ever successfully stand up on these things called ‘stand-up paddleboards’”? Is this a trick of some sort? A metaphor?