
President Biden holds a news conference after the U.S.-Russia summit with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, in Geneva, Switzerland, June 16, 2021. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters) What the Marshall Plan can teach us about the Belt and Road Initiative Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a staple of Chinese foreign policy, is a multitrillion-dollar investment project that
A federal judge in Louisiana has blocked the Biden administration’s suspension of new oil and gas leases on federal land and water, claiming the administration provided no “rational explanation” for the ban and did not follow the law in executing it. Judge Terry Doughty of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana
Wholesale prices in the U.S. increased at their fastest annual rate ever in May, driven by rising food prices, as soaring inflation threatens to derail the post-pandemic economic recovery. The producer price index, which measures inflation pressure before it reaches consumers, rose 0.8 percent in May for an annual gain of 6.6 percent, the biggest jump
Anthony Fauci discusses the coronavirus outbreak with the media outside the White House, March 12, 2020. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) Dr. Anthony Fauci joined CBS This Morning on Wednesday for a segment in which he defended and misrepresented his record of public statements on the coronavirus’s origins. “If you go back then, even though you lean towards feeling this
Texas Governor Greg Abbott speaks at the National Rifle Association convention in Dallas, Texas, May 4, 2018. (Lucas Jackson/Reuters) Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a law Wednesday banning the public school system from incorporating Critical Race Theory (CRT), which teaches that America is intrinsically, historically, and systematically racist, into classroom curricula. CRT more specifically
Ivory Hecker, the Fox affiliate reporter who went off-script during a Monday report that went viral, has been fired from her job at the Texas network. Hecker, who stated that “Fox Corp.” was “muzzling” her and stopping viewers from receiving “certain information,” now states that the station has been trying to prevent its reporters from
The idea of children, including preschoolers, walking around with bacteria traps on their breathing orifices all day so shocked the conscience that last summer, a bunch of internet parodies were produced illustrating such absurdity. Then, within weeks, most local governments mandated this cruel form of child abuse for an entire year without any study of
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(Natural News) We now have intel from multiple sources, both public and private, that indicate a large-scale cyber warfare strike against America’s infrastructure will be attempted soon, possibly carried out by both the communist Chinese (for their own strategic reasons) but also potentially aided by the U.S. deep state that seeks to sow chaos in
(Natural News) A “community interest company” that says it conducts research on behalf of the general public with no conflicts of interest has issued a “yellow card” warning against Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines,” which “may require further investigation” to “identify issues which might not have been previously known about” concerning their safety. In a letter,
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) called out President Joe Biden on Tuesday, branding him a “hypocrite” after the White House announced its own fireworks display for the Fourth of July after rejecting her state’s request to hold a fireworks display at Mount Rushmore on Independence Day. What are the details? Back in March, the
President Joe Biden and world leaders are spending the week discussing the biggest issues across the globe. But Mike Pompeo, former Secretary of State during the Trump administration, believes more needs to be done. Pompeo joined the “Glenn Beck Radio Program” Tuesday to talk about President Biden’s upcoming meeting with Russian president Vladimir Putin, and
Less than a month after leaving office, President Trump slammed Mitch McConnell. “The Republican Party can never again be respected or strong with political ‘leaders’ like Sen. Mitch McConnell at its helm,” he said. “McConnell’s dedication to business as usual, status quo policies, together with his lack of political insight, wisdom, skill, and personality, has
The sun sets behind the Capitol dome in Washington, D.C., November 6, 2018. (James Lawler Duggan/Reuters) Over the past week, some pundits have warmed to a 55-vote threshold for cloture in the U.S. Senate (compared with the current requirement of 60 votes). Writing for the Washington Post, Greg Sargent brought in a former Robert Byrd
Stephen Colbert inside the White House press-briefing room, July 27, 2007 (Larry Downing/Reuters) The recent interplay between Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert regarding the possibility of a COVID lab leak was a fascinating example of where their recent career choices have taken them. As Kyle Smith wrote, Stewart showed that part of him is still
A student group inspired by Greta Thunberg to fight global warming admitted that they have been a “racist, white-dominated space” and then disbanded. The Auckland chapter of New Zealand’s School Strike 4 Climate movement made the announcement in a post on Facebook on Saturday. The post said that under the guidance of their BIPOC members
A pop-up COVID-19 vaccination site accidentally gave patients expired doses of the Pfizer vaccine, and are now saying that these patients must get another shot because the firm that operates the vaccination site “cannot guarantee the effectiveness” of the expired doses. ATC Vaccination Services, which operated the pop-up vaccination site located at the “NFL Experience”
A Trump-appointed federal judge for the Western District of Louisiana on Tuesday issued a preliminary injunction halting the Biden Administration’s pause on new oil and gas leasing on public land. U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty’s injunction follows several lawsuits filed by Republican controlled states that stand to be devastated by Biden’s moratorium. The judge did
Founder, Chairman, CEO and President of Amazon Jeff Bezos unveils his space company called Blue Moon during an event in Washington, U.S., May 9, 2019. (Clodagh Kilcoyne/Reuters) ProPublica, billionaires, and you. Editor’s note: The following is an edited version of the Capital Letter published on June 12, 2021. However much some on the left might
A woman holds a sign during a pro-life march in Queens, New York, October 20, 2012. (Andrew Kelly/Reuters) Nearly three-quarters of church-going Catholics believe public officials who oppose Church teaching should not receive Communion, according to a new poll. CatholicVote poll results released Tuesday show 74 percent of Catholics who regularly attend Mass believe that