
(Facebook) Griffin John Namin, 21, passed away after a long battle with brain cancer on June 26th. He was an upstart political figure in Connecticut politics, one of the younger operatives in the state’s GOP infrastructure. Widely known in the town of Southbury for his charm, political insight, and civic enthusiasm, Griffin was something of
Who are Alison Collins, Faauuga Moliga, Mark Sanchez, Stevon Cook, Jenny Lam, Rachel Norton, and Gabriela Lopez? For starters, they’re the seven members of the Board of Education in San Francisco. These people just voted unanimously to destroy important 80-year-old wall murals in a public high school because they … Read More
President Donald Trump attends a campaign kick-off rally in Orlando, Fla., June 18, 2019. (Carlo Allegri/Reuters) Acknowledge Trump’s achievements and help him win reelection. Then roll out a new party, not as a spoiler but as support for conservative principles.   The debate on the prospects for post-Trump conservatism has recently focused on the tactical
Demonstrators march past a McDonald’s restaurant during a protest calling for a $15-an-hour nationwide minimum wage in Chicago, Ill., in 2016. (Jim Young/Reuters) . . . and also evaluates $12 and $10 options, in a fascinating if speculative new report. (The effects of minimum wage are hotly debated, so while the CBO aims to base
Jeffrey Epstein (center) appears in court where he pleaded guilty to two prostitution charges in West Palm Beach, Fla., July 30, 2008. (Uma Sanghvi/Palm Beach Post via Reuters) Billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein, who was indicted Monday on child sex-trafficking charges, helped president Bill Clinton devise the Clinton Global Initiative, according to a letter his attorneys
Sen. Elizabeth Warren speaks during the first Democratic presidential debate in Miami, Fla., June 26, 2019. (Mike Segar/Reuters) Senator Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign raised more than $19 million during the second quarter of this year, the third-most of any contender for the Democratic nomination over that span. From April 1 through June 30, approximately 384,000
Former Vice President Joe Biden speaks during the second night of the first Democratic presidential candidates debate in Miami, Fla., June 27, 2019. (Mike Segar/Reuters) Joe Biden Wants to Resurrect the Individual Mandate Reports CNBC: Joe Biden, former vice president and 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful, said Friday he would bring back the individual mandate, the
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (Carlo Allegri/Reuters) New York governor Andrew Cuomo on Monday signed into law a measure allowing Congress to obtain President Trump’s New York state tax returns. “This bill gives Congress the ability to fulfill its Constitutional responsibilities, strengthen our democratic system and ensure that no one is above the law,” Cuomo
Has anyone noticed that Democrats have become a lot quieter on the subject of impeachment lately? Robert Mueller will testify before the House Judiciary Committee in ten days, but the fevered demands for Donald Trump’s removal have receded. One key result from the latest Washington Post/ABC poll shows why: 37% support for Congress initiating impeachment
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi during her weekly news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., June 27, 2019. (Leah Millis/Reuters) House speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) clashed over the weekend with Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) after making dismissive remarks about the influence of Ocasio-Cortez and other young progressives in the caucus. “All these people
2020 Democratic presidential hopeful Andrew Yang on requiring Amazon to pay their fair share in taxes by proposing a ‘value-added tax.’ FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOX News Radio, FOX News Headlines 24/7, and the direct-to-consumer streaming service, FOX Nation. FOX News also produces FOX News Sunday
Rep. Justin Amash speaks at CPAC 2013 (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters) It’s not at all clear. He could hurt Democrats in some states. Now that Representative Justin Amash has left the Republican party, he’ll be getting some calls asking whether he plans to run for president in 2020. Never Trumpers and consultants and left-wing billionaires will be
Henry Olsen, an occasional National Review contributor, writes in the Washington Post: [Justin] Amash is right that millions of Americans are unhappy with the choices the two major parties give them. But he is wrong in his implicit assumption that they yearn for a more consistently principled libertarianism. Political analyst Lee Drutman showed this conclusively
The Real Clear Politics report claims Mueller’s team relied on a ‘private contractor for the Democratic National Committee’; reaction from Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz, Republican member of the House Judiciary Committee, and former Watergate prosecutor Jon Sale. FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOX News Radio, FOX News Headlines
Sen. Kamala Harris speaks during the second night of the first Democratic presidential candidates debate in Miami, Fla., June 27, 2019. (Mike Segar/Reuters) Many Democrats striving to replace Donald Trump are, while execrating him, paying him the sincerest form of flattery: imitation. If California senator Kamala Harris is elected president in 2020 and reelected in
Jordan Peterson (Gage Skidmore) A group of mostly young writers challenge the Left’s excesses. The dominant assumption in conservative circles is that college campuses are left-wing echo chambers with little room for dissenting opinion. But this assumption misses a host of previously apolitical or liberal college students who are voluntarily seeking out conservative thought as